Thanks for the warm welcome everybody!
Added by Amy O. on January 28, 2009 at 3:51pm —
1 Comment
Morna is scheduled to arrive in Charleston, SC around 3PM tomorrow! We will have company driving to Charleston (not to mention a more roomy vehicle than ours) because my 4 year old grandson loves Chuck E Cheese, and there are none in Myrtle Beach. So... while we go to the airport there to pick Morna up in the cargo area, JTF and his mom will be having fun at the big mouse house.
We will go back to get them once we've talked to and gotten Morna out of her crate, given her a little…
Added by Edie on January 28, 2009 at 2:46pm —
Just wanted to thank everyone for thinking of us. JoJo's new family drove 5 hours to pick her up last week and she is already the "queen" of the house. Her new mom is retired and her new dad (who is not a dog "lover") is her new most favorite person in the world. She is already well on her way to converting him to a CORGI LOVER!!!!!
Added by Mari Garner on January 28, 2009 at 2:36pm —
Ok, so after googling it a bit, I really haven't been able to find any dog parks in my area. I'm about 15 miles north of Philadelphia, PA. There's a bunch of parks actually in the city, but that's a bit of a hassle to go into the city for. I was hoping someone might know of a good place outside of Philadelphia, possibly even in western New Jersey where I might be able to take Optimus. Or, does anyone know a good site for locating dog parks? I tried but their site seemed buggy and…
Added by Matt & Hilliary on January 28, 2009 at 2:15pm —
This just in, Caroline Prime is the latest company who issued a recall on their products.

6" Beef Shank Peanut Butter, UPC 063725542007
2pk Hooves Peanut Butter, UPC 063725542000
4" Rawhide Bone Peanut Butter, UPC 063725542003
6" Rawhide Bone Peanut Butter, UPC 063725542005
6” Healthy Hide Beef Shank Peanut Butter, UPC 09109333479
Official press release…
Added by Sam Tsang on January 28, 2009 at 2:09pm —
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Banzai has always had this tiny bit of a habit of hooking his bottom jaw under his collars and chewing on them. I have probably only seen him do it about 10 times max since I've been putting collars on him. But today I wake up, go into the living room, and spot something chewed up on the floor. I wonder, what on earth it can be since my mom closes off her room from him now? He used to go in there to get things to chew on. Then I realize it's his pretty blue collar.
At first I was…
Added by FuzzyButt on January 28, 2009 at 12:00pm —
I like to share stories about how very smart my dogs are so here is one.
My dogs had a favorite ball that they often "fought" over. A few weeks ago it was getting pretty torn up and was muddy from the yard. I finally decided it wasn't safe and I didn't feel like washing it anyway so I put it up on a shelf in my laundry room which is attached to my dining room. The dogs asked for it several times but I would say "no". They gave up more than two weeks ago.
This morning,…
Added by Maisy on January 28, 2009 at 10:11am —
Well, about two weeks ago I noticed two little pooplets (tiny balls of what appeared to be poop smaller than a grape and perfectly sphere shaped) on the floor. Cheez-it is perfectly potty trained so I chocked it up to something hanging that he brought inside. Since then I have found a few of these in his kennel a few days apart and I have also noticed that he has been having some NASTY gas. I mean, "Walk into my office and clear out the room" gas. So, dogs have gas, no big deal. But just…
Added by James on January 28, 2009 at 5:18am —
Today i took hachi for her first walk...
Weather = cloudy with a few showers in the morning.. (strange since we're RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER. but its a good change ^_^ )
since i live on a pretty busy road, she was at first shitting bricks when she stepped
out on to the drive way.. haha
all the cars freaked her out a bit.. so i carried her a bit until we reached the park.
after that she was still reluctant to walk on the leash, she kept biting and…
Added by chocky on January 28, 2009 at 12:39am —
It's hard to believe that a year has passed since Tucker lost his leg to cancer! He is just amazing and I'm so lucky to still have him in my life. He will be 8 in April.
