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The revenge of the (little) big brother.

So during the day we leave Domino out in the living room while we're gone; closing the bathroom and bedroom doors. Well we put her food and water bowls right inside the kitchen so if she does splash or spill it's on the faux hard-wood floors and not the carpet.

Well recently we have noticed that the floor and carpet have been unusually wet next to the water bowl. Domino, being over a year old, doesn't make much of a mess anymore when it comes to eating and drinking. It turns out that… Continue

Added by Krista Meyer on May 9, 2009 at 12:08pm — 2 Comments

New pics

Added some new ones, some of me, some of my other furry buddies.

Added by Angela on May 9, 2009 at 10:08am — No Comments

Growing up...

Baxter was nutered on Tuesday and is doing well.He has though, for some reason, forgotten everything he ever knew about house training! He is starting to look more and more grown up each day, and is now half the size of his brother. He starts Doggy Day Care next week with his brother,hopefully that will help with the house training.

Added by Tracey on May 9, 2009 at 10:05am — 1 Comment

Milosaurus Update

Wanted to give an update on the fuzzbutt. Milo is doing very well. His biting problem has gotten so much better. We ended up going with the walk away method. The spray bottle has also been a great help with him, as he hates it, but isn't afraid of it so he's not aggressive towards it or us.

We also started working on the NILIF training method because we felt like he was just generally running the house for a while. It has been going very well. From the time we got him we taught him… Continue

Added by Luke & Jess on May 9, 2009 at 8:52am — 1 Comment

undocked corgis

The very first time I layed my eyes on a corgi, he had no tail, and it was love at first site.. I fell in love with the fluffy bunny butt.I knew at that moment... I will have a corgi one day.
I just came across a disscussion about undocked tails. I see how beautiful they're tails are. And I hear that they become a great toy for the dog chasing it around and round.
Well regardless.. tail.. no tail... all corgis are the best.

Added by Queenie and Chico on May 9, 2009 at 12:48am — No Comments

Theres a wierd RODENT in my house!

In the older sisters room, there used to be a very small animal they called a dwarf hamster. It was REALLY smelly! But, only a few weeks ago, the dwarf hamster dissapeared after my WHOLE stay here (about 2 years) and the humans seemed really sad when the hamster left. Well, another one just moved in, they call him a "Soni" or somethnig like that. I feel real confused, Soni's look like big dwarf hamsters with orange and white stripes. The Soni was taking away all of MY attention! I am not… Continue

Added by Baylee and Jake on May 8, 2009 at 10:27pm — 4 Comments

Daisy an' Her Eye Pwoblem

Dear Readerz

It has been some time since I wroted in my blawg, but I has been verwy busy taken cares of my new sissy, Miss Daisy. Az you will bemember, she iz a survivor of a nasty Missouri puppy mill where she spended all her sweet life before reskew having babeez and living in a disgusting cage.

We iz so glads dat Daisy is now safe with us, eben do she iz still skitteryish much of the time.

Momma an’ me knowz Daisy iz getting betters about bein’ here wif us… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on May 8, 2009 at 8:48pm — 1 Comment

Things are claming down... yay!

Things seem to be working themselves out quite nicely. After a lot of thinking and soul searching I decided to switch vets. I just simply wasn't comfortable with the fact that my vet didn't even know that some medicines could be fatal to my Aussie, Sky. While I did like a lot of things about our vet, and I will miss going to him, after taking Lyla to the new vet today, I know I made the right choice.

She agreed that the medicine Sky is on is very dangerous for him and took him off of… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on May 8, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Puppy Class

Starting puppy class on Monday!

Puppy class is going very well. Crosby stands at attention very well, sits, walks fairly well on leash, and comes when called even out of playgroup. I am struggling with the down command though. How do you get a dog that is so low to the ground to lie down?

Added by Cooper-n-Crosby on May 8, 2009 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Super Max the Protector:)

well to start off, we're all doing better:) max is better than expected, he hasn't shown any sign of depression at all, which is a relief--he was really our main concern.

so yesterday we were all out front, bbqing. max was running around with my little boy, and i was strolling the newby around. it was definitely a bittersweet moment seeing them enjoy eachother so much, without juneaux. there were a couple of neighbors walking near our house, when one of them came over to see the… Continue

Added by Juneaux and Maximus on May 8, 2009 at 6:53pm — 1 Comment

Still more shots...

