November 2010 Blog Posts (89)

how peaple play god with dogs

what i thought was a friend and a person that was a person that really cared for the corgis ended up being a person from hell i ask linda to watch fila for me while i was in between houses i thought it would be the best person for fila i took her over to her house told fila i would see her in a couple of weeks when i called linda to pick her up she stated that i wasnt getting her back i was going thru craigs list i saw fila in a ad it stated that she was dumped on her front steps overweight she… Continue

Added by ROBERT MORITZ SR on November 23, 2010 at 11:30pm — 7 Comments

What the Heck, Edmonton?

Overnight low of -31 Celsius/-24 Fahrenheit (without the windchill!)?!?!?! Tomorrows daytime HIGH is -18 (-1 Fahrenheit). What kind of high is that?

This is some January/February weather, sure, but not November. I guess mother nature decided that because we had such a crappy summer, she needed to kick-start winter into high…


Added by Carla on November 22, 2010 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

Spray bottle obsession

Anyone know how to break my goofy corgi from being completely obsessed with any type of spray bottle? He goes absolutley crazy and tries to attack it so I have to put him up everytime I clean. Not sure how this came about. Please help

Added by Matt Hayeslip on November 22, 2010 at 6:53pm — 6 Comments

Day 2 of snow

We have snow again! My husband got up at 3 this morning to get ready to go to work just to make it there and find out they are debating about working this week since the weather is going to be bad and it is hard to pour concrete in negative degree weather. Stinks that he wasted the fuel to drive over there and that we won't get a paycheck next week, but at least we don't have to pay a hotel bill.
I couldn't go back to sleep after he left so KC and I played on the computer. I let Molly out…

Added by Laura Jones on November 22, 2010 at 10:50am — 2 Comments

The Weekend at Rose Cottage

Mum says all corgis love soccer. My Auntie Diane (who is especially smart about dogs, in general) brought me a little furry soccer ball as a baby gift when I first came to Rose Cottage. Lily says ALL balls can be soccer balls; it’s the way you play with them that is soccer. She shows me how to put her paw on it and send it flying. She seems to dance around it, kicking it just a…


Added by Molly & Linda on November 21, 2010 at 11:37pm — 1 Comment

My Girl Sick

Don't post often but looking for input.....My female spent the day outside yesterday and last night she had tummy upset. Thow ups only. She threw up about 4 or 5 times and seemed very weak, as any of us would be. We checked her gums which were still pink so I do not think she was dehydrated. She drank some water and ate a little yogurt and about 40 minutes later threw up. She did okay during the night, no accidents but still lethargic and weak this morning. We called our vet at 7:30 am, they… Continue

Added by Michelle on November 21, 2010 at 4:36pm — 7 Comments

Great Corgi Jewelry Find

I am not advertising for these folks so don't think this is spam. Just wanted to tell fellow Corgi fans about a necklace I found. A sterling silver Corgi at It is a western wear company but if you search for jewelry and Corgi you will find it. I am getting one.

Added by Boo Buchheit on November 21, 2010 at 10:45am — 3 Comments

Week Three with Luna

I just love my little wombat! She is growing by bunny hops and bounds and is up to 7.3 lbs as of Friday. Obviously her weight and growth had no ill/lingering effects from her little tummy ache issues last Sunday. I talked to her vet about what happened with her and she said not to give her those anymore - which is good because I already gave them away to Billie! She said an unflavored rawhide bone might be best for her.

This week she received her second series of shots, plus her… Continue

Added by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on November 20, 2010 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

I must ask this serious question :(

Can anyone enlighten me as to why my 4-5 yr old Male Pembroke Corgi eats his own bathroom habits? I have caught him several times, and he has even brought it into the house, what's up with this? I thought these dogs were intelligent, but mine, hmmmmmmmmmmm.....Any advise on this would be appreciated, and Thank You!

Added by Jewels on November 19, 2010 at 8:58pm — 18 Comments

Pet Photo Contest Finalist!

Wasabi is a finalist in a pet photo contest! Please vote for her EVERYDAY at Thanks everyone!!

Added by wasabi on November 19, 2010 at 8:01pm — 2 Comments

Happy Holidays from Molly and Tigger!

