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a question about shedding

Hi ...I know shedding is normal with our corgis but my Cisco has this problem that when you touch his coat the fur easily gets off not one but a that normal im scared in humans it, is not normal pulling your hair and easily gets off....anyone experience this?

Added by AlanEthel and Cisco on July 16, 2009 at 11:09pm — 2 Comments

Almost out of the danger zone...

Thanks to everyone who responded earlier. D is almost out of the woods. The vet told me to make sure I fed her bread, which hopefully would surround the bone and cushion it as it travels through her system. She has had about five bowel movements today (normal for her- lol) and there is no blockage as of yet, no blood, or anything that the vet told me to look for and Dakota is stil prancing around like a wacko. If D is still fine tomorrow, the vet said we should be in the clear. She hasn't… Continue

Added by Jenn on July 16, 2009 at 10:07pm — 1 Comment

Wrigley made it on my favorite website!

Added by Jeny (and Wrigley) on July 16, 2009 at 7:56pm — 5 Comments

Sidney's first Therapy visit

Today was the big day; our first visit to a facility after passing the Therapy dog exam. My daughter was nervous (she's Sidney's handler) and Sidney was just excited to be going out for a ride!

In our group was a standard poodle, a toy poodle and a cockapoo. Our first stop was an activity room for patients with memory problems. These residents were a bit older and we less alert, so the interaction with the dogs was more limited. Sidney was not nervous at all, more curious about all… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on July 16, 2009 at 4:30pm — 10 Comments

Got Bitten by a Lab

Last night I took Shiro for a walk and noticed that there were two dogs in our neighborhood dog park. He loves to play, so we came over and before entering asked the owner if her dogs were good with puppies. She said yes. Shiro was very excited to meet them at first, but then they kinda lost interest in each other and were just walking around and running occasionally. At some point Shiro got under the Lab like he likes to do with big dogs all the time. Well it was a bad idea. I heard loud… Continue

Added by Beauty and the Beast on July 16, 2009 at 1:24pm — 8 Comments


when should i start training Romeo?
Should i get a trainer?
Should i get a private trainer? petco training?
Romeo doesn't pee or poop outside but inside. what should i do?
How many times should i feed ROmeo? he is 3 month old.
is dry beneful pup food okay? because when i went to google and search about beneful some people said that beneful uses artifical meat and veg.

Added by Rachel & Romeo on July 16, 2009 at 10:30am — 16 Comments

Freaking out

My Dakota ate a chicken wing bone this morning! My cat must have pulled it out of the garbage and she ate it before I knew it. I am so scared... I don't know what to do!

Added by Jenn on July 16, 2009 at 7:14am — 7 Comments

Kato's first time at the dog beach park

I took Kato to the dog beach park for the first time. It was really funny how Kato looked confused when the ocean water kept surging and retreating on the shoreline. He even barked at the water moving onto the shore lol.

Kato jumped in the water when he saw the other dogs swimming. With his itty bitty legs, he wasnt the best swimmer but he was braver than some of the bigger dogs that were too scared to go in the water. He spent most of his time running along the shorline instead of… Continue

Added by Debbie and her pup Kato on July 16, 2009 at 1:16am — 3 Comments

My puppy's turning 4!!

Tomorrow, July 16, Dally turns the big 4! I can't believe she's four years old already!! In September I'll celebrate our four-year anniversary of the day she entered my life.

In the four years Dally has graced the Earth with her presence (that's how she looks at it, at least), we've done so much. Only a few months after I took her home from that barn over an hour away from my hometown, we moved to Texas, where I finished her potty training… Continue

Added by Megan on July 15, 2009 at 9:26pm — 3 Comments

Where Did Your 15lbs Come From?!

Oh Skyler, when did you become 15lbs? Weren't you barely 5lbs when you first came into my life??? And I don't care what people say, I will still try to carry him like a baby! ...For now... ^_~

So Sky got neutered last week and is doing just fine! He is running around like he is all better but he is still finishing up his antibiotics. I just resumed taking him on short walks. With all his pent up energy after the surgery, he started getting restless and would bark at people. Now that… Continue

Added by Laura on July 15, 2009 at 8:50pm — No Comments

Corgi Greeting Cards are here!

Here are my new corgi greeting cards, fresh off the press! Please take a look at them here:

Added by Henrys Person on July 15, 2009 at 7:17pm — 10 Comments

Surgery Tomorrow!