Jasper went to the vet for his next round of puppy shots and his rabies vaccine. He was such a good boy so he got his favorite rawhide chew when he got home! He's 15.5 lbs at 15 weeks and the vet seemed surprised at how fast he's growing. She commented that she thinks his food (Blue Buffalo) has a high calorie count but isn't really familiar with it...does anyone know if this is true? She also noticed that one of his testicles hasn't descended into the scrotal sac yet and could cause problems… Continue

Added by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on May 8, 2009 at 3:38pm — 5 Comments

Labrador play date

We were hanging out in the fenced dog area in my neighborhood when I saw two labradors runnig towards us and 3 kids and 2 adults trying to catch them. They stopped next to the fence to say hello to Shiro and he was super excited. LAter on the owners let their dogs in the park. At first I was a little nervous because of how big they are, but then I saw how careful and gentle they were with Shiro and I let him off the leash. He had a blast! It was really funny to see him trying to catch up with… Continue

Added by Beauty and the Beast on May 8, 2009 at 11:34am — 4 Comments

4 Days in...

Randy has been with us now for 4 days and Leo and I are happy with the situation. Leo is getting a good workout playing with little bro, who is a wildman just like him. These 2 are going all day (except for the short naps they take) and most of the time it is great to just watch them. There have been no serious squabbles, no serious injuries (fingers crossed here), and tons of Corgi fun. Leo likes to tease Randy with a chewy in his mouth, making Randy try to get it from him and chase him, it is… Continue

Added by Boo Buchheit on May 8, 2009 at 7:59am — 3 Comments

Where are all the Corgis?

I live in Australia. It is extremely rare that I see a Corgi these days. Is it because they are 'out of fashion'? Years ago, the Afghan Hound was the 'in' dog to have. These days you very rarely see an Afghan Hound. I think it is a shame when a dog breed is used as a fashion statement. I think the Corgi is best know as the Queen's dogs. By what I have seen there appears to be more Corgis in the USA than here in Australia. Any idea why they would be so rare these days?

Added by kay stevens on May 8, 2009 at 7:56am — 10 Comments

Almost a year old!

On May 19th Callie is turning one year old! I can't believe time has gone by so fast! I am trying to decide if I am going to make her a dog safe cake or not. I was thinking of baking a Peanut Butter Delight Dog Birthday Cake, I'm sure she would love it. (As a note she doesn't normally get extra treats and I do keep her to her diet, but it's a special day!)

I know I don't update that often but I am usually busy with other things. Callie has been loving the nice weather (only know I'm… Continue

Added by Lusa on May 7, 2009 at 10:41pm — 2 Comments

I must be the center of attention!

I notice that I seem to be the center of attention- oh, and thanks you guys for the advice on my last post- See, I think I'm the center of attention because when ever I go ANYWHERE I'm followed by many humans who pet me soooo much! This makes me so happy, but I can't seem to understand why people seem to adore me so much. Maybe it's because I'm kind of small and kind of big. Or maybe it's because I'm energetic enough to catch any ones eye -even dog haters- and I don't freak humans out because… Continue

Added by Baylee and Jake on May 7, 2009 at 7:56pm — 3 Comments

Saturday is D-Day!

He-who-has-still-yet-to-be-named will be coming home on Saturday! We will be driving down to south Florida to pick him up and are all pretty excited. Bought lots of toys and cool stuff that we saw on the Animal Planet video, like a puzzle box and a rope thing to tie in his den. Oh yeah, went with the smaller crate, but have since been told that "den" is the pc term for it. Names now being consider include, but are not limited to: Comet, Blaze, Boomer, Swift, and Mylo. We have decided to get to… Continue

Added by Amy & Miles on May 7, 2009 at 4:46pm — 2 Comments

Winston is 2!

Winston's 2nd birthday was yesterday. It wasn't too eventful, his presents are still in the mail. I'll put pictures up later though. :)

Added by Lauren + Winston on May 7, 2009 at 3:01pm — 2 Comments

Renaissance Faire 2009

Hey everyone! It's me, Sidney again. I have let my human write a lot lately, but I wanted my turn today.

Last weekend we took a ride in the car with my older brother Bruce. We got out of the car at this great park with lots and lots of trees. And there were so many humans, most dressed up in fancy clothes.

Here I am feeling really small among lots of people. Everyone who saw me was really happy to see me...even the Queen!… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on May 7, 2009 at 1:16pm — 8 Comments


Something to keep in mind. Corgi's are herders. They are hard wired to control large animals including humans.
Their means of control is nipping and biting. To them they are just doing their jobs. This needs to be watched
closely, especially around children, and no one wants to invite a lawsuit. They are often surrendered for this very
behavior. I know first hand. I have one. With diligence, it can be controlled.

Added by Nancy on May 7, 2009 at 9:08am — 4 Comments

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