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Sudden disobedience

I thought we were doing so good...

Eddy was coming to his name consistently. If we caught him squatting, and said "NO." he would stop mid-stream for us to take him outside. He was 'sit.'-ing and 'come here.'-ing for treats. But that was just 2 days ago. And now he is a disobedient pup!

Is he suddenly so comfortable at our house that he is toying with the rules? Can he break them- will we enforce them- etc etc?! I thought that this defiance wouldn't start for another… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on April 20, 2009 at 2:39am — 1 Comment


Dear Reader

As I is writing this on Momma's typer thingie, Momma an' Miss Dasie iz wif me on da sofa telling me whats I shoulds say. Miss Daisy hads never hads a typer thingie to sniff before, so she iz much amazed dats I cans puts my pawz on da liddle thingies dat Momma callz keeez. An' whens I does dat, Momma sez dat peoples and their corgeezzz cans sees what I haves to say. I hopes dat she iz right.

Daisy asked me to tell all of my readerz dat she iz westing from her… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 19, 2009 at 10:01pm — 8 Comments

Step one- Completed!

I've finally bought my ticket for Spain. July 7th puppy and I will be flying to Spain and not coming back. ( for awhile) My fiance and I bought a house in Murcia, Spain ( his hometown) and I've got a job lined up as an English teacher there.

For the past weeks I have been researching what is necessary to enter the European Union with an animal.

I did a lot of research and consulted with my vet (aka my dad) about what is the best type of dog for me. He recommended a corgi. Some of his… Continue

Added by Amanda Kay Smith on April 19, 2009 at 8:40pm — No Comments

San Diego North County mini-meetup pictures

We had a meetup at Rancho Bernardo dog park today! IT was a great turnout, must have been 20+ corgis!

Here are some pictures:


Added by Geri & Sidney on April 19, 2009 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Obediance Training

Well Oz and I have started obediance training. He definately has a dominate personality! First week was a bit tough in the class. At one point the teacher called him "that nastly little red thing"! Took him to the park today after only one week and he is starting to heel. I will post an update to let you all know how my nastly little red thing does. He loves people, just wants to boss all the bigger dogs!

Added by Sue P on April 19, 2009 at 6:21pm — 3 Comments

Lizzie found her Sister

I am so excited today we were at the West Orange Dog park and met, another red and white corgi - it turns out that the other Corgi is Sandy and she was one of Lizzie's Litter mates!! We had a great time talking and playing. I have added Sandy to Lizzie's photos! -- Sandy is beautiful and is a little bit fluffery and redder than Lizzie!

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on April 19, 2009 at 1:45pm — 2 Comments

My super smart girl

I am going to post a laundry list of all the commands Favorite knows and is currently learning

1) Sit

2) Down

3) Stay

4) Come

5) On your feet ( also known as stand but she kept getting it confused with stay so i gave it a new name)

6) Back up

7) High Five

8) Shake

9) Touch it ( she will put her paw on anything i put in front of her)

10) Take it ( will take something in her mouth)

11) Keep it ( will keep something in her… Continue

Added by Kimber-Leigh May on April 19, 2009 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

Noise reactive corgis

This is another discussion that I see arise frequently. It is not uncommon for corgis to respond in an "excitable" fashion at some noises. Some dogs seem to be more sensitive or anxious to noises and will react by barking, nipping or biting at the object that disturbs them. Initially it is quite humorous but you will soon learn that the behavior increases with time. The reactivity may also start to include other noises. In time you will become very frustrated with this situation.

I have… Continue

Added by Sam on April 18, 2009 at 10:48pm — 1 Comment

Today is "SAMIDAY" or not

It is hard to believe that in just a little over 7 hours we will be seeing Samantha in person and bringing her home with us. Have been checking the flight information already (she hasn't even taken off yet). At first there was over an hour delay, which would not be good because her connecting flight is only a 30 minute lay over. But just got through checking again a few minutes ago and every leg of her trip is on time. Now just hope it stays that way. Needless to say I am certifiably bonkers at… Continue

Added by Marion and Vern on April 18, 2009 at 1:00pm — 10 Comments


Just wanted everyone to know Riley is back to 100% now. His voice is a little different now, and when he barks I just wait for the glasses in the cupboards to shatter. Other than that, he's fine now. Hats off to Anthony Wayne Animal Hospital in Maumee, OH for a great job taking care of him.

