September 2008 Blog Posts (108)

Bad day

So today I am just bumming.... I found a really great class that would give me my dog training certification and help with job placement and everything but since it is a private class it has very limited financial aid possiblities and I just found out I dont qualify for any f them :o( So much for that I guess unless I can come up with 2850.00 o my own. O well........ On the other hand Zero is wonderful and Droopy starts his obedience class on Weds.

Added by Dannielle on September 25, 2008 at 3:06pm — No Comments

The Training Continues....and I get on my soapbox

I've had 3 sessions with the trainer. The good news is that the Tig IS 'getting it'. He is quickly learning about healthy interest in other dogs vs. "Im gonna eatchoo!". But before I get into the details- I wanna send a shout out to my sister who's been driving about 30 minutes out of her way to help me during the training sessions as well as taking time out of her weekends and subjecting her kind dog to help me practice. And to Kim and her huggie bear corgi, Toby for helping us… Continue

Added by Katie on September 25, 2008 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Life with Gibson: 12 weeks old

Well it's been confirmed: Gibson is a bit of a tub. We went to the vet last night and when she was examining him, she said, "look at the round little belly, you must have just eaten huh?" Uh oh. No, Gibson hasn't eaten since lunch time (the appointment was at 6). She said he was a little "portly" and I should not increase the amount of food I give him for awhile. I was feeding him 1/4 of a cup three times a day, but then I increased it to 1/3 of a cup three times a day after reading that some… Continue

Added by Kelly on September 25, 2008 at 10:25am — 8 Comments

Great corgi stickers!!

I found this great site with hundreds of corgi stuff that can be printed as bumper stickers, or on shirts, mugs, mousepads, magnets, etc! Here are the links and some of my faves: &…



Added by Chantel & Princess Bella on September 25, 2008 at 10:05am — 5 Comments

Happiness is a good FRAP...

into the accountants office... out of the accountant's office... into the accountants office... out of the accountant's office... into the accountants office... out of the accountant's office... into the accountants office... out of the accountant's office...

This is what I get for working at home this week and he doesn't get enough face time at the office.

Added by Madog on September 24, 2008 at 4:17pm — 5 Comments

Potty training Corgi puppy

Hello, everyone~ I just joined today! I have a 13-week-old Corgi female named Zoe. She's precious and we're having a little trouble with potty training her. I have read the posts about putting a bell on the door and have also read about the intelligence of the Corgis and how long it would take to figure out they could ring the bell to go outside and play..That was SO funny and SO true!!! I love watching Zoe roll those eyes up at me like she knows she's getting away with something like that. We… Continue

Added by Zoe'sMom on September 24, 2008 at 2:33pm — 22 Comments

Want to help Bailey and I win $10,000?

If yes, read on!

I've entered Bailey in KISS 98.1 FM's (local radio station here in the Bay Area). They are hosting a "Top Dog" Contest. Bailey and I would appreciate it if you voted for him!

He is in Gallery #2, Picture #25. All you need to vote is a valid e-mail address!

Thanks in advance everyone.

UPDATE 09/24/08: Voting ends 09/30/2008 and you can vote once… Continue

Added by Karen & Bailey on September 24, 2008 at 12:30pm — 34 Comments

Spaying Kitty

Greetings! Hello Kitty was spayed,yesterday.She did just great!!She was a little sleepy afterwards,but,came around,nicely,moving well and really alert a bit later.When we got her home she was ready to eat and had no nausea.Anyway...I know that in the past the cost of spaying has come up,so,for us,here in Southern Oregon,it was$146. for a laser spay,bloodwork and pain meds.Kitty looking wonderful,this morning and life is good!>beth

Added by Kitty's Corner on September 24, 2008 at 11:55am — 3 Comments

Oooooo Some people get to me... train your dog.

Seriously.. I've heard this from many people on here but I've never personally have had a bad issue in a dog park yet...

And then this woman brings "Shakira" in tonight.

Roxi is great with big dogs.. her best friend here is a big white husky.. So when this black.. husky.. thing came in she got all excited.. until it got aggressive in which normally I let them handle the issue because since now.. usually the dogs have taken care of it with a few nips a growl or two and they… Continue

Added by Avyon on September 23, 2008 at 7:12pm — 11 Comments

Why did I get a corgi (Copied from my topic post)

To my friend Nadya

I posted this story in a topic "How did you end up with a corgi", and I also want to save it in my blog.

This story began several years ago in a remote, snowy Russia.. Not exactly snowy, though... :) It was October in Moscow, it was not cold at all, and the trees were still in those fall colors: red, yellow, golden brown...

I was a college student then. I don't remember what kind of problem I had that day (was it a broken heart, or.. C on… Continue

Added by Alla on September 23, 2008 at 3:00pm — 11 Comments

Owen the Show Off

I am a very proud mama these days. I'm just very impressed with Owen and other dogs. He plays- he loves to play and always comes back a better dog! We went to the dog park today (we learned he only had to be 4 months!) and he was by himself and we played fetch for a bit. Then these awful little dogs.. I'm not sure what they were but they were tiny and yappy.. Well they were undersocialized and terrified of Owen. Owen was remarkable gentle with them and won them over.. by the end he taught the… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on September 22, 2008 at 6:55pm — 4 Comments

What a Momma's Boy!

