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Little Herder

I noticed Ellie herding for the first time last week. Usually, it’s just me and Ellie alone in my apartment, and she knows better than to try and herd her “alpha” so it’s never been an issue. We stayed with my mom last week, and it’s unbelievable how quickly that herding instinct appeared when there were two people in the house with Ellie.

Every time my mom would move off the couch, Ellie chased after her, lunging and barking and nipping at her heels. My mom said it felt like a lick,…


Added by Heather & Ellie on April 22, 2013 at 2:59pm — 2 Comments

Happy 1st Birthday Gilby!!

It's Gilby's first birthday!!! This has truly been the best year of our lives, I can't say enough wonderful things about Gilby!  He's smart, funny, wonderful, amazing, and so sweet!  He is a joy every single day, and gets us out to experience wonderful things every day!  

Here's too many more years of corgi filled bliss!…


Added by Nicholas, Kailee, & Gilby on April 22, 2013 at 12:13pm — 4 Comments

4/20/13 Huntington Beach Corgi Meet!!

Oh my gosh, this was SO much fun ^ ^. Napolean met so many new faces that he actually didn't have to look up to meet, haha. We met other mycorgi people there too, our people! Can't wait to go to the next meet in June; I hope there will be even more than this time (there was probably a good 100 corgis this time around)

HERE'S A VIDEO of our experience!:



Added by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) on April 21, 2013 at 11:43am — 5 Comments

Machete's April Bark Box!!

machete had a very busy, very active day yesterday. so, when his bark box arrived, he was basically passed the eff out and we didn't open it right away because this:


to perk him up, i opened the box and we found all sorts of awesome goodies! once the box was opened, all of a sudden this little corg was very "interested."


first up in this month's box were these…


Added by rae on April 20, 2013 at 12:29am — 12 Comments

Corgi Meetup in Hungtington Dog beach April 20, 2013

Corgi meetup in Hungtington Dog beach California April 20, 2013 10AM.  Come and join us and meet in person!

Added by Evelyn Chang on April 19, 2013 at 8:46pm — 3 Comments

Saying goodbye to Chester

On Monday April 15th we said goodbye to Chester. Chester was our lab/dane mix and he was 17 years old. We had adopted him when he was 2 years old from a family who could no longer care for him.

Chester had been having a harder and harder time getting up and making it outside to potty.

Over the weekend, he became unable to stand at all. We knew it was his…


Added by Geri & Sidney on April 19, 2013 at 6:49pm — 8 Comments

Corgie Interuptus

So today was Supposed to be chore day. My doggies had a different idea. Today ended up being "make us more TOYS day!" and so this I did. As a believer in reusing/re-purposing, most of what we use around the house gets used as much as possible. That includes doggie toys. Today I made food toys based on the wonderful model of 'Tug-a-jug'. Being fugal (read…


Added by Hhoky on April 18, 2013 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Help with my puppy and training!

My tri color corgi puppy's name is Charlie and he is going to be 7 months old here in a week. He is the most stubborn dog in the entire world and I just don't know what to do. When he was really young, about 3 months, we had him sitting when we asked and sometimes laying down. But this was only if he got rewarded with a couple shreds of cheese, he wouldn't do it for anything else. And then he suddenly just stopped listening even when cheese was in front of him. So we sort of dropped sit for…


Added by Melissa Burns on April 18, 2013 at 6:48pm — 7 Comments

Anyone with a quick, speedy recovery from giardia.

My pup is a little over 5 months. I have been very diligent about keeping her clean by wiping her feet with baby wipes every time she goes outside. I even wipe her bum every time she does her business. Yes, people laugh when I tell them I do this, but I'm extremely paranoid about her catching a parasite. I also have her on Trifexis to prevent the worms and the fleas. Recently I took her to a dog park for some play time. (Her 2nd time at a dog park). She had her fun. Cleaned her feet and gave… Continue

Added by Catherine Robertson on April 17, 2013 at 9:55pm — 7 Comments

Hoping for Puppy - Round 2!!

Breeder has another litter, so we are hoping for a puppy again!  This time it is Am Can CH Kingsbury Tail Ridge Road (Jake) x Am Aus CH Cambrian My Way (Casey).  So they are out of my all time favorite corgi Harry P's grandson x an aussie import.  Just keeping my fingers crossed that one of the boys turns out to be a show prospect for me!  This picture shows the two girls on the left and the two boys on the right, just over two weeks old.…


Added by Chris West on April 16, 2013 at 5:09pm — 4 Comments

Praying for the families injured by the bombs in Boston

It is so sad to have another horrible occurence in our country! Hope all our mycorgi family is safe!

