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Corgis on CuteOverload!!

For those of you who don't check CuteOverload =)

Added by mikonami on June 29, 2008 at 12:43am — No Comments

Catnip for Dogs?

Ryan and I have talked about this subject off and on throughout the past few weeks. Seeing as how I own three cats, catnip is always an item we have in the house. After seeing my cats get "high," Ryan wondered if there was an herb that does the same thing for dogs. I told him that there probably was. After all cinnamon is catnip for tigers.

Our curiosity is constantly piqued by this thought. It's such a strange question that I want to ask it here. Have any of you ever wondered about… Continue

Added by FuzzyButt on June 28, 2008 at 11:47pm — 1 Comment

Guess what I found at Target

Hey guys,

We were shopping at Target today and guess what we found? Corgis!!! Our dogs have gone main stream :)


Added by Sam Tsang on June 28, 2008 at 8:47pm — 4 Comments


Heyy everyone, this is Siduri's daughter, Becca. She has let me take over the corgi page, since she doesn't have the time for it. :)

Jake is doing well. I took him down to the sea wall on Weds., and he ran around with my boyfriend and had a long walk. He met many new dogs, and I don't think he really reacts well with other animals. He does okay if he's on his home turf, though, so I'm trying to get my friend's chocolate lab puppy over to play with him.

He likes summer. I'm… Continue

Added by Becca [Formally Siduri] on June 28, 2008 at 3:46pm — 2 Comments

More activities are in order.

I've been trying to think of ways to get Leon out and more thoroughly active at night. Walks just aren't enough to wear him out with all the things he gets distracted by, and then with the added problem of I can't see what he's deciding he wants to nom on. For the most part when we're out walking around he'll stay away from the bad or dangerous things, ciggarette butts, other dog poop and the like, but every so often he'll find something he shouldn't have. One of the last times it was a… Continue

Added by Cam on June 28, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Most admired dog in town

As I posted here previously, corgis are not seen so often in our small country in the middle of Europe. My Risa is clearly the only corgi living in my town and its surroundings. When I walk him, I'm being stopped by many people asking me questions and admiring my Risa. It seems that nobody knows this breed here, I feel like a corgi pioneer. Sometimes I'm a bit offended by people telling me what a nice mixture or crossbreed it is! I'm a big educator here and first results are coming: no-one… Continue

Added by wendulik on June 28, 2008 at 5:50am — 2 Comments !!

i just wanted to say hi to everyone!
my name is lynn and my corgi's name is toto!
i've been coming to this site for the past several months and just recently joined!
hope you'll come take a look at the pictures!

Added by Lynn on June 27, 2008 at 11:15pm — 2 Comments

I'm not listening.....I want to play with that doggie across the street!

Lance gets very excited when he sees a neighbor dog or any dog walking and wants to go play. It is to the point that he looses his concentration and doesnt hear a word I am saying. Does anyone have any help on how to make him concentrate on me and not the other dogs he sees. He is on a leash and still cannot hear me talking.

What are your experiences with this and what did you do to help the situation. Luckily this time I was standing in front of my house so I just took him back… Continue

Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on June 27, 2008 at 8:19pm — 5 Comments

Re: Tomorrow's Riverside Corgi Convention

Not usually a morning person, especially on the weekends, but 10 am should be doable. Just can't drink too much tonight =) Pretty psyched to go, hopefully there's a good turnout. I see some others here have also confirmed they are going to attend. Whenever I walk around NYC, I always get the "we never see Corgi's around" comment from people. And I observe the same phenomenon, as I only see perhaps one other Corgi every other month or so. It'll be hilarious to see an entire gaggle of them… Continue

Added by cr4zym4n on June 27, 2008 at 3:53pm — 1 Comment

How to have a GREAT WEEKEND--Kaley~corgi style

Quite simply --- have a ball!

Yes, if there is a ball and a human to toss it, no matter how fast or slow, how crooked, hot high or low --- and even if it gets under a car (on the driveway of course) --- kaley~corgi will get it----- even if she has to fly!…


Added by sandra on June 27, 2008 at 2:53pm — 4 Comments

Important Information on Dog Food-Cost Analysis by dogster Sedona (#632919)

I've attached a link to a dogster post that delves into the nutritional world of dog food. Sedona (#63219) on dogster has compiled a list of most dog foods available and obtained the Kcals per lb or kg from the various manufacturers that don't list the information on their bags. Purpose of the post was that YOU as the consumer could see how much per month it costs to feed your dog a particular food. Interesting results showed that expensive brands don't cost that much more than cheaper brands… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on June 27, 2008 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

The big move

So two weeks ago daddy started acting funny in our little apartment. One afternoon he brought in a bunch of boxes that smelled like eats and other interesting things! I thought they were toys and jumped through them sniffing and playing making daddy laugh.

