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Ecollar avoidance idea...

So Goldy is getting fixed on Friday and I DREAD putting an ecollar on her, even an inflatable one - it's bad enough to be in pain, but in a freakish collar HAS to make it worse.

So here's my idea: can I put a little doggie shirt on her? Maybe something similar to a baby's onesie? Something light and thin that won't get her too hot and will prevent her from licking.

I realize that she can chew through it if she focused on it, but I will be with…

Added by Stephanie on February 23, 2010 at 6:30pm — 12 Comments

Another corgi in a TV commercial?

What do you think? Corgi at 43 seconds?
This is a new commercial, airing during the Olympics coverage.

Added by Geri & Sidney on February 23, 2010 at 3:00am — 11 Comments

Will Owen forgive us?

We adopted a cat today. I have wanted a kitty for awhile. His name is Griffin and pretty cool cat. Owen is not thrilled mostly because the cat isn't thrilled with him yet. Owen has had cat experience and gets along well with my parents cats for extended times.

Hopefully they become friends. New house, new friend, too much? I hope not.

Added by Owen's Mom on February 22, 2010 at 11:24pm — 2 Comments

Tasha Tudor.... Sad

And so..... I guess as is so often the case, greed takes over where the simplest try to live their life. I read this today with sadness. Tasha Tudor's family battling over her estate.…


Added by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on February 22, 2010 at 5:08pm — 2 Comments

Jacksons Foot Problem

Lately, Jacksons been licking his front feet. I had no idea what was going on, so I took him to the vet. Aparently, Jackson has some kind of allergies that develope in the late fall and most of winter. The vet gave me some topical spray, and lately it has been working so thats good. Poor jackson, in addition to that smelly topical spray, he also has to wear a cone! Hes been doing well though, so i think things are looking up.…


Added by Jackson♥ on February 22, 2010 at 4:12pm — 5 Comments

Talking Corgis

Have you seen Herbie, the talking corgi?

Added by Angus on February 22, 2010 at 2:28pm — 3 Comments


I didn't realize how long it had been since I had been on here. Life just gets so busy sometimes. Thought I would just jot down a quick note about how much fun my dogs had at my brothers yesterday. My brother and his wife moved to St. John Washington last month, and we decided to drive up for the day and see the place. So of course all three fur kids had to go too, which meant we had to take the truck so there was room lol. Levi loves our new truck, when my husband lets us have it, I put a… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on February 22, 2010 at 12:58pm — No Comments

Radar hurt his eye today

I think I poked it by accident. He and his brother, Cooper were on the bed going at it as usual and I grabbed to move them apart and the next thing Radar had his eye half shut. I had to leave to go to work and when I returned he had it shut. I tried to put a warm wash cloth over it but he won't stay still. I guess a vet trip is on the agenda for tomorrow. Has anyone had this happen before?

Added by Susan , Radar and Cooper on February 21, 2010 at 10:18pm — 9 Comments

Guess who hurt her back?

I am not sure how or when Callie hurt her back but I did notice today that she was acting less energetic than normal. I just thought she was tired, but after awhile she started shaking and became clingy. Then I knew something was up. She didn't want to walk anywhere and whined at me when I went to pick her up so I figured I'd have to go to the vet to make sure it wasn't anything worse. So after $108 she got to see the vet and he said it was her back. She has pain killers (which more $) and is… Continue

Added by Lusa on February 21, 2010 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments


I'm a sap for any animal movie, and Babe happens to be on at this moment. There are sooo many scenes in this film that bring tears to my eyes but this one especially...

When he sings to the pig to get him to eat ; if I had words to make a day for you...I'd sing you a morning golden and true, I would make this day last for all time, then fill the night deep in moonshine....

