I've been employed now for a month and Murphy has been doing wonderful by himself for the three hours that I'm gone. I'm glad that I only work as little as I do. Its been really great making a little money and still have the time to run errands, do things around the house, have dinner ready or at least started by the time Chris gets home and of course play with Murphy and take him for a walk. Its been so convenient and Chris likes it too even though I'm not making much, every little bit…
Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on November 30, 2010 at 9:24am —
I'm excited that there is a site for people who loves Corgis as much as I do. I was hoping to get Cody in at a meet-up sometime in the future. The only problem is, although I'm told Corgis are never supposed to be aggressive, mine is. He even has aggressive tendencies towards our other dogs. I don't know how to fix his aggressive behavior and I can't bring him anywhere until he can handle being around other dogs. Any suggestions?
Added by Lisa/Cody on November 29, 2010 at 9:09pm —
My little girl has a new nickname, or three = Luny/Loony, Luny/Loony Tunes, Luny Tuny. She got the first one from me when I was simply trying to call her in from my mom's backyard and couldn't see the little brat - and out came Luny. My mom's the one who started calling her Luny Tuny - it's cute. She is crazy, so it fits.

Anyway, it's been one month now with Luna. She is now
12 weeks old! I…
Added by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on November 29, 2010 at 6:28pm —
Something exciting is happening. Even though Mum had a cold; she and Daddy were hustling and bustling – going out the back door, then coming in. Sometimes they asked me to go into my crate (and gave me delicious bits of treat for the effort); sometimes not. When I could, I waited by the back door and they always called me good puppy when they came back in again to find me lying quietly on the kitchen rug.
Friday, Mum climbed up high, hanging pine boughs from the tops of the…
Added by Molly & Linda on November 29, 2010 at 11:47am —
MaGuire, at 14, has started having back leg problems. He was put on 37.5 mgs (1/2 pill) of Rimadyl twice a day. Recently, side effects of increased thirst, being hyper and vomiting once during the night are occuring. Also, we having having issues getting out in time to urinate in the morning even tho we go out several times before bed. Yesterday, I cut back the Rimadyl to 18.75 (1/4 pill) and there was no vomiting last night. I will check with the Vet also. Has anyone tried Osteo-Biflex or…
Added by Amy Freed on November 29, 2010 at 8:07am —

