Sooo... the American Kennel Club has been importuning me to purchase any number of services and products for Ruby-Doo the Corgi Pup, even though sometime in the next five or six months she will be spayed, and even though the rankest amateur can see at a glance that she is not, repeat NOT, a show-quality corgi. And that is even though pup's registration papers distinctly state "OFFSPRING OF THIS DOG NOT ELIGIBLE FOR REGISTRATION."
In addition to …
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 31, 2014 at 7:47pm — 12 Comments
Added by Kevin on March 31, 2014 at 2:14pm — 2 Comments
Hi all,
Recently I've brought home Wesly, my new 8 week old red and white corgi pup. Since he's been home with us, he has been biting and nipping like crazy! I'm assuming its from his teething. He bites my fingers, hands, arms, legs, ankles.. toes, any body part with skin thats visible..! Has any of your corgi pups like this? Any tips or suggestions you've dealt with in the past that have worked? Thank you! I love him more than life but he hurts!!!
Added by Wesly and Tina on March 31, 2014 at 10:38am — 4 Comments
Added by Nicole on March 30, 2014 at 4:48pm — 6 Comments
So Ruby-Doo the Baby Corgi was doing pretty well in the house-training department until she fell in the drink. Since then, she's forgotten a fair amount of Technique. She's doing OK with No. 2, but as for No. 1: the fount flows exuberantly and endlessly.
I'm afraid I caused one of my readers to have an accident in…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 27, 2014 at 11:00pm — 9 Comments
On the QV every minute since Pup tumbled into the deep end of the pool, I realized that something had to be done to forestall a repeat of that adventure. Pup needs to be able to go outside without Human dithering over her every moment, and Human's nervous breakdown must be forestalled.
What to do that would be navigable for the human but nonnavigable for the canine? And preferably not TOO…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 26, 2014 at 6:13pm — 4 Comments
Holy Sheee-ut! That was too, too close!
I'm sitting here on the back porch writing a long-overdue blog round-up for Funny. Pup and Cassie are dorking around, squabbling over bully sticks, loafing, and (in Pup's case) searching for noxious plants to chew on. Pup wanders over to the east end of…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 23, 2014 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments
So...after a commenter here at suggested conferring with a "holistic" vet, I googled "<same>" and discovered one such person at the mega-commercial-vet that is the legacy of my old friend, now retired, and all-around great vet and redneck good-ole-boy, Jerry Jenkins. Who'd've thunk it? Jerry's veterinary empire is right down the road, as opposed to halfway across the city where I've been schlepping Cassie and now, New Pup.
Well. It was off to…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 22, 2014 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments
Added by Marcie on March 20, 2014 at 10:35am — 18 Comments
How on earth does she DO that?
This little dog can lay down a puddle without ever being in the vicinity of the puddle! Don't believe me, do ya? It's trooooo!
LOL! Admittedly, even though she was locked up with me and Cassie in the office, I got distracted trying to register the ISBN and copyright for a new book. The Copyright Office, in…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 19, 2014 at 12:28am — 2 Comments
There's a great discussion going on in the forum about aggressive dogs and morons who go around with their dogs off-leash.
This is one of my hobby-horses. I can get myself worked up to quite a high pitch on the subject. Here's the story:
The last German shepherd I had was strongly dog-aversive. This, it develops, is a common trait among GerSheps, aggravated in Anna's case by a…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 17, 2014 at 2:35pm — 15 Comments
So while I was up at the Petsmart picking up another bag of puppy chow, I scored a nice medium-sized rope toy for Pup. She already had one but it has these nylon ribbon things running through it, which look like bright green hazards to me. Wanted her to have one that was all cotton.
Apparently she did, too! She went absolutely BONKERS over the thing and decided to carry it everywhere she went, like Linus and his blanket. Even took it outside to pee. Back in: carried it over to…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 15, 2014 at 12:33am — 7 Comments
Hello everyone. Sad news for one of our Corgis, who's name is Sam. You may have seen her, with her sister Taz, in the Corgi calendar a couple years ago. Sam has been diagnosed with Canine Lymphoma. Her lymph nodes are enlarged throughout her body. She is only 7 years old. A biopsy will be preformed today. Asking for some Corgi prayers. Heartfelt Thank You!
Added by Rob and Leslie Sonders on March 14, 2014 at 8:30am — 20 Comments
My Fluffy is now a little over 4 months old and weighs around 16 lbs. I have read online Fluffies tend to be bigger/weigh more than regular Corgis. Does anyone know about how large a Fluffy can get? I saw a regular Corgi at the dog park the other day and she was 6 months old and the owner said she weighed 15 lbs. My puppy looked about the same size if not bigger and she's 2 months younger.
Added by Lily S. on March 14, 2014 at 12:35am — 2 Comments
A couple months ago I noticed that Teddy had some teeth that weren't good. Six I after the worst winter in 35 years here I made an appt. for his dental work. WELL...after examining his teeth the vet removed 16 teeth. Many of them due to the roots being exposed.
Last night I could tell Teddy was in pain but did get relief from his pain med in soft food off…
ContinueAdded by Jane Christensen on March 12, 2014 at 10:27am — 20 Comments
I got an email about this little boy for adoption. I'm full up with 3 boys and this little guy is a one dog house kind of guy.
He's a good looking little boy-hope someone can help him out.
Added by Beverly Butler Redford & Tucker on March 11, 2014 at 10:54am — 1 Comment
So I'm pretty sure that it was here at where I came across someone's casual comment about an "x-pen."
Never heard of it, so looked it up in the Great Encyclopedia of the Ether (i.e., Google), saw pictures and pricing online, and thought...hey! That's just what the breeder was using to contain the pups in her living room! Not only that, but after yesterday's hilarious…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 11, 2014 at 9:30am — 3 Comments
Added by Samantha de Jager on March 8, 2014 at 5:47pm — No Comments
Deadline for the Great Corgi Puppy-Naming Giveaway is coming up. This Sunday, Dear Son and I will drive to the far side of the galaxy to retrieve Pup from her breeder. I hope to have a name selected by 9:00 a.m. that day.
The prize for the…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on March 7, 2014 at 12:38pm — No Comments
Added by Rachael & Waffle on March 7, 2014 at 10:39am — 1 Comment
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