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Im bad with subjects.

It must have been a couple of weeks ago, but due to computer problems I'll post this now. =)

I was just about to go to sleep one night when all of the sudden someone *I was to scared to get up and look* started pounding violently on my window. I was just about to call my mom on my cell phone when all of the sudden Ethan comes flying into my room and to my window and starts barking and growling like crazy, while jumping up at my window. He did that for about 5 minutes while the person on… Continue

Added by Jamiz on January 8, 2009 at 2:19pm — 5 Comments

A Corgi and a little part of history.

Tammey, Bear, and I were recently in Oklahoma City making a delivery into a warehouse, when I had one of those embarassing, "Oh my God, is that what I think it is!!! Oh man it is! Look what I found! Tammey! bring Bear and the camera!" moments. Most of the time when I have one of these little fits we are on the road and I will have just seen a landmark and a photo opportunity for Bear. In Van Horn TX, we photographed him in front of the world famous… Continue

Added by Tammey & Caven on January 8, 2009 at 1:00pm — 7 Comments

The day has arrived...

Tonight, I take my puppy to the vet. To stay there. For almost 24 hours.

Tomorrow morning Gibson gets neutered. He has to get bloodwork done tonight and then they need to keep him overnight to make sure he doesn't eat or drink anything I guess :( I'm so anxious about this! I just know Gibson is going to freak out w/o me there tonight. I've been trying to look on the brightside. It will be like a little vacation of no puppy… Continue

Added by Kelly on January 8, 2009 at 10:15am — 9 Comments

Ichigo --no go

Something strange has happened. Ichigo won't go outside. He was fine Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening he refused to go outside. We let it go because he went out earlier. Today he won't go outside either. I swear he has developed agoraphobia or something. He is absolutely terrified. I don't know what to do about it because I've never had a dog that wouldn't go outside. It's only been one day but if it is something serious I want to do something about it before it escalates… Continue

Added by initch on January 7, 2009 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

8 yr old corgi shot in Horseshoe Lake, Oklahoma

Full article

As a former resident of the sooners state, I find this news very upsetting. R.I.P Squiggy.

Added by Sam Tsang on January 7, 2009 at 5:26pm — 15 Comments

Collar vs Harness

Thank you all for offering your advice on leash training a while back. Finnigan is doing much better with the leash. He will pick it up in his mouth once in a while but when we tell him to drop it he usually will. Since he has received his last set of shots, we're starting to take him more places and his issue now is pulling. When we are out on a walk he will pull so much he'll begin to cough. He started puppy classes yesterday and the instructor said she thinks all dogs should be in a harness… Continue

Added by Alice on January 7, 2009 at 4:00pm — 9 Comments


I'm sure everyone has seen LOLcats...

Well I recently found a whole bunch of LOLcorgis! Check out my blog here

Here is my favourite!


Added by Chantel & Princess Bella on January 7, 2009 at 9:54am — 12 Comments

Anyone have any experience with Giardia?

As some of you know my boyfriend recently got a puppy from his friend whose family didn't want it anymore. We took the little guy to the vet to make sure everything was alright and they called me today saying that they found the parasite Giardia in his stool. He said I had nothing to really worry about but I need to go tomorrow and pick up medication. I was wondering if this easily passes on to other dogs, because I'm worried about my baby Lola. I am bringing in a stool sample of her's tomorrow… Continue

Added by Stephanie & Lola on January 7, 2009 at 5:04am — 7 Comments

Cleaning the House with Caesar

Real life story inspired by Caesar...

How to Clean the House with 3 month Caesar

1 - Take a walk around the house and start a game plan. Be followed by Caesar.

2 - Start with laundry. Make a pile of whites. Chase Caesar around the house yelling "leave it" as an attempt to have him drop your socks.

3 - Make a pile of colors. Chase Caesar around the house as he picks once again the same sock you have taken away from him.

4 - Put Caesar in crate, feel guilty,… Continue

Added by Caesar & Molly on January 6, 2009 at 10:43pm — 8 Comments

Looking for other corgi owners in the San Francisco Peninsula area of CA.

We have two corgi's and are looking for other corgis to romp & play with. Ours are very friendly and socialized. Eddie is eight and Dot is two.

Added by Carolyn Boynton on January 6, 2009 at 12:39pm — 1 Comment

Dragster update 2

Hey everyone, sorry i havnt been on in a while.

