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We purchased Trice from a breeder 8/9/08 who lives an hour away (not bad!). My hubby instantly named him Trice for his tri-colored coat. Currently our apartment does not allow pets but we are moving into a condo end of next month that does allow. So...the breeder was kind enough to keep Trice until we move but we can come pick him up for the day, walk him, etc. This arrangement works out very well! He officially comes home with us on September 28. We are very excited. =)

Added by Trice on August 12, 2008 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

Bully stick.. and Biting

I think Owen might be the only dog who was not immediately charmed by the bully stick. He did this weird thing for about 5 minutes until I took it away. Sniff it, nip at it and jump away like he had received a shock! Then bark at it a few times. Repeat. I got tired of that one really quick. My husband came home and we tried again. Matt said he had to show him what to do - then he was busy until dinner time.

Owen is a little chewer so we are keeping that mouth busy on good things to… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on August 12, 2008 at 1:24am — 5 Comments

The Kirby Challenge

Well... Computer died and finally got a used one to work from. As for Poor ol Kirby he's doing well even after a bad tumble which screwed up his hip and back (he went after a deer and went off a retaining wall about 1 mile from the house took me 20 minutes to find him) He is losing weight now that all the family is no longer feeding him cheese behind my back and his favorite godparents aren't feeding him things when he visits. We still have a ways too go.

OMG! Well I learned… Continue

Added by Kate on August 11, 2008 at 8:39pm — 5 Comments


anybody elses corgi ever bring them "presents"? chloe brought me a lizard today and stood there looking at me with that happy little face and her tail just waggin away. when i got a bag to throw it away her tail instantly dropped and she actually kinda made me feel bad. she looked so hurt that i threw her lizard away but ewww. but at the same time im actually kind of amazed that she caught one. she constantly chasing them around the deck. but they are fast litte things and well lets face it,… Continue

Added by Manda and Chloe on August 11, 2008 at 1:32pm — 2 Comments

George is losing his baby teeth.

I walked into the kitchen and thought I had stepped on a piece of broken glass. It wasn't glass, but one of George's baby teeth. We have found four of his teeth so far. We never did find any of Rosie's baby teeth. It seems like he is losing them all within a couple of weeks. The new ones are just starting to break through. If this keeps up he is going to have to eat mushy food. He actually lost one tooth when he was eating a doggie biscuit. I am keeping his teeth, but I would like to do… Continue

Added by Laurie on August 11, 2008 at 10:19am — 3 Comments

First trip to the Huntington Beach Dog Park

Today, we went to the Huntington Beach Dog Park for the first time. We met other members of the Huntington Beach Corgis Meetup Group. We had a great time seeing other Pembrokes and Cardigans of various colors, sizes, and personalities. There must have been a dozen Corgis that came and went during our visit.

Below is a link to some pictures of our day. Unfortunately, the dogs' active spirit was a little too much to handle for my fun camera so I didn't get too many interesting shots.… Continue

Added by Michael on August 10, 2008 at 7:17pm — No Comments

I Can't Tell

*flails* I can't tell whether Banzai is a red/wht or sable. I have AKC papers that I have yet to fill out, and I can't do it because I am not sure what color he is going to be. The whole litter looked to be red/wht. That is what I have down so far. But Banzai is still so dark and the black in him looks to be spreading, and staying. Some red is coming in along his withers, but he has that skull cap. His ears are not black tipped or outlined, but he has a lot of black around his hind quarters. I… Continue

Added by FuzzyButt on August 10, 2008 at 3:41pm — 3 Comments

Gas powered dog crate?

I have two cars, they both have a very high appetite and pallette for gasoline. Requiring both Premium and large amounts of it, you would think I had a large SUV, I dont. So the time came in this failing-economy/high-commodity country to think about parting ways with one in order to serve a better purpose. Both were terrably fun to drive at the very least. So I disposed of my least favorite of the two and went to pick out a small sub-compact with alot of room and good mpg.

So after a… Continue

Added by James on August 10, 2008 at 11:58am — 5 Comments

corgis and kids

ive heard a variety of things when it come to corgis and children. everything from dont trust them with kids to they are great with kids. well mine happens to be picky about kids. there are only two kids that she has ever had any interest in, my boyfriends daughter and my friends son. my friend has a 7 yr old who absolutly adores chloe, and she is quite fond of him as well. she gets so excited everytime she see him and just wants him to do nothing but play with her. which is great, they live… Continue

Added by Manda and Chloe on August 10, 2008 at 4:42am — 6 Comments

So Proud!

