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Back from the vet

We took KayCee in early this morning and it sounds like a few of you were on the right track. She has idiopathic facial paralysis. This basically just means there isn't a cause for it, it's just a weird happening.

She is on low-dose steroid for four weeks and an eye drop every 4 hours to keep her eye lubricated. We are going to wait and see if it resolves. If things improve, great. If not, we will look into a more extensive treatment, MRIs, CT scans, etc to see if there is an… Continue

Added by MomOf Two Corgis on June 22, 2009 at 10:31pm — 6 Comments


I took Violet to her first herding lesson today and she seemed rather disinterested. Although in her defense it was 85 degrees F and high humidity. She looked at us like we were nuts and kept heading towards the shade. We're going to try again when the weather cools down.

Added by Violet on June 22, 2009 at 7:08pm — 2 Comments

My Cutest Collar

This isn't corgi-related but it is collar-related so I hope it's ok. I just wanted to show off the collar I made for my best friend's Mini Dachshund, Roxy. It's around my best friend's birthday, so this was her present. It came out soooo cute and I'm really proud of it!

Those little skulls were a pain lol. I looked EVERYWHERE for some cute little skull conchos or skull-shaped rivets and couldn't find anything that would fit on this tiny little collar, so I ended up having… Continue

Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on June 22, 2009 at 3:30pm — 8 Comments

Update on Superstar....

Hello folks! I am still around, just a little bit too busy with work and traveling to Miami....Superstar is still growing beautiful like always and also, she is a pro with housetraining. Now she loves to play with laser all around the house! her chewing has reduced but if she doesnt like anything, she will end up chewing it!(i.e. My Breaking Dawn book!shredded into pieces!!!!Of course, I was angry at the story that she saw that! lol, cause she hasnt shredded all of the other books!) I am off… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on June 22, 2009 at 2:02pm — No Comments

How long did it take you to potty train your pup?

Beldar is 3 months old, and in his first 3 days with me he's already doing a great job peeing on his pee pads. He has more trouble pooping, but today he has already pooped twice on his pad! I'm just wondering how long it took everyone to house train or pee pad train their dogs.

Added by Caroline (and Beldar) on June 22, 2009 at 1:27pm — 7 Comments

birthday girl

today is chloe's 3rd birthday.
i can't believe its been 3 years already, crazy how time flies sometimes.
oh, and her diet it going quite well, she weighed in at 38lbs at the vet the other day, so shes lost 2 lbs so far. i think thats a pretty good start. about 4 more lbs and she will be where the vet wants her. :)

Added by Manda and Chloe on June 22, 2009 at 12:41pm — 3 Comments


Hello, all - I haven't posted in awhile. Zoe is fine. Her first birthday is this Friday! Can't believe she will be one whole year old already..time flies. I have a question about chewing. She chews and shreds almost EVERYTHING, especially if she's not supposed to. Since she is one, I'm sure all her teeth have come in. She does it mostly when we are not home, so separation anxiety is definitely in the picture also. I am looking for anything that will help me with this. It's driving me crazy! We… Continue

Added by Zoe'sMom on June 22, 2009 at 11:24am — 3 Comments

Face Paralysis

We noticed a few days ago that KayCee's eye was a little runny, but since she has allergies, we thought nothing of it...

Until today...

We took her and Puck out to Mr. Oregano's brother's farm for the day, and it was a bit warm. We noticed a fairly big and scary thing about her face. The whole right side of her face was not working. As she panted out in the heat, the left side of her muzzle pulled back into that typical corgi smile, but the right side did not.… Continue

Added by MomOf Two Corgis on June 21, 2009 at 11:48pm — 5 Comments

Eating Problem

Callie has had troubles with a sensitive stomach in the past, but now she is refusing to eat. Currently I am visiting my parents, and for some reason every time we visit she seems to be really picky with her food.

We are having an extended stay because it is summer break and not only is she being picky she absolutely refuses to eat her food. (She started doing this at my apartment too) She skipped breakfast this morning and tonight we had to wet some of her food before we could finally… Continue

Added by Lusa on June 21, 2009 at 10:48pm — 4 Comments

Bicycle Trailer

Anyone have one of these for going on bike rides? I'd love to ride and be able to take Nutmeg, but not running along side. I've seen them for children, but wondered what the difference would be for a dog? Advise? Thanks!

Added by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on June 21, 2009 at 6:45pm — 7 Comments

Oscar Updates

Finally a weekend spent away from the animal hospital!!!

