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Corgi and Remote Controlled Car

I know... I haven't posted in a good while. But yesterday something pretty interesting happened with Caesar. We took all three dogs (two terriers and Caesar) to the dog park. There was a kid there with a remote control car. One of the terriers and Caesar went BALLISTIC over the toy. Maybe it was the herding instinct kicking in - I'm not sure. But we left them off leash and they chased the remote car for about half an hour. The cutest part was when the car went towards him and he jumped at the… Continue

Added by Caesar & Molly on February 8, 2009 at 3:07pm — 1 Comment

Wow, So its been a while

Seeing as how its been FOREVER since I've posted I figure I might as well take some time to do it. It's been a great couple of months since I brought Mac home back in November. Since then he has traveled to the West side and played at the beach, traveled to Cali and met a bunch of friendly corgi's and come back home to finally get settled into life around E-burg. He is now around 16 pounds *im adding a pound or two since its been a few weeks since we went to the vets* but he is a very healthy… Continue

Added by Sylvia on February 8, 2009 at 2:44pm — No Comments

Hello pplz! X3

Thought I'd post again today. Joined a few groups today. X3
Nacho seems to have sprained his ankle, so he's just been sleeping all day long. But He's running the house now. And since all the sleep. (its night now -.-;;;) He's being a trouble maker again. Meaning he'll be prolly be crying all night. Oh well. X3 I have head phones. LOLz

Bye pplz C:

Added by Lazieninjafrog on February 7, 2009 at 9:45pm — No Comments

New Pix - Morna Settles In

Morna sleeps on her back frequently and I caught a picture! That is so cute...and she sometimes has a front paw over her face and her back legs crossed.

She has also become a BIG help to her new Dad. Some more pix added show Morna helping with the yardwork! She is down to about 1 accident a day w/her potty training, and that's usually when we misread her signals and think she's ready to go in. When we do that, she's not in the house for more than 5 minutes when she poops somewhere,… Continue

Added by Edie on February 7, 2009 at 9:21pm — No Comments

Cardigan on CBS

Added by Sam Tsang on February 7, 2009 at 7:37pm — 11 Comments

Koby's Arrival!

Baby Koby came home today! He did really well! We went about 7am and traveled to Lecanto fl to pick up the pups. My parents got Koby's brother Dyllan and we picked them up out of the pen and there other brothers and sisters looked so sad! I felt so bad. We put them in the backseat of the car for the long 3 hour drive! They made it with a couple of potty breaks and a snack. They were so cute sleeping on each other and then giving us tons of kisses! Koby as soon as I picked him up smothered me… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 7, 2009 at 5:51pm — 3 Comments

Visitation Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow we FINALLY get to meet our puppies in person!! It seems like we have been waiting for 6 months instead of 6 weeks. The last video we got from our breeder was over a week ago and they were getting so big and we can't wait to see how much bigger they have gotten. We are joining a growing number of people on this site who are getting their puppies from celestial star kennels. Celeste has been great on providing both updated videos and pictures and with being patient with us with our many… Continue

Added by Emma on February 7, 2009 at 12:01pm — 1 Comment

Fly Ball

I found something on the internet about Fly Ball and thought what a neat idea to get Pascal into so he stays fit and healthy. He already knows to how to fetch and he'll drop the balls for me but he won't for my room mate or my boyfriend sometimes. So we're working on that. But hopefully things will go well with that. He loves jumping and tennis balls so it's perfect. Hopefully I can either find a Fly Ball team or start one. So that's something to look into. :)

Added by Rachel on February 6, 2009 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments


Hi everyone, i have had little charlie for a week now and he is the best dog ever!! He is 9 weeks old and already i have trained him to sit, stay and come. In the process of lie down! Anyway my question is.....Are most corgis fairly independant. Charlie will let me pat him when he is tired but he aint the cuddliest of puppies. Is this a corgi trait or does he not love me enuf yet??? In saying that i am in the middle of australian summer and it is pretty hot here. Everything abolut him is great,… Continue

Added by Mardi on February 6, 2009 at 8:23pm — 9 Comments

Hello pplz ^^

This be my first blog post on this site. ^^

I'm happy to be here. ^^

And now a little about my dog ^^

My dog (Nacho) is very bored...and hungry...again...his favorite hobby is begging for food...any food ...

