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Corgi or Not?

Below is my boyfriend's mom's dog Pepper, with my puppy Nibbler. We're not quite sure what mix Pepper is, but the people at the shelter thought she might be part corgi. She has short fur and has a very light bone structure, maybe part chihuahua, or part dachshund? She is a sweet dog anyway, but what do you think?…


Added by Mary on October 11, 2009 at 1:45am — 9 Comments

Deer Antlers

OMG!!! Thank you all who have posted about deer antlers! I got mine on Friday, and at first, Nutmeg was weary...but she has since become in love!

Added by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on October 10, 2009 at 11:31pm — 8 Comments

Your giggle for the day

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

Added by Lawren and Teddy on October 10, 2009 at 10:23pm — 4 Comments

Goldy comes home in FOUR days!!!

Our new girl is coming home on Wednesday. I'm on fall break this week, so I'm doing some preparations for her arrival.

I already have some puppy food, I transitioned Bear over to adult food when he was about 1/3 of the way through a bag of puppy food, so I put the remains in some air tight containers for Goldy's arrival - but I'm trying to make sure I have everything. I also have a crate - Bear's old one - and I have a leash.

I've made a pet store list:

*… Continue

Added by Stephanie on October 10, 2009 at 7:30pm — 10 Comments

Autumn hike, with pictures

Spring in this part of the country leaves something to be desired (unless you're a big fan of mud), but autumn is splendid.

Despite some threatening skies, we took the dogs hiking today. We were going to go to a spot in the woods, but we had heavy rain yesterday so we opted for our favorite ridge-top instead. Unfortunately we were a bit careless in reading the map (I think we'd be an embarrassment to John, Al, and Gwynnie!!), and instead of the trail we wanted (the one with the view)… Continue

Added by Beth on October 10, 2009 at 7:00pm — 12 Comments

Foods to avoid feeding your dog.

Thought this might be helpful to everybody :)

You may have to copy and paste the link.

Added by Debbie, Sadie & Joey on October 10, 2009 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

looking to adopt a corgi in East TN

We recently moved and now that we've settled in, we'd like to adopt a young corgi(not necessarily a pup). We have a fenced yard and dog door and a playmate already. She's a 4 or 5 year old mmm...maybe dobie/beagle mix?...we got her from a rescue and she's a wonderful dog. We're looking for a friend for her and I've almost always had corgis. Anyone know of one? I've been checking with rescues.

Added by Tammy Jo Gleckler on October 10, 2009 at 2:45pm — 1 Comment

Stella's surgery went well and she's back home!

Just a quick update on Stella. They said her surgery went well and I was able to pick her up this morning! :) She's back home and resting. She's still a little out of it from the meds. But she ate as soon as I brought her home, so that's a good sign! Here's a picture of her. They put the scarf on her at the veterinary hospital. In case you didn't see my response to my previous post, thanks to everyone who wrote and gave me advice and shared their… Continue

Added by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on October 10, 2009 at 12:31pm — 6 Comments

Corgi Post-It-Notes!

Spreading the corgi love everywhere! Available thru

Added by Henrys Person on October 10, 2009 at 1:05am — 4 Comments

Chloe is jealous of Ruby my cat.

My cat Ruby is 10 years old, and was recently diagnosed with a rapid heart rate. Chloe loves to bother and annoy Ruby. At bedtime Chloe is in her crate, Ruby wvalks around and wants some Mama time. Ruby meows, Chloe barks. I am concerned that Ruby will get so worked up that she'll have a heart attack.

I am correcting Chloe with "no touch" when she tries to mouth Ruby. . My husband thinks I should put Chloe in her crate as a timeout when behaves this way.

Got any ideas?

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on October 10, 2009 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

Found a PA Breeder!

I e-mailed her from her website and she has a litter coming November 21, which is three days before my birthday! What a wonderful gift for myself. I can't wait. I do hope everything goes smoothly. The breeder is in Mercer, Pennsylvania, which is a good five/six hour drive from me, but it's mostly highway, so that's not bad.

