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Ace is on Cardiped!

After putting it off for a couple months, I finally entered Ace in the Cardiped database. :-) I believe it is a wonderful thing to keep track of who comes from where, and thanks to everything being digitized, it couldn't be easier. There is a truly comprehensive database available for Basenjis, my former breed, and I enjoyed the wealth of information at my fingertips.

In case any of you want a quick looksee, visit Ace's page here! …


Added by Ludi on July 11, 2012 at 8:19pm — 1 Comment

Potty Training Question

At what age did your dog start showing signs that he wanted to be let out for potyy or did you institute a method like a bell? So far I just been crate training and taking him outside every so often and he's been really good about going on command in the same spot, then today he did something he hasn't done --- he started to paw me and bark at me randomly...I assumed he wanted to play...then 45 secs after he pooped near his little bed (thank gawd there was a blanket on the carpet)..I said…


Added by Sebastian on July 11, 2012 at 11:57am — 6 Comments

Birthday Boy not on List Today :)?

Hi Everyone,,Our sweet boy Merlin turns 3 today and We wanted to celebrate him :).Somehoe he's not on the official list,so here's his wish...He always wants to play in water!!Let's go ;)

Added by Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups) on July 11, 2012 at 11:39am — 4 Comments

Anybody looking to adopt??

Any body looking to adopt in the Bakersfield, CA area?  This little tri-colored guy is SO CUTE and he looks like he's a fluffy!

Check Him out if you're interested!

Added by Mai on July 10, 2012 at 9:29pm — 5 Comments

11 Weeks Old and as Adorable as Ever!

   Zorro is officially 11 weeks old as of yesterday! I cannot believe we've had him for four weeks already! He has definitely become a part of our little family and we couldn't be happier :) He's doing well so far and haven't had too many problems. However, there are a few I would love your advice on! 

-What is the cheapest most effective way to remove urine from carpet? He has an accident if we are not on top of him 24/7, which happens about once a day. For some reason he prefers…


Added by Ashley and Zorro on July 10, 2012 at 6:26pm — 7 Comments

CORGASHIAN! (Get it? Corgashian? Kardashian? Haha)

Foxy is a certified Corgashian. He's like a Kardashian, only a corgi. So that makes him a Corgashian. He's treated like royalty, he's loved, fed, a few fans, such as people at the dog park, and the neighbors who just moved in, who happen to have a corgi too! The Vet just adores my little Corgashian. And, just like a Kardashian, Foxy doesn't do a whole like besides sitting there in the middle of a crowded area looking pretty taking in the attention.  

Added by Darcie Kinnison on July 10, 2012 at 6:08pm — No Comments

Long Time No See!

Well it's been a while, hasn't it?! Foxy's the happy little Corgi again, his booty healed after being practically taken over by little bug bites. His booty fur is growing back too. Which, I must admit I am probably overly pleased with it growing back, because one of my favorite parts about him is that hamster looking corgi butt. Its really cute. All corgi butts are cute. 

I on the other hand, have been busy with my job, first job. Pretty cool right?! and i'm only 14! Foxy sadly,…


Added by Darcie Kinnison on July 10, 2012 at 6:04pm — No Comments

Vote for Napolean/Donate and Help Canine Cancer!!

For fun we have entered a doggie photo contest! Please vote for Napolean (it is free) at:



If you have a few dollars hanging around or would love to donate and help solve Canine Cancer, please vote for "Napolean" and donate! Every dollar…


Added by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) on July 10, 2012 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

The Cheapest Toy is the best?

