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Going to Bloomington Dog Park

We are taking our second dog to the dog park for the first time tomorrow morning, around 10am. We haven't been the to the Bloomington, MN dog park, but we are going to try it. If anyone is interested, please join us.

Added by Tina on November 21, 2008 at 8:55am — 2 Comments

6 Months Already?!

Callie is now 6 months old! It seems like just yesterday I was taking her home from the breeders. (I brought her home July 4th!) She is now around 13 pounds and I don't think she will get much bigger. I love how small she is compared to other Corgis. My petite little girl. I have been looking at pictures from when she was younger and it is amazing how fast puppies grow!

Lately she has been crazy. She completely destroyed one of her rope toys yesterday. I was amazed, I went to school in the… Continue

Added by Lusa on November 20, 2008 at 8:52pm — 3 Comments

Corgi Fights off Cougar, Loses life.

I saw this article and it about broke my heart.

If you don't feel like clicking, here's the scoop;

In Nevada, a four year old Corgi named Big Bear went out in the morning for a potty and to play with the neighbors dogs. Some time later he returned home gravely injured with puncture wounds around his neck. They estimate he dragged himself an eighth of a mile home after, presumably, escaping a mountain… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on November 20, 2008 at 7:00pm — 8 Comments

20 weeks - my kisser, magnet & alarm clock + new corgi designs

My little Gibson is 20 weeks old now, and finally done w/his puppy vaccinations! Yay! Our vet appointment was last night, and he did so well. The last time we went (5 weeks ago), he was such a little jerk! He kept biting the vet. She had to bring in a 'handler' to give him his shots..and then that weekend he bit my mother-in-law when she was picking him up! It must have been a short phase though.. Since then we've passed obedience and he's been socialized a bit more.. This visit he was a sweet… Continue

Added by Kelly on November 20, 2008 at 5:39pm — 3 Comments

Got our 7 week pictures today

Ein turned 7 weeks old yesterday, and our breeder sent us some photos today. Every week, she gets more and more adorable. Her ears are standing up now, and she's starting to turn a lovely orange color. We still have 16 days until she comes to live with us, and I don't know if I can wait that long!

Added by Alia, David & Ein on November 20, 2008 at 1:13pm — 2 Comments

Ein's morning routine

So every morning, Ein rolls around on the carpet, making cute, silly growlie noises. I finally caught a video of him doing that:

I wonder if other corgis do this as well?

Added by Aj on November 20, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments


I was reading the news feeds today, the information junky that I am and I came across an article saying that pets are feeling the economic pinch too.

I can certainly relate, I had to postpone my cat getting her tooth extracted because things were getting a little hard pressed. When it comes between my mom getting a root canal and the cat getting a tooth yanked out, mom wins, hands down, and that's unfortunate.

The article said that people were missing appointments, not filling… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on November 19, 2008 at 9:33pm — 7 Comments

Neuter Time!

Saxon goes to the vet on December 2 to get neutered. While he is under, if she deems it necessary, the vet will x-ray his right front leg. He has been limping for a few weeks now and I would like to get it looked at. Feel like a worried mom. I will sure be glad when this is over.

Added by Gail on November 19, 2008 at 5:34pm — 4 Comments

Top 5 reasons Obama should get a corgi

5. Face it, there's not a 100 percent allergy-free furry animal in the world.

4. The multi-colors of a Corgi are representative of our own melting pot/salad bowl nation.

3. They can help "herd" members of Congress into the same direction.

2. To further diplomatic relations with Great Britain, particularly the Queen of England.

And the number 1 reason why President-elect Obama should get a corgi:

1. How awesome would it be watch a corgi frap around the White… Continue

Added by Keahi and Kai on November 19, 2008 at 2:41pm — 8 Comments

Corgis are the Best Barn Dogs Ever

I took both corgis to the barn last night to watch my friends ride. Having been to many horse shows, Molly is pretty good at just sitting and watching, but this would be the Tig's first time as a bystander. I was worried that he would be disruptive or try to lunge at the horses as they trotted by. It was cold and uncomfortable but I put their cozy fleece blankets on them. The dogs sat calmy and watched the horses go round in circles for three hours. No one squeaked or barked once. When the… Continue

Added by Katie on November 19, 2008 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

kaijuu ... is bilingual?

kaijuu has a bad habit of bringing oily pig ears to his bed/crate.

so im at my desk, and i say to him [in vietnamese]

kaijuu, no...don't eat in your bed.

guess what he does?

he drags the pig ear out of bed, and brings it to my table and is chowing it down ...

now if only he understood japanese and chinese too. that be great! =)

Added by Linda and Kaijuu Le on November 19, 2008 at 3:08am — 6 Comments

Just a dog.... SO NOT TRUE :o)

This pretty much sums it up, I know everyone here gets the looks like I do that ur nuts when u start talking to people that either dont have dogs or dont truly just feel its an animal and not part of the family...

