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tail wagging and emotional development in newborns.

Zee is 1 week old, and I think he wagged his tail for the first time today. Before, he would just keep it tucked under him or occasionally move it from one haunch to the other, but when he was nursing today, his undocked tail was all-out wiggling. It kind of leads you to wonder about the emotional development of puppies: when is it that they start expressing happiness? Right now, Zee seems to express himself only through his physical needs, crying or whining when he's hungry or cold or needs to… Continue

Added by Rachel & Zee on July 23, 2009 at 6:26pm — 3 Comments

4 more days!!

It is now 4 more days until we get to bring our puppy home!! The only problem is that it is a 7 hour drive to the breeder's house. We had tried for many months to find a breeder closer to us with a litter planned, but we've had no luck until now. It is going to be the longest 7 hours of my life, I'm sure!! But, it will be so worth it. We are pretty prepared for our little guy's arrival. We bought a carrier for the ride home, a leash and collar, some toys, and some treats. We already had food,… Continue

Added by Nancy and Harley on July 23, 2009 at 3:41pm — 4 Comments

Happy 6 months!

Happy 6 months to our "Super" puppies !
Superman -Clark
SuperSwell- Squirt
SuperNova- