My boyfriend Derek and I have had our little Roscoe for almost two weeks. He just had his 2 month birthday (woot) and is too cute for words. We do have some questions though, we both know that it is never too early to train so we really want to get a head start!! So, here are the questions that we have encountered so far:
-- Leash training..?! We have tried many different techniques, but nothing seems to work! As soon as that leash snaps on, Roscoe isn't moving! He walks with us just…
ContinueAdded by Katie MacCallon on August 10, 2011 at 2:07am — 6 Comments
Added by Mike on August 9, 2011 at 7:27pm — 6 Comments
I am planning to get a pup this coming spring out of a bitch from Australia. Imagine my delight when I am helping at my AKC Club's Dog Show this past weekend and she is there! Didn't even know she was in the states already and I got to watch her show for 3 days! Even got my picture taken with her!! Sooooo awesome!!!…
ContinueAdded by Chris West on August 9, 2011 at 7:00pm — 8 Comments
Added by Darlene Hennessy on August 9, 2011 at 6:24pm — 10 Comments
This past weekend we had our second yard sale of the summer. Pippy was a big help - she greeted everyone, and even stole some pats and belly rubs. It was during our yard sale, though, that I made an interesting discovery.
I've discovered that nothing is more exciting for Pippy then when people go through the front door. She always runs to greet whoever may be stopping in, and she always barks and bounces about as we depart for a walk. But this weekend we discovered it is just…
ContinueAdded by Pippy & Ralph on August 8, 2011 at 4:48pm — No Comments
I am 1 years old today and Mum and Daddy say it is my birthday! I try very hard but it is hard to remember when I lived Up North with my little Mother, handsome Father, one sister and two brothers. One brother left before me and my Mother told me we would all go away to far off lands; which I did when I came here to live with Mum and Daddy and old Lily not far from the big…
ContinueAdded by Molly & Linda on August 8, 2011 at 4:26pm — 6 Comments
Hi friends,
Anyone experiencing your dog scratching a lot? My Chloe just started this last month, it lasted a few days, then went away. Now it's back. We take her swimming at the beach, maybe salt water dries her skin?? She does not have fleas, I have combed & checked everywhere, often. I started giving her collodial oatmeal/aloe shampoo baths to heal her skin. Also, where she is red (no open areas) I put olive oil base with tea tree oil. I hope it's not a food allergy, from what…
ContinueAdded by The Kalber Family on August 7, 2011 at 1:08pm — 12 Comments
So it has been 5-6 days since I got Bosco (almost 9weeks old now) and sometimes I get a little skin itch on wherever he licks. It almost looks like a small round mosquito bite bump with red surrounding it. I wash the skin and after 20mins or so it stops itching and begins to fade away.
I have owned an indoor persian cat for 12 years before and I've never experienced such itching.
Does anyone know if there's a way to grow out of this type of allergy? I don't want to give…
Added by Ada Chiu on August 6, 2011 at 9:00pm — 10 Comments
I went out of town to move my stuff into a new apartment for school. I was gone from Wednesday to Friday, and Wednesday morning, I dropped Waffle off at my friends/his breeders' house. He was not coming with us. We tripped over him seven times while I was cooking in the kitchen. I was not about to trip over him 70 times while carrying heavy furniture! He was excited to be there, but looked very confused when I walked out the door without him.
I missed him so much! When…
ContinueAdded by Rachael & Waffle on August 6, 2011 at 6:00pm — 4 Comments
Every summer seems the same for me. A friend or family member is in need of help and I drop everything to try and make life easier for them.
During this time my husband and I decided to take in (yet another) foster dog. This time an Alaskan Malamute, and I would only be home on the weekends.
I can't tell you how proud I am of my husband right now. I had to beg him to adopt our first dog Roslyn, and he made me promise I would do everything for her. Now we have our second dog…
Added by LaRissa L. Head on August 6, 2011 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments
Added by Jane Christensen on August 5, 2011 at 10:42pm — 12 Comments
Last night I got three hours of sleep. Around 3ish, Dixie started whining and barking at me from her crate. I tried moving the night light around the room, I checked around her crate and pads for her prizes, and I even tried sleeping with my fingers through her crate bars. However, she kept crying and barking. I was afraid that any moment one of my neighbors would start pounding on my door.
So today, I am trying a little experiment with sleep cycling. We played at 7PM for…
ContinueAdded by FredG and Dixie on August 5, 2011 at 4:30pm — 6 Comments
Added by NancyOkada on August 5, 2011 at 12:32pm — 4 Comments
So our girl Luna is a big talker. We know that, we've seen it since she was a pup. She has the full range of corgi talk (wookie talk, grumbling, growling, yipping, etc.). This is usually for a purpose (like, "let me out to potty"), or in response to petting (almost like a purr?)...she has a specific "butt-rubbing grumble" but right now she's showing off a new one:
I'm in a recliner. Her sister is sitting with me. She's in her crate (with not a soul within 20 feet of her). She's…
ContinueAdded by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on August 5, 2011 at 12:20am — 5 Comments
So this is what I have learned today:
Added by FredG and Dixie on August 5, 2011 at 12:18am — 2 Comments
Holy cow! I am gonna be a corgi foster mom! Little did I know that my first foster was gonna be a mama and her 5 puppies!!!! I'm pretty excited! They arrive on Saturday and I am hoping the meeting between them and the permanent house mates goes well! Middle Tennessee Corgi Rescue are doing the adoptions so if anyone is looking...get a hold of them! I am pretty sure these babies are gonna be adopted pretty quickly. With my daughters help I should be able to post photos.
Added by Donna and Lilly on August 4, 2011 at 7:09pm — 6 Comments
I brought Dixie home today.
She is amazingly quiet for a puppy. However, when you get her excited with play it takes her a bit of time to calm down.
Right now she is sleeping, since I had to crate her with her Kong monkey and a bully stick so I could go to a meeting.
When I got back home she was snoozing away in her crate.
Hopefully she will still sleep soundly throughout tonight since she has been sawing wood for the past two…
ContinueAdded by FredG and Dixie on August 4, 2011 at 3:57pm — 7 Comments
Added by Kim Ales-Yan on August 4, 2011 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment
I am looking for Wyndtree Corgis born in Swisher, Iowa. I have 2 Pems from the Wyndtree Farm and would just like to contact others and trade stories and pictures of our dogs on MyCorgi. One of my Corgis was born 10-26-07 and the other was born 4-7-09. I stumbled on a litter mate on this site last week. That makes me want to find more.
Please respond with a comment only if you have a Wyndtree Corgi. Thanks.…
ContinueAdded by LA Stewart on August 3, 2011 at 10:41pm — 2 Comments
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