Before I got my puppy Tucker I bought him a few toys:

-A foot long caterpillar from price: $16.00

-A water frisbee from PetSmart price: $6.00

-A plastic orange squeaky football price: $4.00

-A knot/rope price: $3.00

-Package of small tennis balls: $3.00

-Kong price: $10.00

-A squeaky monkey price $8.00

And do…


Added by Sebastian on July 10, 2012 at 1:02pm — 6 Comments

Time Flies

MY CL kitty n my CL Corgi.. Yesterday, it was two months since Skiski passed and four whole months since Ziggy came into my life.. A happy and heartbreaking day all at once.. RIP Skittles. I miss you. You and Ziggy are my babies:) I love you both.…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on July 9, 2012 at 9:42pm — No Comments

Hot Summer Days

We recently purchased a life jacket for Noodles because we went camping at Detroit Lake and will be going camping there on a more regular basis. Since he hates water, I wanted to make sure he was protected in case he went in and that he was protected when he went out on the boat. Here he is sporting his new life jacket and trying to figure out if he likes his new swimming pool or not.…


Added by Alison Prasavath on July 9, 2012 at 12:16pm — 9 Comments

A New Friend

Over the holidays an old high school classmate of mine was in town helping his parents move. It just so happens he has a corgi. He had posted a note on Facebook about some shelves his parents were selling and we ended up buying them, so when we went to pick them up, we took Brodie along. It was the first time I had met his corgi, Beau, and of course the first time Brodie had met him. In typical corgi fashion, they looked at each other, sniffed noses, and went about their business as if they…


Added by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on July 9, 2012 at 10:53am — 1 Comment

Am I doing enough?

I got my little guy a few days ago. I've been reading some blog post on here that have really made me feel better because this is my 1st time being a puppy owner solely. To the founder(s)/contributors of this website THANK YOU! I wanted to double check a few things with posters on here with more experience.

Here is my routine with Tucker so far:
6am - Wakes up in his crate; I greet him in the morning and then take him outside. I use the command words "Go…

Added by Sebastian on July 8, 2012 at 7:22pm — 6 Comments

Happy 5th Birthday Sidney!

I can't believe my Sidney is five already!

So handsome in his birthday lei =D

I bought him a cake at a local pet boutique...I know, crazy, right?

It's a beef flavored cake!…


Added by Geri & Sidney on July 8, 2012 at 5:09pm — 20 Comments

A Wimper and a Howl For Help!!!!

Here's the link!!

Hi guys!! It's Ein's mommy, Stacy!! I am begging the mycorgi community to please come to this site:

and vote for mr. adorable einstein'b'gein (pronounced like OshKosh B'Gosh or…


Added by Stacy M on July 7, 2012 at 2:09am — 2 Comments

Bento's first injury

We were at the dog park yesterday.  Bento was playing around with a 5 month german shepherd when another dog can running in to join the fun.  This action caused Bento to start a game of "chase me!"

Unfortunately for Bento, this other dog (an akita mix?) was much more coordinated and powerful than the puppy.  The other dog ran after Bento, caught up with him, and knocked Bento over--possibly stepping on him in the process.  Bento let out a loud yelp and tumbled over and over…


Added by Kim Ales-Yan on July 7, 2012 at 12:44am — 5 Comments

i love all corgis! but not all corgi owners!

please prepare yourself for a rant that i have been harboring for quiet a while!

ever since i got emi, i've been dealing with this particular girl who goes to my university who also has a corgi whom is a bit younger then emi. one of my housemates is in a sorority, and this girl is in her sorority, so she comes over quite frequently! she may have gotten her corgi, named stubby, before me, but i had my deposit longer, and emi is a bit older than he is.

what irks…


Added by liane, emi, and helix! on July 5, 2012 at 8:04pm — 11 Comments

Oh noesD:

Sooo.. I dunno if it is just my browser being stupid.. But has CorgiAddict been removed from Tumblr?D: The only reason I ask is my stupid browser has been on the fritz lately, allowing me to open CL ads that are deleted to everyone else, etc. Anyone else having this problem?D:

I can't get on, this is what it shows me: …


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on July 5, 2012 at 6:24pm — 5 Comments

Happy 4th!

Shippo would like to wish everyone at MyCorgi a Happy 4th!  We hope everyone enjoys the holiday! =)

Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on July 4, 2012 at 5:02pm — 5 Comments

New puppy picture!

Our breeder sent us a photo of Scout!

Isn't she a sweetheart? :)

Only 2 and a half weeks until she comes home! The only things left to buy are bowls, a blankie for her crate and TOYS TOYS TOYS! Can't wait!!!

Added by Janna Banana on July 4, 2012 at 4:52pm — 13 Comments

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