Just a Dog

From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog," or, "that's a lot of money for just a dog." They don't understand the distance travelled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a dog." Some of my proudest moments have come… Continue

Added by Dannielle on November 18, 2008 at 2:28pm — 7 Comments

The Temple of Boom #4

Start Random Observation…

Boomer’s back legs always look like he just got off a horse. And he wiggles his butt when he walks. Which would explain the desire of other dogs to hump him, I guess.

End Random Observation…

Boomer’s ears are wonderful in the fact they are completely indicative of how he’s feeling. Straight up means he’s wide awake and ready to play. Ears half-mast means a little tired. Ears straight out from the side of his head means this dog is about… Continue

Added by Craig H on November 18, 2008 at 1:03pm — 9 Comments

Week One Complete

Hello everyone,

Well we have completed the first week of having Rowdy home. He has been pretty easy to handle so far except for getting the timing down of going outside. However on the wonderful side that he has no problem in holding it when we are in the car and then whine a little bit to let us know that he is ready to go. He has truely been a great puppy so far and man he has blown both my wife and I away with how obedient he is. What I mean is that when we take him outside to our… Continue

Added by Erich and Stephanie Miller on November 17, 2008 at 4:33pm — 4 Comments

Agression Question

Hi! I have a question and would like to know if anyone has any advise. I have two almost 1year old pembrok welsh corgis. When I let them out side they go straight to the fence to fight with the dog next door. The dog next door is mean too, but my two go nuts with it. They bite each other and attach each other when they are at the fence. They also go after my other dog (who is blind and old) when he barks at them. They can get very aggresive when the other dogs fuss at them. Does anyone have any… Continue

Added by Kristen on November 17, 2008 at 3:07pm — 4 Comments

Florida Corgi Picnic

Wow!!! What a fantastic time we had at the Florida Corgi Picnic in Palm Bay Florida!! Celeste and all her little Corgi Aid Helpers did a great job! Thanks Celeste!!

Corgis, Corgis everywhere!! And all so well behaved!!

And... it was great to meet Sam and Silvia and everyone else we met and talked with!! Bella & family, Jolie & family, Bug, Reese, Marley.... the list goes on and on!! Over 200 humans and countless Corgis everywhere!! Soffie and Griffyn slept the… Continue

Added by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on November 17, 2008 at 1:00pm — 7 Comments

Best dog food for a corgi?

I have given my Rambo Merrick's Puppy Plate since I got him. Merrick's is hard to find (Petco, Petsmart do not carry it) He is now almost 8 months. What is the BEST food that I can give him? I have tried to keep him very healthy, he walks 1 hour in the mornings and half hour at nights. As snaks he eats fruits and veggies.

Rambo loves apples, pears, watermelon, bananas, carrots, and celery (keeps his teeth very clean and white).

The fruits I give only once in a while… Continue

Added by Geo & Mari on November 17, 2008 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Collar Issues & My New Corgi Shop!

Gibson's collar has been an issue lately. Before we started obedience class, he wore his collar all of the time, and I thought he looked adorably handsome in it. Well, when we started class, he barely wore his collar, if ever, because we used training collars for class, which he would have to wear every time I'd take him for a walk to practice. So, I've gotten used to Gibson walking around the house 'naked' all of the time and being able to pet his neck and see his beautiful mane (which was non… Continue

Added by Kelly on November 17, 2008 at 9:52am — 5 Comments

joy my corgi

Dear friends,

I thank you for your welcome !
The lovely human daddy of my Joy is Gianluca Bufardeci, my hubby, another new subscriber, and you can see in his page a lot of good pictures of our corgi !!!!
Stay tune!

kisses from Italy


Added by sabina on November 17, 2008 at 3:24am — 2 Comments

Tux Tux Corgi in a Tuxedoooooo

Seriously. Conor is the conducter on the train to cute town

Added by SqueakyPink on November 16, 2008 at 10:46pm — 4 Comments

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