Lyla is getting spayed tomorrow and I'm so nervous! When Sky got neutered it was horrible!! He was sooo sick after, in so much pain, and ended up even getting a UTI. From the talking I have done with dog owners since I have learned this is not common, especially in males, but I'm just so anxious about going through all that again. The first night I brought him back was literally so bad I had to board him at the vet for the next two days because I didn't get any sleep between the licking,… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on July 15, 2009 at 5:48pm — 4 Comments

Superstar is scared of lightning--real bad!

Although there seems to be a monsoon in Florida this summer, it couldnt get worse! My Superstar is terrified of lightning, that when she wants to go to the bathroom, she looks outside and wants to get back in, even when it is sunny outside!!!!!!I tried to walk her in the morning, and now she doesnt want to! Now, she is sad all the times, she is not hyper and wants to cuddle with me or my boyfriend. So she starts whining when there is lightning and shakes like a jumpy bean. We try to desensitize… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on July 15, 2009 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

Piney Lakes - Probably the best dog park in Perth (South of the river anyway..)

Since I haven't posted anything in a while, though i might just add some photos of hachi in Piney Lakes park.

(She's gotten so big... *sniff* you wonder where time went... )

Also wondering if any one else knows of any good parks for dogs that is safe from cars etc... in Perth, Western Australia.

Piney Lakes is really good if anyone is interested.. Its just off Murdoch Drive (between South St and Leach Hwy)

Opposite Corpus Christi School.

Its a massive… Continue

Added by chocky on July 15, 2009 at 4:01am — No Comments


Well Becky will probably be the first to tell you I must have lost my mind. *nods*

So, I dragged Becky, Cagney and Chapin to Russell, MN this past Sunday (7/12/09) to go "look" at a 5 month old Auggie. Of course we all knew (well us humans anyway) that it really wasn't all that much about looking. Who drives 3 1/2 hours each way to "look" anyway?

Well we met the cutest little bundle of energy, and OF COURSE we brought her home. Her name is now Lacey and she is smart as a… Continue

Added by Cagney & Lacey & Chapin on July 14, 2009 at 4:51pm — 5 Comments

Ein and Washu are friends now?

After 15 months of Ein living in our home, Washu, our 6(?) year old calico cat is tolerant of Ein now. Washu is a cat who does not like dogs. Period. She did not like my bf's previous dog, a gentle springer spaniel. And when she saw us bring 3 month old puppy Ein home, she freaked out. She wouldn't let Ein face come closer than a foot or so to her. But today, she lets Ein lick her. She even nudges her head at Ein.

That is really something, don'tcha… Continue

Added by Aj on July 14, 2009 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Therapy Dogs?

Are any of you corgi owners using your corgis for therapy dogs? People always tell me both of my dogs would be great for it - does anyone have any info?

Added by Donna J. Williams on July 14, 2009 at 1:47pm — 4 Comments


THANK YOU to everyone who has had us in their thoughts and prayers. Thank you, again, to for allowing me to share my stories with a community that is so amazing. Complete strangers brought together by the same love. The love and compassion for our pups. When something tragic like this happens, it hurts so much that you feel all alone, but thanks to you all and your sweet comments, it has truly been comforting to know that I am not alone.

Being that we were away, the… Continue

Added by Di-An Laperouse on July 14, 2009 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Time to get spayed!

Lily is now 6 months old and it's time to get spayed! She will be getting spayed laparoscopically tomorrow. We switched vets recently, and our new vet offers this minimally invasive option. I was sold when he said that the incision will be much smaller (<1 inch opposed to 3-5 inches) and that the pain/recovery will be significantly less. I got a very good vibe when I visited the office. When the vet found out that I was a medical student, he showed me the operating room, the equipment, and… Continue

Added by Liz & Lily on July 14, 2009 at 11:23am — 1 Comment


i got romeo last week. I am potty trainning him, but what is the best method to train him fast. I live with my parents, and i got romeo as a birthday present from my boyfriend. My parent loves ROMEO but not when he pees or poop everywhere BUT the wee wee pad. He pees at the wee wee pad hardly ever. No matter how much i say no, 5 min later he pees there again.. Today my mom said to spray clorox becuz one of her friend has a dog. And she told her that they hate the smell of clorox so they won't… Continue

Added by Rachel & Romeo on July 14, 2009 at 10:02am — 5 Comments

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