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A Corgi Omen!!!!!

so mum and dad have been searching high and low for a new place to call home for us. they've seen quite a few, let me tell ya! oh but this last house was different. according to mum, it had what she called a "Corgi Omen" in that the ppl currently living there have a corgi too! what are the odds??? there are very few corgis in san antonio and to find one upon a walkthrough is simply ridiculous or atleast that's what mom and dad think. the house looks great and the owners have kids as well. my… Continue

Added by Ein Danger on April 21, 2009 at 9:22pm — 2 Comments

I'm likey adopting a rescue corgi

These last few weeks has been an adventure at

Cricket didn't work out because the shelter didn't email me back or contact me at all about questions and concerns I had. So now I'm looking outside the state. My search has taken me to two different cities in Minnesota. Chloe in New Ulm, MN and Cooper in Tracy, MN.

Chloe has had it rough. she's been to two different homes and had problems because the people didn't properly understand the breed and its demands,… Continue

Added by Kimberly Ann on April 21, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Heat wave frustrating me

It's been 75-85 degrees here for the past few days... which is way too hot for Eddy, Mike, and myself. It's really frustrating because Eddy refuses to go on his walks since it's been so hot! He'll potty and run around a tad if we're in the shade, but I can't get him to go on a walk because our walking places are mostly in sunlight. He just wants to go back inside where it's cool. I mean, I don't blame him, but then he brings all that energy indoors, which means.. destruction, barking,… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on April 21, 2009 at 6:15pm — 3 Comments

Daisy Goes to the Vet

Dear Readers

Today Daisy met our vet, Aunt Gail. Momma has taken her kids to Aunt Gail for several decades--she is good to us an' gives us cookies when we are done being zamined.

As I think I told you, Miss Daisy has dry eye. It is a terrible condition that we will need to be treating every day for the rest of her life. Momma was worried dat Daisy's eye was needing more care an' evaluation, so off went Daisy. Daisy tol' me that she didn't mind the vet's as much as she… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 21, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Milo's Day at the Vet

Well, at some point this weekend I noticed that Milo was pulling at his stitches. He was a naughty boy but I don't really blame him, I'd do the same if I were him.

I took him to work with me to see the Vet. I brought Freya's crate as I am able to handle that better than Milo's bigger one. I thought about letting Animal Control keep him until the appointment and after the appointment as I live too far away to use a lunch break to go home. I also didn't want him to go to the shelter. I… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on April 21, 2009 at 1:54pm — No Comments

a year ago today

Today's Ofelia's first birthday. I'll have to postpone the dog park trip until tomorrow because I have to go to work. She woke up really excited this morning. I guess she felt my excitement. It's a beautiful day today and I'm going to take her for extra walks. I think I'll email her breeder and send her a picture. I'll also be celebrating the first day Oafie and I met pretty soon, and then the first day I brought her home. Here's to many many more birthdays in good health and good spirits for… Continue

Added by Mariana on April 21, 2009 at 10:08am — 6 Comments

Spay now or Spay later?

I've been thinking lately of when I should get my Corgi girl, Lily, spayed. She is 12 weeks old now, but her vet has already tentatively scheduled her spay for late June. The vet said that she has to get spayed before she has her first heat cycle. I have read that it is good to do this to prevent breast cancer and other health complications. Also, I'm sure heat isn't pleasant to go through...

However, my breeder and family friends have given opposite advice. They say that I should… Continue

Added by Liz & Lily on April 21, 2009 at 2:39am — 8 Comments

Sami has arrived

Well we were able to film her plane landing and when we first saw her in cargo pickup area. We did some video and pictures once at home. Will put those up tomorrow. For those who don't know we spent $1,200 on artifical grass to put down in the back yard we also have put in a special potty area for her....Yeah you guessed it first place we took her to was her potty area which she did nothing in BUT went right over and piddled on the $1,200 grass area I laughed my tail off that's my girl. She… Continue

Added by Marion and Vern on April 21, 2009 at 12:36am — 9 Comments

Surgery scheduled for Thursday

Cookie not only needs her ACL fixed, but she has a torn meniscus, too, so surgery is highly recommended and the surgeon we saw was a sweet doctor who calmed our fear for a difficult recovery process. Thanks to all of the support we have had.

Added by Cookie Y. on April 20, 2009 at 11:33pm — 8 Comments

Foe-Toez Iz Upppp!