At 12 weeks we thought it was time for Ellie to wear her name tag on her collar. I had written her name and contact details on her collar with permanent marker up until now.
Ellie is having a bit of a sulk and trying to manipulate us in to taking the tag off.. Quite cute to see her trying to wrap us around her little white…
Added by Rebecca and Ellie on November 29, 2010 at 6:30am —
Sidney had FHO surgery for hip dysplasia three months ago. The vet said he'd be good to play at the dog park after three months, so today we met up with some corgi friends at San Elijo Hills dog park. I'd taken him to the dog park before today, but kept him from full-out running and playing.
Sidney is the corgi with the tail, and his surgery was on his left hind leg. The fur has grown back pretty well and he's not limping anymore. Could you even tell he'd had…
Added by Geri & Sidney on November 28, 2010 at 1:56am —
Hi I live part time in the city and part time in the country. At the house in the country there is a lot of brush and mesquite bushes and trees. The house is on about 1.5 acres. Only a small area is fenced in. I have four dogs and they love the freedom to be out and to wander. My corgi Zeppelin has developed an attitude about coming back as soon as I call him. I just got him a LED collar light which clips right onto his collar. There are several different positions the lights can be in. They…
Added by Joan Miriam Fried on November 27, 2010 at 10:30pm —
1 Comment
My best friends' little sister was teased today for liking to read...They even formed a group of all the girls to make a 'I Hate Angela Club'! She came home crying and refuses to read anymore. This-I believe, is one of the saddest things that can happen to anyone at a young age, having what makes you special ripped away from you. So In Angela's honor, I made this photoshoot of Darla as a tribute to all the amazing nerds out there! GO KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!
Added by Meaghan Lopez on November 27, 2010 at 7:29pm —
Ah, well, everybody's got to be afraid of something.
As many of you know, Jack is my stubborn and bossy, brave and loyal three-and-a-half year old Pem. He's a bold little guy, and from the time he was a puppy he would run barking towards anything that might be alarming. Quick to be on guard, he'll bark and growl fiercely at the door if anyone dares walk by the house in the middle of the night.
He's a therapy dog and he's everybody's friend. Everybody's, that is, except for…
Added by Beth on November 27, 2010 at 7:02pm —
the day is here!!, a year ago my little teddy bear was born and boy has he grown! this year has been such a blessing and i cant believe he is a year old now! i know this is going to be so please bear with me=) lol
well it all started back when i was a kid and have seen corgis but never really knew much about them and i honestly didnt know what they were called but there was just something about them that i just loved. so jump to last year when i moved to SC with arthur i…
Added by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on November 27, 2010 at 3:00pm —
Ive entered Missy Pootz in the Pet Centric Dog Show Contest for best expression. I think she might actually have a chance at winning! It would be great to have a corgi win in that category :) if everyone that reads this voted for her that would be amazing! you can even vote more than once! pretty please vote =)… Continue
Added by Jasmine & MissyPootz on November 27, 2010 at 1:26pm —
We are going back to Florida to a timeshare that wont allow pets. We are going to visit our kids ,grandkids,brothers and sisters, but Dyllan and Korie cant go! The place where they were going to stay didnt work out. So Dyllan will be staying here at the kennel at our vets in Tenn. The sadest part is his birthday is December 10th he will be two and his brother Koby is in Florida it will be their first birthday apart.We decided to sell the timeshare when we get there we arent going anywhere that…
Added by Dyllan on November 25, 2010 at 8:18pm —
1 Comment
Happy Thanksgiving fellow Corgi lovers. The boys can't wait till the turkey is done. They ate the liver for me, thank goodness. Many blessings on you all.
Added by Boo Buchheit on November 25, 2010 at 1:13pm —
Hoping all you corgi lovers out there are able to share the day with family, friends and furbabies! We get to spend the day with Mav who is 13 and his hips are getting worse so I don't know how many years left we will have him to share this day. As you can see we will have young and old here plus several of the 2 legged species! Have a great Thanksgiving! Jane…

Added by Jane Christensen on November 25, 2010 at 8:38am —
First of all, thanks for all the advice on the crate issue! Kali is doing much better settling down at night - the trick seemed to be leaving her in there and not letting her out - no matter how much I wanted to and giving her a kong with a treat in it. Kali graduated from basic obedience class last week w/flying colors! We still have one ear that flops so still taping. She will be six months on Sunday and still has one baby tooth on the side where her ear flops. Any suggestions as to when I…
Added by Robin on November 24, 2010 at 10:40pm —
1 Comment
Over the river,

(James River shot from mom's car window this morning)
And through the woods -

(Historic Rt. 5 in Charles City, VA)
To our doggy vacation place in the country we go.

(Just some of our friends on the fun farm. No,…
Added by Elizabeth on November 24, 2010 at 12:29pm —
Not sure if anyone else's corgi has this issue but Monty has just blown his winter coat thanks to a nice warm fall. In Northern Virginia we had a few days of cold weather that excited the fuzz butt to no end and his beautiful coat came in nicely. Then it went away and the humans enjoyed a nice 3 week spell of 60 and 70 degree weather. Unfortunately this is too warm for Monty's winter coat and he has been shedding it all over the house for the past week. He is back to his trim Spring self just…
Added by Monty'sMom on November 24, 2010 at 9:49am —
How is your Corgi's personality?
My Lily is sweet , but definitely does't like hugs .She is bossy and sometimes is hard to have her coming to me when I call her.
Is this the Corgi's way to say that loves us, or just a teenager behavior?
Added by Renata M. on November 24, 2010 at 1:10am —
Well it is almost Turkey day and the Turkey is sitting out thawing for Thanksgiving~
A few Weeks left of school then a month off to spoil my babe non stop with all the love he is missing from me when i go to school
Speaking of my Babe lol
Ace got his chance at his first Oregon Snow =D made me soooo excited I let him outside last night while it was falling he began bounding around like the little demon pooch he is having fun yapping at the crackling leaves under the sticking…
Added by Ace and Jen on November 24, 2010 at 1:08am —
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