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Latest update on my cat, Alice

As I explained in a prior blog post, my sweet sixteen-and-a-half year old cat, Alice, was diagnosed with cancer soon before Christmas. At that time, the vet drained the large lump on her side and gave her a shot of a cortico-steroid.

We were back for a follow-up today. Other than losing another 3 ounces, she seems to be doing well. She eats, drinks, uses the litter box, and meows for attention. She will sleep lying on either side; I would think if she were in pain she would avoid… Continue

Added by Beth on January 7, 2010 at 3:23pm — 5 Comments

Why so agressive?

Hey Hey everyone, i gots a question for ya! Ok well my Dini is a troubled girl as some of you know and she is dog agressive. We have had to buy a muzzle for Baloos protection and other dog visitors, and now even on a walk she attacked another dog we met, and so my dad now want to keep the muzzle on at all time except to eat! Do any of you know why she might be this way and how to get her to stop, cause i really don't think keeping a muzzle on her for the rest of her life is the best thing. I… Continue

Added by Jay on January 7, 2010 at 1:01am — 7 Comments

Grateful for a policeman today!

This morning I was walking the dogs around the block, on our way to our neighborhood park. On our way over, a policeman in his cruiser stopped me to warn me that there was a loose rotweiler in the park and that I should head the otherway. I was so grateful! If I had gotten anywhere near the park, something might have happened! There have been so many lose dogs in that park, and they are always drawn to dogs on a leash!!!!

Added by Katie on January 6, 2010 at 10:07pm — 4 Comments


Sherlock got more treats today, after christmas sales! Some included little gingerbread men, canycandes and some plush toys like santas and snowmen. He didn't get all of them at once, but he got enough! He loves them. We are also getting a new blanket for him because his other ones are really gross or all chewed up. Any suggesetions?

Added by Sherlock Holmes on January 6, 2010 at 8:56pm — 2 Comments

I Has a Hotdog Corgis....

rly wez not stuffed, loldogs n cute puppy pictures - I Has a Hotdog!

see more dog and puppy pictures…


Added by Katy on January 6, 2010 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

New Year Corgi Mosaic

Anticipating a great new year 2010! I had a Corgi mosaic arranged of fav pics the last couple of years.

Corgi Tales - Reflections

Looking forward to meeting more Corgi Friends on

Cristina of Corgi…


Added by CorgiTales on January 6, 2010 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

Puppy on it's way

After much thought, we (my bf and I) decided to get another puppy. This time we are going to get a tan/white welsh corgi. We've been socializing Yoshi and it seems that it has calmed her down a lot more. She seems much more mature and not as aggressive. We have taken her to our meet my family dogs and my bf's family dogs. At first I was really worried, but after the first 5 minutes of fighting, she calmed down and became close friends with all of the dogs that she met. Our friends came by with… Continue

Added by Yoshi and Bowzer on January 6, 2010 at 2:17am — 6 Comments

Multiple Dog Issue - AKA Bear is a tattletail

Anytime Goldy has something that Bear wants he simply walks over and takes it out of her mouth. NO fuss, no muss - she doesn't get angry and there's no drama...

Exception: Two bones in the floor, Bear has one, Goldy has one. Bear gets up to go and grab a quick drink, Goldy takes Bear's bone ( I think she likes his because he softens them up for her). In this situation Bear does not take it from her, he sit and stares at me and makes that "hmph" sound over and over, looking really… Continue

Added by Stephanie on January 5, 2010 at 6:17pm — 4 Comments

Canines and Dominance.

I was thinking about the fact that there's a tendency in the dog behavior community to treat dogs like tame wolves, and use wolf behavior as analog to dog behavior. Then I hear on the other side that wolf behavior ISN'T dog behavior and that dogs are much more than tame wolves, they are something all on their own. So then, what behaviors are analogous to dog behaviors.

Then I remembered that I read that the process of domesticating canines produces pronounced neoteny, and that dogs… Continue

Added by Sarah C. on January 5, 2010 at 4:50pm — 16 Comments

Vivi's first holiday season and very first time in the snow!

Vivi was great during the holidays! We went to my parents' house for 2 weeks and we all had a blast! Here are some details.

