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Tuffy is 3 months old!

Tuffy is 3 months old today and I have had him for a whole week, lol! I have never had my heart stolen so quickly by a furry kid, and by some one with such short legs ;) We are busy potty training and learning our manners as he would like to chew on everyone and everything. He is worth every moment, but right now I feel like he will never be housebroken! I know I have to e patient but I feel like we haven't made any progress. I work from home so I am always here and I hate to put… Continue

Added by Megan on February 19, 2009 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

Potty is NOT inside

So Oppy is almost 12 weeks now and it seems like he hasn't made any progress with the potty training. He never messes in his crate, and he has not pooped in the house yet, but he keeps peeing all over the place. We take him outside when he starts sniffing around and he'll pee once or twice while we're out. When he goes outside he gets a piece of treat and a "good boy". 10-15 minutes after coming inside, he'll pee on the carpet. Most of the time we don't catch him because it's hard to tell when… Continue

Added by Matt & Hilliary on February 18, 2009 at 7:42pm — 7 Comments

Watch This Video...Then Take Action

Tell Petland to Stop Selling Puppies — Watch This Video, Then Take Action

America’s largest chain of puppy-selling pet stores, Petland Inc., is also the nation’s largest retail supporter of puppy mills. An eight-month investigation by The HSUS reveals that many Petland stores across the country are marketing puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting consumers.

To see the video and read further on how you can take action, please visit and click on… Continue

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on February 17, 2009 at 11:20pm — 8 Comments

All moved. Yay for a big yard!!

Boy does my boy love to run. Now if I can get him to quit nipping at our older dog. =(

Oh and my mom's grey cat is actually climbing the walls with disgust at the puppy. Poor kitty.

Added by Rockstar on February 17, 2009 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

Last Chance to Vote for Ein!!!

Today's the last day for votes and I'm hoping all the awesome ppl on the MyCorgi website will pull together and send Ein to the top! I really hope he places so that he still has a chance to win the grand prize. We want to donate to either the ASPCA or CorgiAid! So if you haven't voted already, vote for Ein!…


Added by Ein Danger on February 17, 2009 at 6:39pm — 2 Comments

Dispatches from the Low End of the Leash: How to Walk Your Person

Let’s say you’re walking along your town’s main street with your person. When you hit a particular corner, you, of course, want to make a sharp right so you can stop in and visit at the two (yes two!) dog food stores along the block. Your person, for reasons that are completely unclear, appears to be intent upon going straight. How do you fix this situation? You will need to begin with….

Stage 1: Cement paws to the sidewalk, stiffen up the legs, and smile like a nutbar (tongue… Continue

Added by Susan Stanton on February 17, 2009 at 4:32pm — 7 Comments

Heart is hurting beyond words.

This is the last thing I wanted to post today. Thank you everyone for all the support and prayers and virtual hugs Gary, Tiki and I received this past month. We made the decision at 4:00 this morning to put him down today. He was in pain and we knew it. The new meds didn't work, and the old meds were even worse. So at 10:30 this morning our brave little Tiki boy ventured out to the rainbow bridge. It was a hard road for us, and we did everything we could for him. Rest in peace little man. Mommy… Continue

Added by Brenda and Gary on February 17, 2009 at 1:49pm — 23 Comments

Getting my Corgi today!

I am picking up a red Pembroke female, , 1yr old, tonite. She had been adopted but family returned her to original owner( per agreement) due to unforseen circumstances NOT involving any pup issues. I am a 1st time Corgi owner, and have been reading up like a mad woman but would welcome ANY advice, photos of YOUR reds and things "you wish you'd known! We live in PA now, but will soon be relocating to Upstate NY. Love to meet any NY Corgi folks! Share, share, share!!!!!

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on February 17, 2009 at 1:45pm — 7 Comments

My website has been updated!

Added by Roger on February 17, 2009 at 11:04am — 1 Comment

Free Puppy Care Books - Dr. Ian Dunbar

AFTER You Get Your Puppy.pdf - Lots of people get their puppy and then haven't a clue what to do afterwards. I love this book, it gives you solid goals and things to watch out for with your puppy in candid terms. I send it to all of my puppy kindergarten students.

There is also the book BEFORE You Get Your… Continue

Added by MagnoliaFly on February 17, 2009 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

8:00 AM this morning.