Added by Riley & Sadie on April 18, 2009 at 12:41pm — 1 Comment

Corgi Meet-Up Walk Today

My husband and I are taking Joshua to our first corgi meet-up event today! I'm really looking forward to meeting some other local corgi owners and seeing all the cute corgis bounding around the park we're meeting at for a group walk. I am sure Joshua will have a blast. :)

Added by Sarah on April 18, 2009 at 12:16pm — 2 Comments

This says it all!

Added by Gayle Decker on April 18, 2009 at 12:16pm — 1 Comment

Proud of my Navy Boy!

There are few things I am prouder of than my fine little corgi, but this is one of them.

Added by Gayle Decker on April 18, 2009 at 12:15pm — 1 Comment

My Anticipation Mounts . . . . One More Day Till Daizy. . . .

Dear Readers

If you has been following my blawg of lates, you'll knows dat I haz a new sissy coming . . . Daizy awwives tomorrow! I iz so excited I can't spell vewwy good today.

An' on top of dat, de Cardi Nationals have been going on an' I have been watchin' da noooz from der to see if I knows any of da cardis. An' I do!!! It is gwate dat dey have hads such a good time, but I wishes I could be there az well.

I wuz s'posed to go but Momma mades a mistakes and so… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 18, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

What is the ACL? What should we do?

It is a ligament which holds the knee in place. It is a large ligament and usually only tears; our vet seems to think that Cookie's is torn most of the way. She walks well on 3 legs and doesn't limp much, but if we don't do surgery, the other knee might go, too, and arthritis will set in early.

I am so disappointed how this dog thing turned out...we have been married 24 years and we adopted 9 years ago, two girls who are sisters. One of them wanted a dog, but to be quite honest, I am… Continue

Added by Cookie Y. on April 18, 2009 at 9:09am — 5 Comments

April Update

Wow, where does the time go? It's been a month already since my last blog post. Zoey is up to 13 pounds as of this morning. Maybe she will catch up in weight. She was a preemie from, and one of the smallest of her siblings. She has 10 siblings, if you can believe it. I have been not coming home at lunch for a month now, so she is in her crate from about 8:15am to about 2:30pm. No accidents in her crate for almost a month. After bein accident free in her crate for a week, I switched out the… Continue

Added by Greg Bickel on April 17, 2009 at 11:55pm — No Comments


Today my boyfriend and I agreed that Eddy's changed so much in the past few days.. Like, he's suddenly into physically bonding, cuddling, leaning, etc. His coordination during playtime is amazing. Also, his leash skills are improving, in that he tugs less and follows more. (Does anyone have any leash tips? He's 10 wks old.) But he does this hilarious move where he runs 5 steps and rolls over, runs, rolls over, over and over. Dirty but cute.

And I have to adjust his collar to a bigger… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on April 17, 2009 at 10:26pm — 2 Comments

Tigger Corner Update

So we've officially had Tigger for a week and it seems that changing his food to a better quality one has made allll the difference in his poo ^_^. yey for a healthy digestive system.

on a downer note, Dan and I encountered the WORST vet i've ever been to. what Vet does a full exam in 3 minutes without even taking the dogs temperature???? OR answering ANY of my questions. RIDICULOUS!!!!

Tigger is doing well though. He's definately got a personality all his He's… Continue

Added by Megan & Dan on April 17, 2009 at 9:14pm — 3 Comments

He's Home

I am so proud! What a precious little angel!

Added by Cooper-n-Crosby on April 17, 2009 at 8:23pm — 3 Comments

Cookie tore her ACL!

Just got back from the vet...Cookie tore her ACL, on Wednesday morning. She must have been jumping up a tree chasing squirrels or birds. I am bummed....we go to the surgeon Monday morning for a consult, but our vet said it will cost $1500-$2000. We don't need that right now, and now that I read some of the posts, this is not uncommon and could happen again and could require physical therapy...Judi

Added by Cookie Y. on April 17, 2009 at 6:52pm — 8 Comments

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