Today I took Didi to the neighbors house. They have two daughters and they both adore Didi, so I try to bring her around every once in awhile.

I was so proud. She ran around with them at their heels without trying to bite or nip at them. She didn't get mouthy at all! The little one was a little rough petting her (she was more of the "patting" type then the "stroking" type.) but my little trooper took it all in stride. She looked so wistful when it was time to go. I can tell she made a good… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on August 9, 2008 at 10:21pm — 1 Comment

The Olympics and Camber

Last night, the world was treated to and amazed by the stunning opening ceremonies in Beijing. To say that I was impressed is an understatement. Especially at the end, when they lit the torch...

Camber, as usual, slept through most of it. However, I consider that OK in my book because we had it on surround sound and the volume turned up really high and I thought that the fireworks would send her running to the other room. It didn't. Which is a testament to the fact that she was… Continue

Added by Elys on August 9, 2008 at 9:23am — 3 Comments

Happy B-Day to me :o)

So today I turned 24 that really isnt a big deal... Not excited or happy about it in the least except for that it means Aug. 7th is here which means the 9th is in 2 days and I finally get to visit Zero!!! Plus only 15 days till he gets to come home!! 15 days seems like forver one moment and the next it seems too close and I start to wonder if I have enough toys and such for him! LoL its all too much I just need a day off and time to sleep 2 weeks straight working no days off plus working extra… Continue

Added by Dannielle on August 7, 2008 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

Teenage Puppy

Well Banzai is hitting the adolescent stage. How can we tell? The biting. You can be sitting on the couch with your hands resting in your lap, and he'll charge up his stairs just to attack and gnaw on your hands. We remove his steps from the couch and set him down on the floor. He then walks a little ways and pees. Why yes, the good old defiance pee. That, "I'm angry at my father and you can't tell me what to do," pee.

We try to give him his toys but the second he sees your hands, he… Continue

Added by FuzzyButt on August 7, 2008 at 12:02pm — 3 Comments

Dixon California Annual Corgi Fair

Will anyone in the Bay Area be attending Annual Corgi Fair in Dixon Ca at the Fairgrounds in November,I went last year it was a ball

Added by Krystle on August 7, 2008 at 11:27am — 2 Comments

Trip to the Park! 3 Months!

Owen is 3 months today. We took him to his first trip to the park on Tuesday. Kid in candy store- I'm glad we have the harness for now. We have a LOT of leash work and obedience to do! He actually is doing very well for a 3 month pup, he just hasn't experienced outside of the house or our yard/block! We had a blast at the park and he crashed. All the other dogs and people.. Owen loved it! I love that he thinks he is a big dog. He is really starting to get his own personality - you can tell he… Continue

Added by Owen's Mom on August 7, 2008 at 10:45am — No Comments

The tooth fairy is very busy here

Risa turned 4 and 1/2 months and his teeth are growing like crazy. Right now 6 new teeth growing,

another two nearly coming out. He's eating well, we give him a lot of things to chew, so I hope it doesn't hurt him too much. Sometimes he's tired and I can see that he's in some pain. But after a few hours he's my old Risa again,… Continue

Added by wendulik on August 7, 2008 at 8:14am — 1 Comment

Lexi pregnant Litter coming soon AKC

Lexi Just might be a new mommy by my stud MAXX they are both AKC registered with Champion Lines I will keep everyone posted will be seeing Vet to confirm in a few weeks

Added by Krystle on August 6, 2008 at 11:53pm — 1 Comment

Funniest Home Videos Channel 7 ABC 7:00 August 6th

There was a video of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi on America's Funniest Home Videos. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi was out in the woods chasing its shadow in the mirror! I wasnt watching it, I just happened to come in from being at the store and saw it on! Very Cool! Did anyone happen to see it on?

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on August 6, 2008 at 9:26pm — 3 Comments


I just spoke with the breeder and.....
Oh my gosh i don't think I've ever been so excited before....
cant wait till fall now...

Added by Emily on August 6, 2008 at 10:16am — 3 Comments

Le-Le on the road and other photographs

I just put up some new photo's of Le-Le. When we first got Le-Le we had her in her crate while we were driving since we thought this was good for her. Secure and safe. But we noticed that she was distant and we had to try to bond with her again when we stopped for the day. Plus we realized we could be on the road with pits stops of course but we on the road for many many hours. So we were in Wal-Mart and I saw a bass boat chair and thought this would do the trick. We got it and put one of our… Continue

Added by Anne on August 6, 2008 at 12:51am — 2 Comments

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