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A Request of Wisdom from the Masses

A few more puppy questions, regarding Milo, our 9-week old Pembroke.

Things have been going remarkably well lately, as he is starting to lighten up on the biting and paper training is moving along faster than I ever would have imagined. But here's my first question: what's up with his breath? He's partially on Nature's Recipe Puppy and partially on his original dog food, which was called Black Gold. I never heard of it, so we're trying to wean him off it slowly. I know dogs typically… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on March 4, 2009 at 9:31am — 9 Comments

Big Red Ball!

I read on someone's page that kid's balls make the best herding toys, and Sophie confirmed that they do. I went to Target tonight and spent what I consider to be the best $2.50 ever. She loves that ball, and it provided great entertainment for our family too. Thanks for the big red ball idea!

Added by Jenn & Sophie on March 4, 2009 at 12:31am — 7 Comments

A sad but sweet story from San Diego

This story made our local news tonight. I was touched by the bond of man and dog and the generosity of the people who are making sure Zac gets home to his master's family.

Dog Stranded After Owner's… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on March 3, 2009 at 11:10pm — 8 Comments

Finally -- The Dog Park!

I was so flustered yesterday ... I wanted to take Zwei out to the dog park but I realized that since he wasn't registered to any city we wouldn't be able to go. ARGH!

I called the licensing services and found that all I need was -- rabies shot! So, Zwei just got that two weeks ago at the low-cost clinic. No prob. However, when I go to look for the documentation, it's like Murphy's Law! I couldn't find it at all! The lady actually suggested that it wouldn't be a problem to get his… Continue

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on March 3, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments


We had a very successful family walk around the riverwalk here in Pueblo yesterday, it was unseasonably warm and we all enjoyed it. I was so proud of Tuffy as he is not familar with stairs, strange dogs, ohhing and ahhing strangers, ducks, etc etc, but took it all in stride....all while walking along like a good boy on the leash. Honestly I did not know people were sooo unfamilar with the Corgi breed until yesterday! We were stopped so many times and asked what kind of dog he was, and… Continue

Added by Megan on March 3, 2009 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

Happy Birthday Philip!

Today is Philip's 1st birthday, my baby is growing up :) Happy birthday buddy! He already got a new toy and soon we are going to go get a birthday cake and maybe more toys, treats, etc.

12 weeks:

14 weeks, ears up:

16 weeks, first day home:

6 months:

Just a few days ago:


Added by CorgiLove on March 3, 2009 at 12:59pm — 10 Comments

my baby boys 1st bday

2day is Einstein's 1st bday born March 3rd 2008. he gets a fun day of bday cake, play date with his favorite camping buddies and to go to the store to pick out a special toy and treat... good thing i work at a pet store.

bday pictures coming soon..... i love my puppies

Added by Joey & Nancy's rugrats on March 3, 2009 at 1:00am — 7 Comments

Life sucks.

Murphys law dictates that anything that can possibly go wrong, will. And of course, it will always go wrong at the most awesome of times.

I have a extremely important doctors appointment tomorrow at 2:40 all the way up in seattle, off broadway. I need to be there an hour early, minimum, it will probably take an hour to get there, and I don't know how long it will last, or how long it will take to get home. And everything has been going wrong since I made that appointment on friday. I… Continue

Added by Cam on March 3, 2009 at 12:19am — 7 Comments

For all you Ein freaks out there!

Even though it's outta stock, I had to share this:

Added by Cooper, Nora, Grady, Izzy & Jax on March 2, 2009 at 8:43pm — 3 Comments

Caesar is into designer glasses... and I am going nuts!

Ok so I am not the kind of person who gets hung up on labels for the most part. But like every woman here and there I allow a quick splurge. My label items can be itemized in three (and two of those are not even REAL labels)

1 pair of channel glasses with special anti-glare lenses that I used for work all the time because my eyes never get tired of the screen with them

1 pair of Armani Exchanges sunglasses which are to die for and that I love so much.

1 pair of… Continue

Added by Caesar & Molly on March 2, 2009 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Bernie and The Evil Yoga Ball

Bernie refused to go into the living room as long as the yoga ball was in there today, from what Ringo told me. So I just spent 20 minutes shaping her to touch and push the yoga ball around.