Well this morning I contacted the vet and they changed up some meds. We took him off the Piroxicam since it was making thing worse. We are waiting at least until Thursday to start back up on the Deramaxx. The ups and down of this cancer is an emotional roller coaster. I found some shirts online at that I plan on buying. I also lost my father-in-law and my husbands Grandma to cancer last year with in a two month period so now I really have a reason to own one of these shirts.… Continue

Added by Brenda and Gary on February 16, 2009 at 2:22pm — 6 Comments

Dexter's Ears are up!

Dexy got his ears up today, the left one flops a bit when he runs, but we're very excited that they stand on their own.

In other news, we've also decided its good to potty outside and that "sit" means sit. What a smart puppy.

Added by Rockstar on February 16, 2009 at 11:39am — 5 Comments

Great Big Thanks

Lilly and I want to thank everyone for your encouragement and thoughtfulness. I am happy to say that she is so much better!!! It was very scary and even after she came home, the recovery has been slow but steady. It has been only in the last 2 days that the 'old Lilly' has emerged. She has one more day on the bland, bland dog food and then she will be able to eat her usual.

Surprisingly though - even with all the trauma to her system, she only lost 1 pound. Youth was on her side. I a!so… Continue

Added by Lucy Hicks on February 16, 2009 at 11:13am — 2 Comments

Superstar is A-OK!

Hello everyone!thank you so much for your comments and suggestions on how to take care of Superstar's problems! I did my research and I tried everything that I could and she is fine now! she is chasing the cats, jumped over the couch to beg for food, and being the troublemaker that she is! the only problem that I have is that she is dehydrated and has trouble going to poop, she whimpers, because she didnt want to drink ANYTHING yesterday and today that its getting back to her! but I am getting… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on February 16, 2009 at 3:08am — 7 Comments

Interesting Day at PetCo

Me and Zwei went today in the pouring rain to go get his rabies shot done at the low vacc clinic. :)

Initially I was afraid that he'd be too aggressive to let out, but after being out for a bit he did just fine. He did bark a few times though at the larger pits, but he got along really well with a poodle-chihuahua mix. Though -- he was reaaaally friendly with all the humans and kept trying to chase after the attendant when she was walking down the line.

We were surrounded by… Continue

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on February 15, 2009 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

Koby had a fun day

Koby had a great day today playing with a bunch of kids! It was our little niece's birthday! He played in the sand by the river and loved it! Then after that he visited hid brother for a few minutes! He is doing well getting along with the cats and already I can see the true corgi coming through! He craves food! lol

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 15, 2009 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

Benji is a little monster!!

Oh man, since we have gotten this puppy he has not been boring!! I wouldn't mind if he ate or got into things that weren't harmful to him, but I guess he is a daredevil haha. He has eaten the trash, chocolate girl scout cookies, a whole box of cheese bread from Domino's (including the box), 3 slices of pepperoni pizza, a whole box of dieting tea (which is supposed to cleanse your body, so needless to say I was cleaning up that for a few days), a bottle of ranch dressing, and today he ripped… Continue

Added by Stephanie & Lola on February 15, 2009 at 3:29pm — 6 Comments

Bear Tri Colored Corgi Stolen

We are forever going to be seaching for Bear. I sit here to day crying about him. I have other dogs as well but Bear was my personal dog that was with me when I lost my husband and was my forever dog. The day he came missing tore my heart into pieces. We know the people that stole him from the truck and trailer I saw the day I came home to let him out to go potty. They pulled over by my mailbox and picked my dog up. Now they keep there horses down the street from me. I want my dog back. I don't… Continue

Added by Grace Parrott on February 15, 2009 at 3:10pm — 4 Comments

It just isn't fair, cancer sucks!

Yesterday wasn't good and today is shaping up the same way. The only thing we have going for us is we still like to eat, be with us and chew on bones. Tiki is hardly walking and cries when you try to help him up. He tries to go potty but has trouble standing. He started leaking urine last night an I've been cleaning everything so we can get through the rest of today. I have a feeling, tomorrow will be his last. I know this sound short and to the point, but I can't keep the tears back enough to… Continue

Added by Brenda and Gary on February 15, 2009 at 12:00pm — 24 Comments

Clumsy Corgi

I was wondering if anyone has noticed this happening with their corgi....... When we take wilf out for his walk he is always in a hurry but we have noticed that he trips up on his own paws!!! It doesnt seem to happen when he is chasing a ball and running around like hes never been out for 6 months but i cant help but worry as to why it should happen. I would be happy to get you guys opinions

Added by LORRAINE on February 15, 2009 at 11:52am — 3 Comments

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