Over the weekend, my husband and I took our pup to a family reunion about 3 hours from home. I thought that it's be fun for Grover because we have lots of kids in my family (I have a HUGE family, my mother has 12 brothers and sisters) and most all of my family loves dogs!

The 3 hour drive down proved to be a bit of a challenge. We have never really traveled that far with Grover. He doesn't really enjoy riding in the car very much, he whines and tries to get out of his seat belt harness and… Continue

Added by Parker on September 22, 2008 at 10:18am — 6 Comments

New Family Member/New Pictures

Good Morning - Just thought I'd give you all an update on my family which now includes a new corgi named Leo. My female Sadie thinks we bought him just for her and it has been non-stop play for the past three weeks. We got Sadie at 8 wks old and ever since has only had the rare occasion to play with other dogs. My two older outside dogs would have nothing to do with her. I briefly thought about getting a male to breed Sadie and raising a litter of puppies once a year but then my husband brought… Continue

Added by Shelby Shirley on September 21, 2008 at 11:53am — 4 Comments

That was some brave cat...

We started the day by having another successful night. No messes for me to clean up. And it seems like only yesterday that Madog couldn't make it though the night. They grow up so fast.

After I got my act together (quickly as I don't want to push my luck) we head out the door into that long dark night. Madog does his business and then we are off for our walkies. The walk is uneventful. We enjoy looking at the houses (we are in a historic district so we have plenty to look at as we… Continue

Added by Madog on September 21, 2008 at 8:30am — 3 Comments

Riley is barely hanging in there!

Things were looking so good for Riley he was eating his food again, full of energy and just acting like nothing was wrong and he was his total normal self. Well yesterday he decided he didn't want to eat anything. He drank some water and milk but that was it. I still believe there can be a miracle but we definatly dont want our best friend to suffer so I dont know what to do. We are in such pain right now I feel as if my best friend is dying and a part of me is missing. It is not over yet… Continue

Added by Sir Riley of Pembroke on September 20, 2008 at 9:41am — 22 Comments

Barking bothering the neighbors--help!

Dh and I last week moved into a new apartment. The dogs seem to have adjusted well, for the most part, however Junebug is sensitive to noises outside, and gives an alert bark (1-2 barks) when she hears cars pull in, shutting doors, people talking outside, or other dogs barking. I have been working on desensitizing her to these noises but this can take a little time. I usually spend a few minutes with her right after work when I get home knocking on the door (which affects her the most) and… Continue

Added by Bonny on September 19, 2008 at 10:24am — 5 Comments

Elizabethan Collar

So last night we had a scare with Ofelia. Her incision from her spay a couple of days ago started bleeding pretty badly. So we bandaged her up and took her to the pet emergency clinic (it was 1 in the morning). The doctor said everything was fine. That she probably licked open the skin glue that was holding the skin in place. I was really relieved. I thought she was hemorrhaging. But everything looks fine. The doctor cleaned her up, put some new glue on, and - poor Ofie - put an elizabethan… Continue

Added by Mariana on September 19, 2008 at 10:14am — 5 Comments

Penalty! Five Minutes in the Sin Bin!

When the gruesome twosome think that they have to protect their imaginary bones, the pantry door, the dirty plate or the gum in my purse- they will start growling, showing teeth or even fighting. That has got to stop! So when it starts I give a loud "Ah-AH!" a mean posture and dirty look and let them think hell is raining down on them for 3 seconds and I put each of them in seperate corners (the sin bin) for a few minutes. That seems to be working.

Added by Katie on September 18, 2008 at 2:32pm — 1 Comment

Hot Spots? Summer Sores? Need Help!

Griff has this gross, scabby-looking skin infection going on behind his ears that smells bad. I just noticed it last night, and he hasn't been scratching it or anything. He didn't seem to mind me poking around the area, either, he was more interested in smelling my fingers after I touched the infected skin! lol

I looked it up online and I think it's a "hot spot" caused by warm, moist skin. We were outdoors all last weekend where it rained all day Saturday, and Griffy refused… Continue

Added by JW on September 18, 2008 at 10:13am — 3 Comments

A long overdue update on Lily Bart~ a bit long

Wow, I just noticed that I had not blogged anything about Lily in a long time! She is quite busy. This summer was an adventure for her. We hired a lawn care company to come in and clean up the yard because we knew that the kennel would only be a temporary housing situation for Lily. After having things cut back, mowed within an inch of it's life, and a lot of cleanup, the yard is now Lily friendly. Before we would let her out occasionally but she would find things that we had no clue where they… Continue

Added by momto3ltlgrlz on September 18, 2008 at 10:01am — No Comments

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