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:( Ouchies on the leg?

My boyfriend took the pup in yesterday for his third set of puppy shots, and by the time I got home he was acting funny. I noticed immediately when he woke from a nap and stepped out of his crate that he was limping and when I went to pick him up and put my hand on his bottom to support him he whimpered loudly. I touched his leg and he whimpered again. :( My poor baby. The BF said that the vet gave him his shots in that leg, and that was probably it. For the rest of the night he hobbled around… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 14, 2009 at 9:12am — 2 Comments

About Brock

We've had our Pembroke, Brock, for about a year now. My husband loved corgis and we saw him at a local pet store while buying food for our rabbit. He was cute but we weren't thinking about getting a dog at the time so we didn't think too much of it. A month passed by and we found ourself at the same petstore. The Pembroke puppy was still there. It broke my heart that he had been locked in a tiny crate for at least a month. (probably longer considering he was 4 months old) Then I made the big… Continue

Added by Amanda Beitzel on July 13, 2009 at 10:00pm — 10 Comments

Scared! Elevated Liver Enzymes

So today Sadie went for her bi-annual comprehensive exam, and her blood work came back with elevated liver enzymes. The vet said they weren't elevated that high but put her on a liver supplement and antibiotic, and said we will recheck it in 2 weeks. I also told him that she has been on a grain free food (taste of the wild) for almost 2 months. Before that she was eating Wellness. He said to stop grain free, that he only reccommends it for dogs who have grain allergies. I know alot of ppl here… Continue

Added by Sarah ♥'s Sadie on July 13, 2009 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

Happy Birthday Sidney!

On Saturday, our Sidney turned two years old! I can't believe how quickly time has passed. It seems like not that long ago, he was still a young pup and we were just experiencing life as corgi parents.

He's such a great dog and I am so happy he is part of our family!

I decided to make him a birthday cake. I have a book of "doggie recipes" for treats OK for dog and human alike.…


Added by Geri & Sidney on July 13, 2009 at 4:30pm — 11 Comments

Puppies at 6 weeks old..All SOLD so safe from temptation!!!

I haven't shared any pictures of this litter and thought you might like to see the bundle of fur. They are a great group of pups and are really starting to know their names. They are hard to avoid and have caused me to fall behind on chores. I only have a few more weeks w/them so I am making the best of it.

Baron Jr.



Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on July 13, 2009 at 2:47pm — 14 Comments

Our first blog post!

We've been wanting to blog on here, but between my business, doggie walks, agility and an upcoming trial, there honestly hasn't been much time. So this is our first blog post! :)

Today we're working on weave poles some more, because ya just can't work too much on weaves. :) Okay, you really can. But we try to practice every day, and he's doing awesome! Every day I see a huge improvement. I added a jump in front of the weaves, and he's great at jumping then weaving (unlike a certain… Continue

Added by Susan and Merlin on July 13, 2009 at 1:51pm — 1 Comment

The Parade was really a Mustang car show... but still fun!

Okay, so I got some bad information somewhere and the parade downtown was actually a "festival" on the street with a bunch of Mustangs from the local car club. Still fun. The weather was reasonably nice, but I kept forcing Dex to drink as much water as I could. I brought his bowl and a bottle of water in a tote, but it was cumbersome to carry around so I bought one of those spiffy bottled water attachments that turns into a portable makeshift pup bowl for outings.

I think he enjoyed… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 13, 2009 at 11:43am — 1 Comment

Caden's First Birthday!

Caden turned 1 on July 5th. I'm quite amazed at how fast the time has gone and that he's been with us for 9 months.

The profile pic is Caden's official birthday picture, taken when we just left the dog park, and you can tell he had a great time.

I had thought of going to the bakery to get him a birthday treat but I thought it would be more fun to make something myself, and wanted to share the recipe with you all. It can easily be modified to include anything you want or,… Continue

Added by Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too! on July 13, 2009 at 10:05am — 3 Comments

Just a recap on what's been happening with Murphy

We went to Wilkes-Barre for the 4th of July to hang out with our friend and his fiancee. Murphy was excellent the entire time in the car. I held him on my lap the entire way there which is always a chore, but he slept most of the time anyway. They have a swimming pool and Murphy has never been swimming before so we wanted to see how he'd react. We put him in it a few times and he hated it. He acted like he was afraid. So we'd be swimming and he'd be running around the pool while we'd splash him… Continue

Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on July 13, 2009 at 9:55am — 2 Comments

Busy weekend...

A little background before I talk about the weekend:

I am in the process of buying a house. After I got my beloved Corgi Dakota a year ago I knew I would always get another one once I had my own home. So as soon as we signed the initial papers on a house about a month ago, I contacted Dakota's breeder to find out when another litter would be available.

Then my beloved cat Charlie, who was born in my own bedroom thirteen years ago, became ill just shortly after we signed… Continue

Added by Jenn on July 13, 2009 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

Smart a lesson with a cow hoof!