He can do almost everything he use to do before becoming a tri-pawd. Going potty is difficult when trying to lift his leg so he squats sometimes. We went to the beach last October and he had a great time. Not as much stamina and some chin landings but all in all it was great to see him frolic on the sand!
Added by Kim on January 28, 2009 at 12:03am —
So a few days into having Albie and he is now trying to herd me. It was rather funny really. He was running from one spot in the living room to where I was trying to herd me somewhere. Not sure where though... I really wish I had a video of it since it was so cute!
Added by Matthew & Sarah on January 27, 2009 at 11:40pm —
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So it has occurred to me that I may need to revise my budget for the puppy. I forgot to add new socks every month when I made it!
Added by Matthew & Sarah on January 27, 2009 at 11:38pm —
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Check out the new little guy I will be getting in Feb! Unless I change my mind and pick one of his brother's this is the little man Koby. I really doubt I will change my mind but it feels safer to know that since I had to leave a deposit. I am more of the hands on personality type. He is such a cutie! I am excited! My parents got a german shepherd puppy, Korie and she is a lot of work so I can see that I am going to have a lot of responsibility coming up. Kittens are not hard to raise compared…
Added by Sir Riley of Pembroke on January 27, 2009 at 9:37pm —
So, I am a new first time puppy owner. As it stands right now, I have owned a dog for 3 days in my entire life.
I am a little worried though, Albert is extremely lethargic today. Yesterday he was a wild child and today he is sleeping a lot.
I did take him for quite a jaunt around the block this morning. Well, quite a jaunt for a puppy, it was only about 15, maybe 20, minutes.
He ate all his food when we got back in. Since then he has slept most the day, aside…
Added by Matthew & Sarah on January 27, 2009 at 8:53pm —
We just saw this commerical on tv that has a corgi in the beginning....he looks like our Max (with tail too). lol
Check it…
Added by Max & Cody on January 27, 2009 at 7:51pm —
As you all well know how much corgis shed...I am calling out to all corgis owners to help me out on winning a pet hair eraser vacuum to help out on the hair that is everywhere. I suggest everyone should put their pet on the website and hope for the best, but lets make sure that a corgi wins it this year. I am asking for all votes for Barkley or Cooper and to let all corgi owners prevail.…
Added by Harmons on January 27, 2009 at 7:01pm —
It’s been pretty wicked cold out in Colorado the last few days, and from what I understand, it’s been pretty cold just about everywhere! Last night, in particular, I just couldn’t get warm. My feather comforter is at the cleaners, so I’m making do with a bunch of other blankets, but it just isn’t as warm and cozy. My feet were especially cold. So I had a *brilliant* idea to put Ginny to good use as a foot warmer! She already sleeps under the covers (very spoiled, I know), so I just scooted her…
Added by Ginny and Diggory on January 27, 2009 at 10:37am —
Well it's been four days and we final heard back from the vet. Dr Locke was waiting a return call from University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and apologized for the long wait. U of I suggested we move forward with chest and upper body x-rays along with blood work to test for cancer. U of I also suggested that we take Tiki to see a neurologist, but of course the closest one to Springfield is Aurora. So I guess I'll be burning some vacation time for a road trip to the neurologist…
Added by Brenda and Gary on January 26, 2009 at 10:17pm —
Albertsons and
Shaw's Supermarket have announced they will take back:
Happy Tails Multi-Flavored Dog Biscuits, 26 oz., UPC#: 41163-42406.
Happy Tails Multi-Flavored Dog Biscuits, 4 lb., UPC#: 41163-42403.
Shoppers Valu Multi-Flavored Dog Biscuits, 4 lb., UPC#: 41130-30507.
For the latest list of recall items check the FDA website
Added by Sam Tsang on January 26, 2009 at 9:44pm —
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We got KC from Brad Biggers in October 2007. He loves to fetch his sweakie tennis balls, and runs any straight hallway/room like crazy! I would love to share photos, let me know if you're on facebook, and I'll show you some pics. I am in my 50's and my have to get my daughter's help, but we can figure it out!
Added by Margaret Brown on January 26, 2009 at 8:50pm —
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