Drag baby is doing a whole lot better. Hes still not 100%, but he's doing well.

No more bleeding, and i havnt had to give him calm pills that the vet gave me.

The cute thing was the other night. Drag lays at the end of my bed and keeps my feet warm.

I had made him a bed next to me during all this on his little red bed he got for Christmas.

I washed everything and made him a new little comfy… Continue

Added by Dragster and Bailee on January 6, 2009 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

Cardi vs. Pem

It's funny.......since I was a youngster, and had our first Corgi/Beagle mix, "Corky", I've always been fond of Pembrokes. Almost to the point of totally ignoring the fact that Pems aren't the only Corgi. I've not seen many Cardis around my area (Northern Indiana, USA).

But since joining I have seen more pictures of the most gorgeous Cardigans! And I've totally fallen in love with them as much as Pems! I have to say, nothing beats that tail-less butt.........the cutest… Continue

Added by ChestersMom on January 5, 2009 at 10:21pm — 7 Comments

A Mix or Not??

I have been seriously thinking about Griff's heritage lately! We adopted him from the Humane Society when he was 10 months old, so we don't have the exact story of his lineage. We were told that his Pembroke mother was rescued from a puppy mill while pregnant with Griff, but who the father was - who knows?

Part of me thinks that Griff's father was a Sheltie. Sometimes his face shape doesn't look truly 'Corgi', and his ears aren't as large as the rest of the breed. I attributed the… Continue

Added by JW on January 5, 2009 at 3:40pm — 6 Comments

Success at last on the treadmill!!

A couple of years ago, I tried to teach Junebug how to walk on the treadmill. It wasn't ours, we don't own one, but I thought I'd take advantage of an opportunity. In short, she hated it, was afraid of it, and would no longer go to the basement where it was. We haven't approached one since.

This Christmas at Mom and Dad's, I thought I'd give it another try. I would use food, this time, and see if it helped. I had the chicken in hand, and just asked her to step on it. Each small… Continue

Added by Bonny on January 5, 2009 at 2:53pm — 1 Comment

Freya at 8 weeks

I bought Freya when she was 6 and a half weeks old. Being who I am today and when I purchased her, I knew that she was too young. With all of my mom's puppies, I didn't know that was wrong and we got those puppies far younger than 6 weeks.

Despite her young age, she seemed to understand "No" and "come" very well. She was the first to have her ears perk up and the first to investigate the keys shaking when I visited.

She is highly independent puppy. She is highly… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on January 5, 2009 at 2:05pm — No Comments

Life with Olive

Howdy again. Well, I'm happy to report that all the strange feelings of guilt I had over buying Olive are long gone. She's officially a member of the family and we all love her dearly. She's going in to be spayed this Thursday, poor girl, but we'll take good care of her while she's healing. She's the coolest dog and I'm so happy to have her. She learns so quickly, I'm amazed by her. Well, happy new year, everyone!

Added by Bonny on January 5, 2009 at 2:42am — No Comments

SO subscribing to this magazine.

I found some magazine called Modern Dog... SOO subscribing to it. Haha.
However I saw this article online from the magazine. Makes me wonder how people are so sick. It makes me so mad.

Added by Lauren + Winston on January 4, 2009 at 11:09pm — 2 Comments

Gimli on the farm

Saturday Gimli spent the day on a miniature horse farm. He had a blast. They also have two Corgis, 1 male Shorty 2 years and 1 female 12 wks Suzie Q (she is 8 days younger than Gimli). He and Suzie had the most fun. They ran and played all day long. There are other dogs there also so he thought at times that he was as big as them and needed to run with the big boys. lol I spent most of my time trying to keep him from running his little legs off trying to keep up with the bigger ones. It was… Continue

Added by Robin & Gimli on January 4, 2009 at 7:03pm — 1 Comment

Starting 2009 with a Corgi and a Blog!

Call me old, or maybe just not up on the times, but I have NEVER blogged before. I am finding this site to be contagious, so as I explore all the options, I thought, "why not, it's a new year!"

I became a member of this site searching for a Cardigan puppy. That said, within 4 hours of my original post, I had found a breeder (LOVE HER!!) and low and behold, a puppy!

My original picture on my page is of PJ, my wonderful "guardian angel" Great Pyrenees - I love that pic… Continue

Added by Jill and JOSIE on January 4, 2009 at 5:20pm — 13 Comments

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