All their love, barks and special holiday FRAPS to all of their corgi brothers and sisters on!

Added by Katie on November 19, 2010 at 7:57pm — 2 Comments

Peaches is doing great, looks like she probably didn't eat a penny after all!

Peaches is doing great, looks like she probably didn't eat a penny after all!

I called the vet and he said to keep an eye out for the symptoms, but that usually it would just pass. Well I've been the worried parent and watching her every move for the past few days...and it seems like she is fine. Spunky as ever and eating tons of kibble at mealtimes.

Thank you to everyone who commented, it really made me feel like I'm not alone when things get scary. I really did appreciate the…


Added by Peaches and Pickles on November 19, 2010 at 2:35pm — 4 Comments

Post-Surgery, Day 1

Abb had her spay surgery yesterday, but you wouldn't know it. I'm having a hard time keeping her low-key, even with a sedative! The cone, i.e. lampshade, is a horrible thing. She doesn't have it on while we are up, she has left her incision site alone all day, I'm watching closely, She wasn't too happy wearing it to bed in her crate tho!

So, she is spayed, microchipped, tattooed, and the vet trimmed her nails and pulled the last few baby teeth - it was quite a day.

Added by Connie, Abby & PJ on November 19, 2010 at 2:10pm — 2 Comments

Doggie t-shirts

Can anyone help me with instructions on how to convert a people t-shirt into a doggie t-shirt. The owner of the day camp that Tasha goes to once or twice a week gave me one of their t-shirts when they gave Tasha her prize for winning their Halloween Costume Party.

I laundered it and it shrunk! I keep looking at it and thinking it would be cute on Tasha if I can figure out how to convert it somehow.....

Added by LouAnne Sassone & Tasha on November 18, 2010 at 8:04pm — 3 Comments

Curious case of the pukes

So Callie goes through phases where she will be perfectly fine, then she will throw up, then be fine again. How it usually goes is we get up, she runs around and begs for food, but doesn't eat the food just yet. Then she will play some more, pukes (twice), then goes off to eat her food. Then she carries through the day with no problems, only to repeat the thing the very next day. This will go on for a few days and then she will be fine for a week or so until it starts up again.

As… Continue

Added by Lusa on November 18, 2010 at 11:52am — 11 Comments

We passed Practical Obedience Class!

Sage did very well and the trainer actually said she did well! Sage

at 8 months old she still had puppy energy! We now can take her Canine Good Citizen test next May and at the same time she can test for therapy dog but that will be a different test! I never knew with these certificates(CGC) that we can get into areas that other dogs might not be allowed and with the therapy certificate we can even be on school grounds. She got to pick her new… Continue

Added by Jane Christensen on November 18, 2010 at 10:52am — 18 Comments

First Snow of the Season

We woke up to about 2 1/2" of snow this morning. The kids were so excited and went out to build a snowman before the bus came. The dogs are having mixed reactions lol. Molly and Taz are not so impressed with the cold wet stuff on the ground. KC was running around like a crazy dog this morning playing in it. And is now laying on the back of the couch staring out the big window at it. Hope everyone is staying safe as winter approaches.

Added by Laura Jones on November 18, 2010 at 10:23am — 4 Comments

Because...this Dog Nose

Dog Jokes...and never assume they aren't really laughing at us! Surely, the entertainment factor works both ways...especially with Corgis!

Added by Guinness & Rosie on November 17, 2010 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

Origins of the Corgi

The Corgi Legend

By Anne Biddlecombe

Would you know where corgis came from?

How they came to live with mortals?

On the…

Added by Paco Bird on November 16, 2010 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

Peaches MIGHT have eaten a penny last night.

I am so worried! I know that the ones minted after 1987 have zinc in them and can kill a puppy if they aren't diagnosed. We found another penny sitting on the dog bed, and I don't know where it came from - were there more? I don't know.

I keep checking her gums and they are light pink, not white. No throwing up or lethargy. She's peeing and pooping okay. She is rambunctuous enough so I'm watching her closely. I do have to go to work, but I'll be home by 2:00. OH, this is awful! I…


Added by Peaches and Pickles on November 16, 2010 at 10:15am — 5 Comments

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