Vivi's a little nervous during car rides (it's the movement he feels while the car is turning/stopping/starting that bothers him) and he shakes/shivers on and off the whole trip. He does look out the windows though, so he's not completely shut down by fear or anything, and I know he'll get better… Continue

Added by Abbea and Vivi on January 5, 2010 at 2:20pm — 6 Comments


We are in the coldest weather time here in Mn and the last few days have been bad.... in the negatives in the morning and only barely above the zero mark all day long. Edward and Gem seem not too mind except that I haven't been out for their walks with them and they run out to potty and stay out max5min before they start holding up their little paws and then I have to call them to come in. Ed would stay out longer but Gem is usually done and at the… Continue

Added by Edward and Gemima on January 5, 2010 at 11:40am — 9 Comments

Monthly Heartworm Preventative

I was wondering about the different types of monthly heartworm preventatives that are out there. Beni's vet perscribes Sentinel, but you need a perscription to refill it, and I was wanting to get some online because it was cheaper. The vet is very hesitant about online purchasing of dog meds, but are they really any different? I ordered revolution for my cat and it seemed OK.

Any recommendations? What do you all use?

Added by Beni on January 5, 2010 at 11:18am — 6 Comments

Wynstan and Jerky

So my mom wanted to watch Wynstan for a bit, so I ran errands that needed to be done. So when I get back, Wynstan is fast asleep next to an empty bag of jerky that he tore into. This jerky is extra chewy (Prasek's, from Texas) and I wonder how he even got to it; it was on the counter and completely sealed. Craft little bugger not sharing good beef jerky.

Should I be worried about what he ate? Is there anything bad in jerky?

Added by Buddy & Wynstan on January 5, 2010 at 10:09am — 3 Comments

Just a we are alive and well post :)

As I sit here I'm about to go into my final week of school and Thur will dive into a mind numbing creation of my portfolio website for graphic/web design.. phew.. So I realized how I will be ignoring my poor babies and remembered that I haven't posted on here in a while lol. (though I have some wonderful roomies that will help out with their bordum as they always do).

Both kids are healthy and well. Charlie is looking his best finally after much love and care and now is fit and… Continue

Added by Avyon on January 5, 2010 at 10:02am — 1 Comment

My Favorite Christmas Gift

I've been wanting to post this since Christmas, and I'm finally getting around to it. I thought you all might like to see the insane cuteness of one of the gifts my boyfriend gave me this year.

This was actually attached to the outside of a present. My initial thoughts were, "Oh, how cute! I guess now I'm going to have to bake some cookies!" Of course, then I opened the gift to find a tupperware container completely filled with… Continue

Added by Jamie on January 4, 2010 at 10:40pm — 13 Comments

I AM SO EXCITED!!!@>>@!>!>!>!!!

Today is the first day that Jackson has gone into his crate by himself. And he's done it 4 times to nap. Makes me so happy :D :D :D

He's been home for almost two weeks! I think he definitely knows his crate is his "safe place" though I'm shaking it up a bit by getting him a bigger kennel this week. The crate I have for him now is maybe about 20" long which I admittedly bought on a whim because I needed something. But I figure now is the time, while he's still learning, to get… Continue

Added by Kari & Jackson on January 4, 2010 at 10:26pm — 4 Comments

Sleepy Day

Sherlock must have been very tired today! We went on a long walk, even with the freezing temperature, we bundled up nicely. We got home at about 10 or 11 and he fell right asleep. He is still sleeping now, he hasnt barely moved. This is strange becasue even when we come home from a walk, he still has alot of energy and wants to go for more. This wasn't one of his longest walks, even. Is it the weather or is age getting to him? He is only 2, so I bet it is the weather. Come to think of it, I am… Continue

Added by Sherlock Holmes on January 4, 2010 at 8:40pm — 4 Comments

How to Exercise (from inside) Two Hyper Herding Dogs Who Love the Cold

1) Find cheap toy (in this case, football that neighbor kids threw over the fence)

2) Let dogs outside

3) Throw football to far corner of yard

4) Go back inside and watch last night's DVR'ed Desperate Housewives while dogs play chase with the football for at least 45 minutes

(I promise I'm not lazy so much as I don't enjoy getting frostbite in the lovely 9 degree weather we are having tonight)

Added by Sky and Lyla on January 4, 2010 at 8:35pm — 1 Comment

Sidney's Beach Day

I was inspired by Liz and Tag's beach adventures, and so on a sunny Sunday afternoon I loaded the car up with three teenagers and a very excited Welsh Corgi. I know he was excited because the whirlwind of fur that formed inside my car when we put the windows down was much bigger than usual.

Liz gave me great directions and we found the parking area with no problem, only 30 minutes drive from home. Being a native Southern Californian, I'm used to the beaches being packed, but even on… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on January 4, 2010 at 7:20pm — 6 Comments

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