Added by Bev Levy on April 15, 2013 at 9:40pm — 3 Comments

I've developed a theory to explain Fauna's ancestry

See and

This hypothesis remains untested, as the research is unfunded. The National Science Foumdation rejected my proposal to study this mysterious creature. Wild guesses about "made up organisms" don't count as science, they said. However, I cannot find anything in existing literature to explain the unique… Continue

Added by Lauren Rae & Fauna on April 15, 2013 at 9:04am — 2 Comments

Much better day

Rally went so much better today. I made sure to arrive closer to our class time, and left Becca in the car when I got there. I brought her in about 45 minutes before the we went in the ring. She seemed more at ease today, but still unfocused. We played the name game, every time she looked at me she got a smidge of string cheese. Both strategies worked. We scored a 90 and first place! Even more important, we had fun today.

Two legs down, one to go...I will post some better pics when my…


Added by Marcie on April 14, 2013 at 4:10pm — 3 Comments

Intelligent Dog's Guide to Blogs

Hi All,


Our dog, Rusty, a one year old Cardigan, writes a blog offering advice to dogs who want to understand humans.


I hope some of you might find it amusing. The address is: 



Added by Peter Reynolds on April 14, 2013 at 4:17am — 1 Comment

Some advice

Hi All could some one advise me as this is the 1st tooth extraction I have had to deal with!.

My vet advised me that for 1 month Oscar could not have his morning Breakfast  dog biscut or his evening dried food and bones were a no no!. I Have given Oscar his Smacko's soft stips of fish or liver or Beef he gets 2 He looks at me as if to say Dad where's my biscut sam got his!. My inquiry is could I soak his dried food at night in soup or broth till it is soft so he can eat it?. He is on…


Added by Brian D Graham on April 13, 2013 at 10:51pm — 10 Comments

I can understand your frustration! Oscar was what my vet classed as Muzzle Shy you would go to kiss him on the snout he would growl but never bite the same if he had a bone or was eating his dinner!.…

I can understand your frustration! Oscar was what my vet classed as Muzzle Shy you would go to kiss him on the snout he would growl but never bite the same if he had a bone or was eating his dinner!. I spoke at length to my vet about this as she is a pet psychologist she explained and showed me & Paul how to decencitise Oscar it took about a month but we got there in the end!. We also Have a 5 year old Australian Red Cattle Cross Kelpie Sam he was a rescue dog we have to be careful with…


Added by Brian D Graham on April 13, 2013 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Qualified, barely

Becca and I both survived our first rally trial. We just barely qualified with a 73. She was much more interested in the floor than me.I lost many points for tight leash and luring.

I got there early to let her acclimate and to be sure to get crate space. I think It worked against me. She was pretty fried before it was our turn. There were some reactive barking dogs there and she got stressed whenever one of them started. There was one in the row of crates behind us.

We are…


Added by Marcie on April 13, 2013 at 4:14pm — 4 Comments

Sad one year anniversary :(

  It was one year ago today that we had to put down our sweet 13 year old corgi Bailie due to aggressive lymphoma, one of the hardest days ever...She was our first corgi and is the reason we have such a love for the breed.…


Added by heather jones on April 12, 2013 at 3:30pm — 9 Comments

Hi to all those people who sent best wishes to Oscar re his tooth extraction today. I have good news Oscar as my vet used the term Wonder Dog!. he came thru with flying colours! My vet said Oscar is …

Hi to all those people who sent best wishes to Oscar re his tooth extraction today. I have good news Oscar as my vet used the term Wonder Dog!. he came thru with flying colours! My vet said Oscar is trully an amazing dog. he has bounced back really well. we came home with a list of instructions re his recovery soft food for the next month no dog biscuits or bones for the next month pain killers with food twice a day and antibiotics twice a day. A follow up appointment is required next week…


Added by Brian D Graham on April 12, 2013 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

Happy Birthday, Aayla!

Three years ago, after making the decision to move our family into a "house with a yard", I began the search for a family canine companion.  We narrowed our options and then agreed on a corgi.  It was this sweet 1 week old face that stole our hearts.

Memorial Day weekend 2010, we loaded the kids into the car, headed north to pick up our new baby and planned a…


Added by Bobbi O'Hara on April 11, 2013 at 2:00pm — 9 Comments

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