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RN Title and First Off-lead Rally Run!

At the Yakima Valley Dog Show on June 6th, in the pouring rain, Ashton got his final leg in Rally Novice! Woo Hoo! It wasn't the cleanest run (score of 86) but he qualified. Poor guy, every time he tried to look up at John he would get rain in his eyes and ears making it hard to concentrate.

This past weekend Ashton helped raise money for the Adams County Pet Rescue by giving his first off-lead Rally Advanced demonstration. We are so proud. Despite all the people, dogs, food and other… Continue

Added by Gail and Ashton on June 16, 2010 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Birthday is closin in!

So tomorrow my friends are coming to kidnap me for a weekend of hellacious fun! LOL

Ace of course is coming with i cant see leaving him at home without me for a week LOL

Speaking of Ace... I was looking on last night -like i tend to do alot- and i was blown away to seeing Ace's biological mom for sale... im dropping subtle hints here and there... but i doubt we will get her...

Aside from that I have been dong laundry galore and collecting change…


Added by Ace and Jen on June 15, 2010 at 2:51pm — 2 Comments


Here is the link: Please please please vote for me. Voting starts July 1st! -Luna Belle Nelson.<3

Added by Brittany Nelson on June 15, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

My bags are packed...I'm ready to go!

For the last 4 months We have had the opportunity to share our lives with this wonderful guy! He will be leaving soon for his new furever home! We will miss you (well maybe not Wynn). He will have a great life with his new family! Any guesses?

Added by Jane Christensen on June 15, 2010 at 9:52am — 9 Comments

Pixel steals the show

Tonight we introduced Rocky to Pixel for the first time. Aside from some food issues, the meeting went well. I will be monitoring (closely) who gets what food, treats, and other choice items for a while.

I can't say how cute it was to see Pixel frap for Rocky. Rocky didn't frap for me for the longest time, so I was surprised to see her doing a clumsy little puppy frap. I will try to take a video in the next few days. I can't wait until Rocky gets used to…

Added by Rockstar on June 14, 2010 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Happy 1st anniversary :-)

Last year June 13th was the day Jeter came into our life.

It's been a wonderful year with him so yesterday we celebrated his first anniversary.

His day started early with his usual weekend-5 mile-morning-run with us on the forest trail.

After coming back home happy and a little bit tired, he had a short sweet nap while we went out for brunch.

When we came back he watched the Yankees game with us.

Then we took him to a pet shop ("doggy style") and got some…

Added by Chris and Andrew on June 14, 2010 at 12:00pm — 6 Comments

Vacation is over, but we're glad to have our little boy back

We went to Virginia Beach for the week and took Murphy to Chris's aunt and uncle's house. They have two dogs so I knew he would have a great time playing with them. We had a great time at the beach, but every time we saw someone with their dog, we'd always say, "Murph would really love it here." So, we decided that the next time he'll definitely be coming with us now that we know its a dog friendly beach. We missed him so much. We're glad to have him back. We called his aunt and uncle every… Continue

Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on June 14, 2010 at 9:03am — 3 Comments

Oh boy~

So summer is here.. one of my favorite time of the years~

I just got myself a hair cut~! I love it~

Ace is in love with his pool and now runs THROUGH it of course leaping over the sides... but it is a fun thing to see~

he was scared of the pool at first since i got him in January... and there was no way in HELL i would put him in a pool then LOL... anyways.. he was scared of it at first but i coaxed him in with ice cubes.. i wanted him to know it was a good…


Added by Ace and Jen on June 14, 2010 at 1:04am — No Comments

New Toy and New Trick!

This weekend has been a very, fun, productive one for Orion. Yesterday we went to petsmart to spend my petsmart giftcard and got a ChuckIt! flying squirrel which Orion is totally and completely in love with:

This was his first time in petsmart and I could barely get…


Added by Monica, Orion, and Laika on June 13, 2010 at 8:21pm — 6 Comments


Yep! We did it! Today shelly and I picked up our JHD! Her very first Sheep Herding title!

