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Added by Michael Guille on March 16, 2009 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Really smart, but kinda bad little guy

Hello! Our little guy Roscoe is really smart. It was absolutely no sweat potty training him. We got him when he was 2 months old and he only went in the house twice. I believe that was because where he lived before had a doggy door and we don't. He just needed to get the idea and he was set. We never needed the crate but did keep him in the kitchen for the first week when we were at work just to "be sure" but he was so good there's no reason to do that anymore. He fetches and is pretty good at… Continue

Added by Roscoe on March 16, 2009 at 5:49pm — 2 Comments

That Morning Scratch

...sometimes its just too much! This morning Pooka decided to wake up 45 minutes before us and kept scratching at her neck, causing her collar to spin around, her two tags clanking together unbareably. A din! A cacophony! If she wasn't scratching her neck, she's scratching her belly, or chewing on her haunches.

This isn't an abnormal thing. EVERY morning, when I let her out of the crate, as she follows me to the door to go out, she pauses every few feet to scratch. I open the door,… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on March 16, 2009 at 3:30pm — 6 Comments

Problems with shots

When we first took Morna to our vet for her puppy shots, she had a reaction that caused her to need allergy meds and fluid infusion. For subsequent shots, we had to drop her off in the morning so they could give her steroids, wait about 2 hours, then give her the shots after which they observed her for two more hours.

This morning we took her for her last puppy shot, and the Vet called around noon to tell us that they didn't give her the shot because she was vomiting before they… Continue

Added by Edie on March 16, 2009 at 3:18pm — 1 Comment


for a few months, iive been asking around how to have lola involved with pet therapy.

i've finally enrolled her in a Canine Good Citizen class, and she does better than i would have guessed. she responds flawlessly to the trainer... while i still get the hang of holding the treats, the clicker, AND the leash. needless to say it's me that needs the training lol.

my only concern is the clicker scares her. i try to muffle the noise, or put the clicker behind my back. she… Continue

Added by Natalya Q on March 16, 2009 at 1:29pm — No Comments

First trip to Petco

Koby, Korie, and Dyllan went to Petco for the first time! Koby and Dyllan stayed in the shopping cart as my mother walked Korie. We bought her a harness because she keeps choking herself on the leash. Koby and Dyllan kept pulling items off the shelves and into the cart lol. It was fun and everyone couldn't resist their cuteness! I tell you what if you ever feel sad or lonely just go play with a puppy! They bring so much joy to people of all ages!

I let Koby play with the neighbors… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on March 15, 2009 at 8:53pm — 3 Comments

Lizzie's 1st Birthday March 7 2009

Lizzie celebrated her 1st birthday with puppy friends and people friends... she had a great time!

Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on March 15, 2009 at 5:12pm — 3 Comments

"You Didn't Abandon Me Afterall!"

We were driving back from Colorado, leaving Friday at 7AM, to arrive back in San Antonio at 11PM after being gone for SIX DAYS) Luckily my sister was driving from College Station to SA at around 4PM, so she was able to pick up Pooka from my grandmother's house. Katie kind've looks like me and she said when she got there, Pooka was all crated up and barking at her incessantly (excited) and whined the whole car ride.

When we finally got there, I did not recognize the dog jumping over… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on March 15, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Yea, I'm a quick one...

Hi friends, I posted what was to be today's blog on my COMMENTS page. It's rather unusual, so if you care to, go there to read it. As always, I LOVE to hear from you!

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 15, 2009 at 11:15am — No Comments

A house is a house with dogs alone, but throw in a Corgi and then it's a HOME!

A house is a house with dogs alone, but throw in a Corgi and then it's a HOME!

Added by Riley & Sadie on March 15, 2009 at 10:46am — 2 Comments


It is SOOO hard to potty train a puppy when it's raining outside. He stops and drinks from EVERY water puddle!!!!! Ugh.

Added by Stephanie on March 14, 2009 at 8:11pm — 5 Comments

Welsh Corgis Magazine

Just came back from the pet store, Pet Smart, had to find a Bumble Ball. Also found a magazine from the editors of DOG FANCY titled WELSH CORGIS volume 31 Popular DOGS Series (printed in 2008). Along with cute stories and even cuter pictures there is a wealth of information on grooming, training etc. As I have seen a lot of these questions on here and have had even more questions myself thought some might find it helpful. Did I mention all the cute pictures of those wonderful and adorable… Continue

Added by Marion and Vern on March 14, 2009 at 2:33pm — 2 Comments

Kennelname recieved

My corgi has recieved his kennelname and it is Limbonsnest Daydream. It really suits him. His "normal" name is going to be Jeep. Just a short week is left until I can pick him up. More blogs will follow of course. There will also be posts on Youtube to keep up with his progress, but of course they will be put up here too.

Added by Jaqueline on March 14, 2009 at 12:06pm — 2 Comments

Zoey slept all night for the first time

Yeah! From 11:30pm to 6:45am. Not a peep... She will be 16 weeks old on the 18th. She is almost 8 pounds now, so we think that she will top out at 15-18 pounds. She is such a sweetheart.

Last week, she finally was able to convince our Fox (11 years old) to play. They have been playing almost daily since. Fox seems so happy to have a friend. He had been an only dog all his life until now. He is such a good boy. He is the dog that we will judge all future dogs by. He has set the bar… Continue

Added by Greg Bickel on March 14, 2009 at 10:04am — No Comments

Remembering Tiki

It's getting close to a month now since Tiki crossed the rainbow bridge. I thought I was doing good. I could talk about him with out breaking down and today, I received a piece of mail that brought me to tears again. Tiki's local vet made a memorial donation in his name to the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I had no clue that our vet would do something like this. I was amazed and honored that they did this for us and him. Hopefully someday, no one… Continue

Added by Brenda and Gary on March 13, 2009 at 11:34pm — 5 Comments

These Are My Confessions

I made fun of my mom when she started to buy her puppy (2 years ago) clothes. If you know my mom, you would too. Karma has come around and I know find myself with the same urges--must dress the Freya Baby! I've resisted it for the last few months (amazingly--and partly due to financial reasons.)

I think I may switch from the martingale collar to an easy walker harness. I'm hoping she won't pull like crazy with it and not slip out of it either. After watching her trying her best to… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on March 13, 2009 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

First Bath!

I am happy to report that Jasper's first bath went pretty well. I got in with him and he was really unsure at first but I held on to him and talked to him gently, and of course gave him lots of treats! He wasn't too fond of the water, and started whimpering about halfway through. Once we were out, though, he loved getting dried off and seemed really happy to be clean. I'm not sure he's going to be one of those rare dogs that love baths, but he tolerated it really well! Unfortunately, I couldn't… Continue

Added by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on March 13, 2009 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Knee Surgery???

I took Sophie to the vet this morning because she has been limping since Tuesday evening. He said that he recommends that she have surgery to correct the ligament. Has anyone been faced with this decision, and if so what helped you decide? I am wondering if there is another option. I am open to any suggestions. I want to do my homework to make sure I make the right decision for my baby!

Added by Jenn & Sophie on March 13, 2009 at 12:58pm — 5 Comments

Chicago Area Meet Up @ Pawsitively Heaven Pet Resort

Please go here to check out 70 pics from our corgi meet up!!! (Please correct me if I mis-named your corgi!)

Added by Jen on March 13, 2009 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments

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