Miso is such a smarty girl! I've been trying to teach her a few tricks of late, and for a while, it seemed like she really wasn't connecting or learning anything. It was so frustrating, I was worried that she would never learn!

Well, yesterday I pulled out the only treats she eats fast enough to train with, and the clicker. She decided to show me just how smart she is! She showed me that my attempts at teaching her to shake were not in vain, shaking on command! She also knows how to… Continue

Added by Ashley Kelty on July 13, 2009 at 1:48am — No Comments

Remembering My Precious Rosie June 10, 2005 - June 9, 2009

What a shame that my first blog on here will be one of few.

On July 9, 2009, upon arrival in California for a little weekend trip, I learned of some very devastating news. After a walk with some friends, my precious Rosie experienced a series of unfortunate events and passed away on the way to the emergency clinic. The likely reason was a heat stroke from a hot summer day in Houston. My poor Rosie had to suffer through that without me.

Thank you to all our friends and… Continue

Added by Di-An Laperouse on July 12, 2009 at 7:00pm — 13 Comments


He is so cute I have let him sleep in the bath room tub when I can watch him .He has lots of toys is very friendly and poops and pees outside YEA~~Check out his photos on my site Melanie

Added by Melanie Stage on July 12, 2009 at 6:21pm — No Comments

mum met the dog whisperer!!!

today was the dog show and mum was especially excited to attend. she and dad usually go every year but ever since my big sis came along they haven't had time. this time was going to be really special. it was going to be addie's 1st dog show :) also, it was an important event in "dog awareness week" here in town. the river city cluster of dog shows was going to have a special guest...cesar millan, the dog whisperer! he was going to give out the trophy for best in show. mum managed to get some… Continue

Added by Ein Danger on July 11, 2009 at 11:00pm — 5 Comments

Some would say I am crazy, but here at MyCorgi I seem normal!

Just a few minutes ago I got off the phone with the foster mom to Gwendolyn, a one-year-old, tri-color Corgi with Juvenile Cataracts. We were just approved to adopt this special needs girl! She is visually challenged, although she is not completely blind. She will be entering the mayhem that is our home with four Corgis and a Corgi Wannabee (Potter the Shipoo). We are so excited. It seems like a perfect match. She needs us and we really want her! It all still depends on the face ot face of… Continue

Added by Kristen on July 10, 2009 at 9:07pm — 3 Comments

Good things, good things.

So, Miso gets her last set of shots next week! Well, it's not a set, it's just her Bordetella (Kennel Cough) vaccine! Then she'll be fine until we go get her fixed!

She's been doing really well lately. We let her run around even more, now that she's starting to grow up a bit and is taking lessons a bit more seriously (We're lucky that the couch she likes to pull stuffing out of came like that...still a comfy couch nonetheless!). She's doing great with her potty training, for the most… Continue

Added by Ashley Kelty on July 10, 2009 at 1:49pm — 6 Comments

Dexter's first puppy pop ended with a lesson.

Yesterday I made Dex a back of "puppy pops" with plain, unsweetened organic yogurt and peanut butter. I put them in small dixie cups and froze them, then gave him a small slice for good behavior (like for being well behaved on walks or outings, and for good work during a training session) He really likes it! I plan to only use these every now and then, and possibly after puppy training class when he starts. I also hope to reward him with one if he is good at the vet.

However, this… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 10, 2009 at 11:30am — 6 Comments

PetSmart In Store Coupon

Here's a printable $5.00 PetsMart in-store coupon I found online yesterday.
It does work - I used two of them last night (limit one coupon *per
transaction* not per customer) in conjunction with two manufacturer coupons.
I just had to ring up and pay for each bag of dog food separately. Expires

http://tinyurl. com/mfn567

Added by Wendt Worth Corgi's on July 10, 2009 at 10:32am — 7 Comments

My Pups are THREE Years Old Now!

Dott and BG had their third (human years) birthday on Wednesday. That makes them 21 in dog years!. Where has the time gone? Pups grow up way to fast!

Dott's Master, Robert, got us party hats (Sarcastic Hurrays here!)...

and little champagne glasses to drink out of, with a really good sweet… Continue

Added by Linda Brock on July 10, 2009 at 4:38am — 2 Comments

Poor Wrigley

He was neutered on Tuesday and has been pretty bleh since. He is a very active dog and LOVES going for long walks and runs and playing and doesn't seem to understand we can't do that for a few days. When I take him out to go potty and take him right back in, he gives me this look like, "Where do you think you're going? We're not done out here." It's so sad. He has been laying around the last few days. I would love to give him something to do, but I'm worried about his stitches. Any advice to… Continue

Added by Jeny (and Wrigley) on July 9, 2009 at 5:32pm — 7 Comments

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