Check out the video here!

And I will be updating my blog with pictures tomorrow : )

Added by Nichole and Shelly! on June 13, 2010 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

The Heat Factor

I know some people on here are having the same issue... they share their pups with significant others and somehow end up doing most of the work despite discussions... explanations... serious sit downs.. and going on strike.

I'm in the same boat mostly. He tries to keep up to date on everything... put his input in.. but doesn't research everything before he tries it... and the frustration is mostly he needs to spend time with them. He gets upset when they listen to me more then him… Continue

Added by Avyon on June 13, 2010 at 6:02pm — 2 Comments

Corgi Hair, Everywhere

I sweep the main floor of our house daily. Casey and I have a ritual, I take out the broom and she positions herself directly behind my sweeping activities, to supervise of course.

As I sweep, she walks behind me, dropping hair on the floor with each step. I'll complete a full circle around the house, and upon walking back around to where I…


Added by Carla on June 13, 2010 at 2:51pm — 2 Comments

"The Corgi has Landed"

After a lot of research and networking I found a great dog. Cindy Sera of Summithill Corgis was the breeder.

I am sure I will love this one as much as my previous one. In many ways the acquisition of the new Corgi brought up a lot of emotion and longing for my best friend Zoe. Driving home with the new pup I had tears of happiness and sadness. What a great dog she was. Incredible what an…

Added by steve ruggles and Ziggy on June 13, 2010 at 2:00am — 12 Comments

Spoiled Rotten Corgi's no such thing!

Now I am not sure if Gwenie is spoiled rotten. She has her own chaise, e-mail account, twitter page, basket for her toys, too many toys to count, pink car crate, goes everywhere with us (trips), is allowed on any piece of furniture in our home, sleeps with us center of bed, has travel sets of bowls and beds, rain coat, jogging jacket ,tutu, t-shirts, different collars and we are buying a new/used sports car but it has to have a special spot for her. She helps with things as well around here… Continue

Added by Kitty Kirwin on June 13, 2010 at 12:47am — 8 Comments

Sheep Dog Trial ........

TOMORROW! holy cow!

Shelly has been working for a little over a year to get the point where she could trial, and we are finally there ! EEEEEEE! Im so excited
and proud of her!

We need everyone to keep there paws crossed for us!

Added by Nichole and Shelly! on June 12, 2010 at 10:40pm — 3 Comments

Those crazy little herding minds....

Very hot day today (near 90), so rather than taking the dogs on a long walk, we decided it would be nice to stroll our way over to the Adirondack chairs in the shade near the public pool.

We have walked by this pool several times a week the entire time we've had the dogs; as far as I can tell, the dogs don't really acknowledge that the pool exists, and why should they? Of note, though, is the fact that we got Madison late last August, right before the pool shut down for the… Continue

Added by Beth on June 12, 2010 at 6:15pm — 6 Comments

ugh of all the luck!

I managed to get all three dogs bathes today

Buffy, Scrappy and ACE.... my acheles(sp?) tendon got hurt today... my breathing is ceasing to exist at the moment *hates asthma* and... NOW my cell died... as in ceases to turn on... no charging will help... so now im down about 10 numbers i really really needed... im in a panic because they didnt transfer over on the SIM card >: so i guess i get to call tmobile tommorrow...

Ace is currently running wild around the…


Added by Ace and Jen on June 12, 2010 at 1:06am — No Comments

Cute Corgi Calendar Comment

So this is a page from my father-in-law's desk calendar he saved for me. It speaks the truth. :D

Added by Gail and Ashton on June 10, 2010 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Big Boy Ears!

Both of Søren's ears are up! It only took until he was 16 weeks old! His left ear has been up for a month, but his right ear - which I swear is bigger - had stayed completely floppy until the past few days. And, today it's up. I'm so glad I didn't have to tape it, because I knew he would hate it.

Added by Susan S. on June 10, 2010 at 9:48am — 5 Comments

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