Last weekend we were back at Ocean State Animal Hospital with Oscar; this time not due to his epilepsy but the parasite giardia. Oscar had tested positive for the parasite and gone through a week on pancur and was presenting no symptoms so we thought we had won that fight. Sadly we were wrong. Last Saturday the poor thing was admitted to the hospital for the second weekend in a row. This time Oscar was having terrible diarrhea… Continue

Added by Melissa on June 20, 2009 at 10:12pm — 3 Comments

Funny thing happened yesterday

Yesterday night, I heard Ein barking in the backyard (probably at some intruders i.e. rabbits), and so for the fun of it, I decided to bark. After a pause, Ein barked in a different tone. Then my bf barked, and then Ein did a bark/howl combination. This back and forth went on 2 more times until I decided to bring Ein inside the house. And then when my bf barked once more in front of Ein, Ein looked really confused and didn't bark back.

I've decided I won't do this again because I… Continue

Added by Aj on June 20, 2009 at 7:58pm — 4 Comments

Our Little Man

Hi gang...

We've had a time with Cody (our 14 y.o.) over the past few days. Somehow, and we haven't figured out how, he was bitten by a snake. Now Cody doesn't go outside. He's not as nimble as the other dogs. His back feet knuckle under and he's quite deliberate when he does walk, so we keep a tight watch on him. Well...I noticed the other night his eye was swelling. Then a couple of hours later, his cheek swelled. And then I found a mass in his neck. We went directly to the Animal… Continue

Added by Cindi on June 20, 2009 at 7:19pm — 12 Comments

A tribute to Q-tip, our dwarf hamster.

Q-tip, our dwarf hamster (Ein's little cousin as we liked to call him) has passed away today in the afternoon today, June 20, 2009. According to my bf, he had been fine this afternoon, poked his belly like he usually does, and Q-tip was scattering around looking for seeds. I can't believe that he's gone... He was my first hamster. Although he wasn't my bf's first hamster, he was still the best hamster ever to the both of us.

He was white, with black eyes that turned a pretty sky blue… Continue

Added by Aj on June 20, 2009 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Jack's First Therapy Dog Visit

Well, today was the big day! We had our first nursing home visit, and we had a great time

Jack is our two-year-old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I decided when he was still a pup that I wanted to do Therapy Dog work with him. Lest there be any confusion, Therapy Dogs are NOT assistance dogs. They are the dogs that go visit at nursing homes and schools to provide some joy and comfort to the people there.

Jack has always been a sociable little guy. We live near a large busy park, so… Continue

Added by Beth on June 20, 2009 at 3:31pm — 1 Comment

Broken Family: Week 4 & 5

Wow the last two weeks have gone by so fast! I think we're all getting the hang of the new routine and starting to move out of the test phase into settling in. These past two weeks we've had to tend to some minor injuries...

Last week at M's Dash's had a slight limp on his front left leg... most probably abrasions from walking around the city a lot more and his new morning run routine at M's. His nails were also getting worn down much faster too and bleeding slightly from the extra… Continue

Added by Michael Hong on June 20, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

A lot has happened

I've been lax in being active here, unfortunately.

In the time since I've last logged in, a bit has happened with Spider. He spent a while in a boarding kennel in the summer of 2007 while Nate and I took a trip down to Memphis, TN to visit family aboard Amtrak.

And most recently (and severely), he had a health scare. We had left the house to run some errands and when we came home, a heavy scent of bleach fumes greeted us. Apparently someone had been using it to clean near… Continue

Added by Asia on June 19, 2009 at 5:52pm — 3 Comments

corgis and bad backs

We are really worried about our sweet Penny dog.
She couldn’t put her front paws up on the couch anymore, and was walking sort of hunched up in the back. Then she yelped when I picked her up.
Vet says a disk is about to go. Prescribed two weeks complete confinement and some pills. Penny is very puzzled why we have cooped her up. Vet says if the disk blows, Penny will be paralyzed. If that happens we will have to put Penny to sleep. I can’t stop crying.

Added by sarah stravinska on June 19, 2009 at 5:10pm — 13 Comments

The Laziest Dog in the World

There's no doubt I have the laziest dog in the world.

Every dog owner I talk to has the same story when it comes to mornings. Their pups usually cannot wait to get up. They run to wake up the kids when alarm goes off, they wiggle their bodies and whine anxious to get out of the crate, they rub their faces on their owners and radiate excitement.

Shiro had never had any of this happened. Not even once. Our mornings are totally different.

Usually I get up at 6, but on weekends I… Continue

Added by Beauty and the Beast on June 19, 2009 at 1:11pm — 7 Comments

Oh my goodness.

I love Miso. I really, really do. She's the sweetest little dog ever!

But sometimes, she gets on my last nerve! I can't WAIT until she grows up! She's still in the 'eat everything in sight' mindset...which really sucks, because we have mushrooms growing in the yard in front of our condo. I'm so scared she's going to eat them, I have to keep a super careful eye on her!

She also won't eat half of the time. The veterinarian tells me that she should be eating 2 1/2 cups of… Continue

Added by Ashley Kelty on June 19, 2009 at 1:30am — 15 Comments

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