I have a name picked out already. I decided to call it Reznor, after Nine Inch Nails' frontman, Trent Reznor, who was born and raised in Mercer, PA.

I… Continue

Added by Masa and Reznor on October 9, 2009 at 10:57pm — 2 Comments


Recently Domino has been scratching a lot. I have bathed her and put her flea medication on her but she's still scratching. This leads me to believe that she might have an allergy and/or sensitive skin. I have also given thought to it being the fact that her winter coat is coming in and she's shedding A LOT lately. I intend on buying a Furminator come payday and I've tried to be sure to brush her every other day to get all the loose hair off.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what… Continue

Added by Krista Meyer on October 9, 2009 at 8:39pm — 1 Comment

mummy wow! i'm a big boy now!

yep, i'm officially a big boy now. i'm 1! unfortunately due to the poor weather last weekend, we had to re-schedule my party to this sunday but i don't care! i'm just too excited. the family still treated me like a prince on my real birthday but i'm getting my real party anyway! woo hoo! i can't wait to meet so many new friends and re-connect with old ones. i had such a great time at the last meet up. mum is going to get the ingredients for my b-day cake today. hopefully she'll let me be the… Continue

Added by Ein Danger on October 9, 2009 at 10:30am — 9 Comments

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It has been raining heavily here ever since I got home from work (of course, sunny all day, and as soon as I leave work, torrential downpour). This is always fun with the dogs, of course, as it makes potty time a tad complicated. Sky doesn't mind quite as much, although he has something against having a bowel movement in the rain.. go figure. Lyla, on the other hand, tries to claw her way back through the door, even when I go out with her! This, of course, means that she comes in and goes right… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on October 8, 2009 at 8:20pm — 7 Comments

Hooray! Maddie learned to sit today!

Learning to sit may not seem like such a huge accomplishment. Jack, after all, knows a couple dozen commands and will learn a new one in a couple training sessions, as long as it makes sense to him. And I've been teaching emergency recall (thanks to the people here who made me realize how important it is), and in a day or two they both learned that my recall word ("recall," how original!) meant very tasty treats and they'll both come running.

But sit? In Maddie's "former life" she… Continue

Added by Beth on October 8, 2009 at 6:52pm — 10 Comments

Wellness Puppy

So I recently switched Sadie over to Wellness Puppy after feeding her Blue Buffalo for a while. I loved Blue Buffalo and what it did for her coat, but unfortunetly she stopped eating it! She would only eat it if I were to mix it with something, so I am trying something different. So far she seems to like Wellness and is eating it the majority of the time, she is one picky little girl! Although, I haven't noticed any big changes in her coat, which I am hoping stays the same because it is so nice… Continue

Added by Sarah, Sadie & Dexter on October 8, 2009 at 5:40pm — 10 Comments


When I was at the vet the other day, I asked him if Scarlet would need to wear the cone around her neck. The vet said that Welsh Corgis really can't wear the cones: They catch on the floor when the dog walks because they're so close to the ground!

I thought that was hilarious...

Added by Molly Przybelinski on October 8, 2009 at 1:20pm — 10 Comments

Happy Birthday, Jimmy.

I want to wish my precious boy Jimmy a very happy second birthday. Jimmy will have a party with his sister Gemma & friends this afternoon. I'm sure they will enjoy the vanilla ice cream. : )

Added by Dolores G. Russell on October 8, 2009 at 8:51am — 8 Comments

Such cute puppies on LOLdogs...

cute pictures of puppies with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures' />

Added by Stephanie on October 7, 2009 at 9:01pm — 7 Comments

For As Big of Ears As She Has...

Our one and a half year old Chloe recently has stopped listening to our calls of "come" when she's outside doing her business. We don't have a fenced in yard and used to always put her on a chain to go, but she had been pretty good at listening for awhile so we started letting her out off her chain and just watching her from the deck. We've done this for a number of months. However recently it seems like she just wants to hang out outside and sniff around and eat things she probably… Continue

Added by Laura K. on October 7, 2009 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

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