Added by Stephanie on February 21, 2010 at 6:41pm — 3 Comments

Puppy Love, "the Real McCoy"

I have a neat story behind my avatar. I use soaker hoses in our garden so in the fall when the garden is done I roll them up and store them for the winter. I rolled some up and left them in the yard for me to pick them up later. I looked out the window and there was Joey, sitting inside the coil. I thought "how cute!" and ran to get the camera and when I got back I watched Katie join him in the loop. One of my best pics's slightly fuzzy because I took the pic through the screen and…


Added by Kathy Wiley on February 21, 2010 at 2:08pm — 2 Comments

Proud mama and also a tip for book & dog lovers alike!

It's a whopping 35 degrees here in my town on Ohio today. It's so sunny though and I had to run up to the store. I asked Cop if he wanted to go and of course. Was I crazy thinking he would want to miss one small thing I did or him not getting a cookie from the guy at the store? No way; he was not missing out on this! The next door neighbors grandkids were out and Cop was a little nervous at first doing what I call the half bark. As soon as I said it's okay Cop, he was licking faces and taking… Continue

Added by Ashley and Copper on February 20, 2010 at 1:59pm — 5 Comments

Corgi Service Dog!

My mother was in the hospital for surgery yesterday. My father was just walking around when he spotted a lady that had a corgi as a service dog. Immediately recognizing the breed, he approached (my parents are in love with Wynstan.) He started conversing with the owner and praised how good Wynstan is and how he loves the breed.

The lady then said, "Corgis are only puppies for about three months, then they train their owners for the rest of their lives."

That statement will… Continue

Added by Buddy & Wynstan on February 20, 2010 at 12:28am — 4 Comments


Grady turns 12 weeks today, so I posted a bunch of new pictures! Enjoy!

Added by Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax on February 19, 2010 at 9:01pm — 2 Comments

3 weeks old!

Wow how fast time goes! 3 weeks ago Livvy and Wynn had newborns who were completely dependent on Livvy and yes they still are BUT...they're eyes are open,they walk,talk and play! I could just watch these pups allday!…


Added by Jane Christensen on February 19, 2010 at 6:16pm — 10 Comments

Some thoughts about my boys.... from the TRUE animal lover

So my boy is losing his baby teeth. This is new to me as I never found any of my first corgi, Pooh's teeth. I have found three. His canine's and another one. The first one I found was on the pillow next to my face when I woke up. lol I told him if he wants the tooth fairy to bring him a cookie, he has to put it under his pillow. lol He's getting bigger day by day and although I loved him when he was little because of the out of control cuteness, I love him more everyday because he is getting… Continue

Added by Ashley and Copper on February 19, 2010 at 4:40pm — 4 Comments

Does the grief ever end?

It's been almost 8 months since I had to say goodbye to my precious Cyber and it still rips me apart like it did the day he left me. I'm OK for the most part but there are still 'triggers' present that send me into a downward spiral. I've never had this kind of attachment with other pets I've had. There was something magical about Cyber that has emplanted itself into me and won't let go. I feel like he is still here. I walk into the back yard expecting him to jump out at me like he used to do.… Continue

Added by Paul Cobb on February 19, 2010 at 12:35pm — 15 Comments

Gearing up for Paws in the Park!

Aren't they gorgeous???

In late March, Sidney and a bunch of his corgi buddies (and several corgi wanna-bees) will be walking to raise funds for the Escondido

Humane Society. The EHS burned to the ground in 2001, and many precious

dog and cat lives were tragically lost. The EHS has since rebuilt, and

they do wonderful work for dogs, cats and other animals in need in our


Today is a beautiful… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on February 18, 2010 at 5:00pm — 5 Comments

If I only wouldn't eat worms, I could give Mom kisses again

It seems Teagen has decided that she needs a Teagen only disgusting habit and that is to eat worms. Lately she has decided to eat them even though they must not taste to good because she picks them up chews a little, drops it with a quizical look on her face and picks it up again and steadfastidly chews it till it's gone. It's really kinda funny because it seems like she determined to eat them. I'm not sure if it's unheathly for her to eat them or not but she definitly doesn't get to give me… Continue

Added by christy fry on February 18, 2010 at 4:29pm — 2 Comments

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