He usually likes to play with a large yellow ball that we had left over from some outside kids toy. He has other toys, but I think that one is his favorite. He can't pick it up tho, (cuz its so big X3)so he usually just kicks it around. LOLz mom just told me… Continue

Added by Lazieninjafrog on February 6, 2009 at 4:49pm — 2 Comments

Update on Chesney

Well Chesney is getting bigger and bigger every day. I'm happy and sad all at the same She is doing great on the potty training and learning how to sit. She is having some problems with the recall demand though which sounds like a corgi She is going this Sunday to have more shots and get her nails trimmed. And maybe I'll buy her a special :o)

She was soooo funny the other day. I put a different bowl down for her water than what I usually use and she… Continue

Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on February 6, 2009 at 11:44am — 2 Comments

Corgi puppy

I live in MA and would like very much to get a Corgi puppy this spring but I am not sure how to go about it. I did email a couple of breeders but received no respnse so far. How does this all happen?

Added by susan on February 6, 2009 at 7:42am — 5 Comments

The Newest Addition:)

So yesterday we picked out our newest corgi. He'll be ready to come home in about 3-4 weeks, and I am sooo excited! The entire litter was so beautifully marked, but this little red boy caught my eye:) We just have no idea what to name him...Our girl's name is Juneaux, so I had thought to name him Rockeaux--my husband said no...wah! I was hoping for some suggestions...he's a beautiful red/white---help!:)

Added by Juneaux and Maximus on February 6, 2009 at 12:09am — 9 Comments

Welcome to my Page!!!!

Hi, I'm Ein! I'm a Pembroke Welsh Corgi born in a small town outside out Houston, TX (Porter, to be exact). I am 5 months old and living with my family in San Antonio. Can you believe they drove over 4 hours to meet me?! They must really love corgis! I just love my new place. It's definitely become home for me. I was a little scared at first, being in a new place. I've been living with my family for a little over a month now and I just can't get enough of them. My family has a mom, a dad and… Continue

Added by Ein Danger on February 5, 2009 at 11:09pm — 2 Comments

Fluffy Puppy?

Hello everyone, I have a question maybe someone can help me answer. I think one of my pups is a fluffy? Her hair seems different from the others,it is longer and seems fluffier. I am just not really sure it is because she is so young still. She is only 4 weeks old. Can you tell by that age if it is a fluffy or not? I will take a pic of her and post it and if anyone can take a look at her and let me know what you think I would really appreciate it. I have never owned a fluffy and have never even… Continue

Added by Darlene on February 5, 2009 at 3:17pm — 4 Comments

Life with Stanley - 3 months later

Wow, it’s been so long since a Stanley update. He’s just turned 5 months old so that seems like a pretty good time to give some updates. A lot has happened since the last post, both good and bad. I’m happy to report it’s mostly good.

The good:

• Stanley graduated from Petsmart Puppy Kindergarten in January. It was great fun to see him socialize with the other puppies and we had fun trying to train him amongst the distractions in the store. Although I wanted him to be… Continue

Added by Stanley & Charlotte on February 4, 2009 at 10:11pm — 6 Comments

Our worse fear has come true.

Well today was the trip to Veterinary Specialist Services in St Louis. We received the worst news possible. We found out that our furry baby boy Tiki, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. They said we are looking at six (or less) months. It amazing such a small word can punch you in the gut and hurt so bad. I don't know what to think at this moment. I really keep asking how and why, but not directed to anyone particular. I guess I really would like and answer and a magic pill to make his cancer… Continue

Added by Brenda and Gary on February 4, 2009 at 9:45pm — 11 Comments


Reading about Koby, Sir Riley's little bro. Made me miss Max, so I am having a few tears. It is funny how these animals can make such an impact on you.

Added by Nicola Porter on February 4, 2009 at 9:04pm — No Comments


Hey everyone that is "Sir Riley of Pembroke's" friend this is my new page for Koby the little bugger I am getting this saturday!!! I have been waiting since December when he was born! So please all of you who are my friends come and be my friend again on Koby's page. I didn't want to have him share a page with Riley, I thought Riley deserved his own page! I promise to try to write about picking him up, his first nights, ect. But remeber I have two cats and work full time and am a house wife so… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 4, 2009 at 8:49pm — 4 Comments


lola went into heat. and i was totally unprepared for it.

i was in denver over the weekend, and my dad faithfully watched her. when i returned, she was in heat.

so i have no accurate estimate of what day in the cycle it is.

now it may sound naiive of me, and yes, i knew this day would arrive, but i was really hoping to spay her before she went into heat again. so yes, i am a little annoyed with myself.

being the poor college student i am, a 50-75… Continue

Added by Natalya Q on February 4, 2009 at 8:26pm — 2 Comments

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