Dear Readers

Two-day Momma gotted out her blinkie thingie that hurts my eyez sometymez, whitch she sayz iz for kapturing the moment. But I livez in da moment, likes all animalz, so why shoulds I wants to kapture it when I is already in it??? Humans are so stwange much of da tyme.

So we captured lotz of momentz twoday. Akshully it waz fun. Daisy liked to have her pikchur taken, but I'm not sure where Momma taked it to. I just knows it iz in dat funny flashie/blinkie box of… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 20, 2009 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

Meet Ginger :)

Hey guys, just got a new intern :) Ginger is a 4 years old female pwc, she will be with us for the next couple of weeks, if you're interested in adopting her, visit Sunshine Corgi Rescue for more info.

Added by Sam Tsang on April 20, 2009 at 7:56pm — No Comments


So we took Tigger to his first socialization class. He. HATED it. he was terrified of the other dogs. He kept hiding behind my legs and trying to get onto my lap. I felt like a horrible person putting him through that but everyone there says that in a couple of weeks he'll get better and actualy play with the other dogs so at this point we're going to go back. Hopefully it will be better. Any one else had a simliar experience with your puppy?

other then that he's doing well. Potty… Continue

Added by Megan & Dan on April 20, 2009 at 7:39pm — 2 Comments

Spay thoughts...

I am one of those crazy people who have to research everything before doing anything when it comes to medicines and medical procedures. Freya is almost up for spaying--well my vet does it from 6 months and up. So, like a worrying mother--I started researching about spaying a dog just so I would feel better about my decision.

My boyfriend isn't supportive on this (his Weim is not neutered). He wants to know why I want to rush and get this done, which is the other reason I have been… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on April 20, 2009 at 3:45pm — 8 Comments

Do you carry photos of your corgis in your wallet?

I noticed after we got our first corgi that when ever we meet someone with a corgi they usually have a picture of theirs with them. We travel with our dogs so frequently are in vacation spots walking them. Invariably someone will have a picture of theirs to show. My husband thinks this is a strange phenomenon within the corgi community. I must admit that the other dogs I had (pre-corgi) did not make my wallet!

Added by Bev Levy on April 20, 2009 at 3:30pm — 10 Comments

Today is really SAMIDAY

She is in the air and on here way to her forever home. We are so happy words cannot begin to tell just how happy this family is.

Added by Marion and Vern on April 20, 2009 at 3:28pm — 9 Comments

On my toes...

So while I was asleep today, Winston got into the trash in the kitchen... In the trash was lots of Easter leftovers including ham. There was also 1 small chocolate candy, a burnt cinnamon raisin bagel, and a whole rotten onion. I have no idea what he did eat or if he really ate anything at all... I found part of the bagel in the hallway but it was so burnt I don't think he really even tried to eat it... I'm just really worried about the onion. I tried to make Winston throw up with 1tsp of… Continue

Added by Lauren + Winston on April 20, 2009 at 2:06pm — 6 Comments

Obediance Training

Well starting week two and Oz got a good job from the teacher. (from me too!) We are both learning and he is going to be a star!

Added by Sue P on April 20, 2009 at 9:23am — No Comments

Bertie is so lethargic suddenly

I feel like such a dog hypochondriac at times, but since they can't tell us what's wrong... Anyway, Bertie woke me up last night, wanting to go out. He did a normal poo, but then he wanted to just lie in the cool, damp grass. We came back inside and he repeated the performance about an hour later. This time when we came back inside, he wanted to sit in my lap -- and understand, Bertie is ONLY snuggly when he feels bad, otherwise, he is absolutely not. So we sat together for a bit, as I thought… Continue

Added by Susan Stanton on April 20, 2009 at 8:54am — 3 Comments

Hachi turns 6 months! ... and her first bee sting

Silly girl... She had her first bee sting today. I think she tried to eat the bee.. or play with it in her mouth i dont know.

but i let her outside, and not more than a minute later, i see a bee on the floor, and her nose suddenly swells.

luckily there is a emergency vet hospital 5 minutes from my house, but by GOLLY are they expensive!!

we waited 3 hrs + and it costed me $180. (expesnive bee sting)

plus i was meant to pick my bf from the airport, in the end he… Continue

Added by chocky on April 20, 2009 at 4:25am — 4 Comments


Sooo, scraper has this really big booger or clump of hair ON his eyeball and I don't know what to do! I tried getting moist cotton and wiping over his eye hoping that it'll come out but i can't get it out! What should I do, if I leave it will it go away on its own? Help help!

Added by vicky on April 20, 2009 at 4:06am — 2 Comments

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