She was good until it rolled into the kitchen and started making this weird sucking noise rolling around on the floor. I moved it off and we got back to work. Here is our progress:…


Added by MagnoliaFly on March 2, 2009 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Disappointing day.

Well everything was all set for us to get Isabella on March 14th. She is 8 months old and was scheduled to get spayed today before coming home to us.

We were so excited. We have been corresponding with the breeder since December and talking with her about Isabella for over a month. The breeder let us know that she was a bit shy - she was also a bit small for her age - the two reasons why she was not going to be a show pup. When we met her she really came our of her shell. She had a… Continue

Added by Amanda & Tuck on March 2, 2009 at 6:00pm — 14 Comments

Dudley does AKC agility!

Oh my! The switch has definitely flipped. Dudley is off to the races as far as agility is concerned.

I took him to an agility trial in Lawrence, KS last month--the February Fling. I only entered him on Thursday and Friday due to other commitments I had on Saturday and Sunday. At the time of the trial Dudley did not possess the skills to be able to Q in either Standard or JWW. We entered JWW anyway and also entered FAST. Dudley was only weaving at home and he was not performing the… Continue

Added by Cheri on March 2, 2009 at 4:08pm — No Comments

Cake Update.

So Sadie loved her Birthday Cake. She basically never gets "people food" sometimes I will giver her a bite of apple or carrot or something, but that is on rare occasion (she is small so I am afraid she will get overweight really easy). I was scared to just let her gobble the whole thing up, so I let her eat about 1/4 of it and then put it up and was just gonna give her chunks throughout the day. It was sitting on the counter and she just sat right there and wined because she wanted more!… Continue

Added by Sarah ♥'s Sadie on March 2, 2009 at 2:01pm — 1 Comment

Treat Trepidation

I may be a strange sort. I looove the sound of my puppies whining. It is just so cute! Everyone else can't believe how sad it is. How she sounds like she's dieing if she's secluded to a room or crate. But as her mother, I know there is nothing wrong and she is just being a baby, so I'm able to see through to how cute she sounds. I have a 15 minute video (mostly a sound recording, I wasn't worried about where the camera was pointing) from when Pooka was first crate training and so I left the… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on March 2, 2009 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

Dental Advice Needed Please

This afternoon I noticed Benji's mouth was bothering him, he kept licking his lips for quite awhile. So I figured I would investigate. I looked inside of his mouth and his canine tooth was growing in, but his baby one has not fallen out yet, and I think it is broken. Do you think I should take him into the vet first thing in the morning to see if they want to remove it, or should I wait and see if it falls out on its own? It's looking pretty red and doesn't look good to me...… Continue

Added by Stephanie & Lola on March 2, 2009 at 2:00am — 5 Comments

Dispatches from the Low End of the Leash: Maintaining a Corgi-rific Household

Let’s be honest. You love your Person (you may even be lucky enough to have People to love!). Your Person is the best Person who ever is, was or will be. They should erect statues to your Person on every street corner (with secret compartments of treats at Corgi level). But even your Person could use a little help, a little encouragement, in meeting the basic Corgi needs for constant food and play. We Corgis eschew the dictatorial approach; we have found that a gentle, subtle method for… Continue

Added by Susan Stanton on March 1, 2009 at 9:19pm — 7 Comments

Happy Birthday Sadie!

Sadie is 1 today! I am making her a cake... we will see how that turns out.

Added by Sarah ♥'s Sadie on March 1, 2009 at 1:59pm — 9 Comments

Hi everyone. I just joined, this looks quite fun. I have a Male Pem Corgi and he is a great pal to our whole family.

Hi everyone. I just joined, this looks quite fun. I have a Male Pem Corgi and he is a great pal to our whole family.

Added by Kim on February 28, 2009 at 11:14pm — 6 Comments

ears are almost standing up...

Desmond is 9 weeks old and today his ears are half up half down.....yea!!!!!

Added by Jane Goldstein on February 28, 2009 at 10:04pm — 4 Comments

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