Then for some strange reason he started putting things in these boxes. Mommy only did this when she came to visit and when she was done she would leave us for long periods of time! I was getting worried and over the next few days… Continue

Added by Avyon on June 27, 2008 at 12:30pm — 4 Comments

Soft sided pet carrier recommendation for corgis?

Lucy is GROWING! She is getting so long she doesn't fit in her nice travel crate any more. We are on the go every weekend and have loved the soft sided one we've been using, but alas....and I know she's only 3 months old so no telling how much more she'll grow.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a LONG one that is working well for your adult corgi. She will be positioned in between my boys on the bench seat in back, and we really want her inside the crate. She falls asleep… Continue

Added by Bridget on June 26, 2008 at 1:30pm — 11 Comments

No more floppy!

Well, for 4 days now leon's ear has stopped being a floppy. It's now happily standing straight up now with absolutely no falling. I wonder why it chose right after the accident to do that... Hmm. Doesn't matter.

I'd been conflicted for a little while about it. Like, I wanted him to have a floppy ear, because it was unique and cute, but at the same time I was secretly wishing that it would stand up and he would have a normal corgi look. I wasn't going to intentionally make it do… Continue

Added by Cam on June 26, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Doggie deodorant?

Ok, I must admit I may be too picky. Lucy smells too doggie. Is this a corgi thing or just that is the way it is with dogs?

I know I am not supposed to give her too many baths, but after 3 days she is starting to really smell again. Not the sweet little puppy smell, sadly that is gone. This is just a dog smell. A lady I talked with today has two aussies and could not remember the last time she gave them a bath. She does clean their feet though when they are muddy.

I… Continue

Added by Bridget on June 25, 2008 at 7:29pm — 13 Comments

Just discovered

... and this site is a riot. Love reading and looking at all the other Corgi's, and reading about their owners' experiences with them.

I was just randomly Googling Corgi stuff when I came across this site. Coincidentally enough, there is a Welsh Corgi Convention at Riverside park in 3 days (I live only a few blocks from there). LMAO. Should be funny as hell. Send me a message if you'll be there as well!… Continue

Added by cr4zym4n on June 25, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Almost Spaying Time....

Well, next thursday my little Luna goes in for her spay sugery. Was just wondering if anyone had any input or suggestions for making the healing time easier for her?

Added by Chad Rummel on June 25, 2008 at 1:23pm — 2 Comments

Spay Day :-(

I just dropped off Suzy at the vet to be spayed and I cried as soon as I got back in the car! This will be the first time that she will be away from me and the first time I've boarded her at the vet. I feel so guilty for leaving her, but I am going on a family vacation this weekend and she wouldn't have been able to go with me. I felt like this would be good timing for getting her spayed (she turns 6 months next week) since the vet's policy is to board her overnight after surgery anyway. I just… Continue

Added by seganita_8 on June 25, 2008 at 9:49am — No Comments

First Time Sickness

I woke up this morning to a soiled kennel, about 3-4 spots of vomit on the kitchen floor, and 2-3 runny potty spots on the downstairs bathroom floor.

It's official, I suppose. Roscoe's sick!

You wouldn't know it to look at him, he's completely as full of energy as ever. He started having diarrhea late Sunday night - he was unable to hold it during the night as he usually is. I didn't feed him Monday morning, gave him lots of water, and he seemed to be better Monday night.… Continue

Added by Suresh on June 24, 2008 at 7:19pm — 1 Comment

A very sad day

We had to put Sandy to sleep today. It is one of the hardest things I've ever done. We all agreed it was time, though. Daily activities were just getting impossible for her, and we didn't want to see her suffer. She was a trooper right until the end. She never failed to greet me and try to follow me around the house, even when it was so difficult for her. She has been my constant companion through good and bad for 14 years, and always offered unconditional love. I miss her terribly. Gus misses… Continue

Added by Wynne Phillips on June 24, 2008 at 5:17pm — 17 Comments

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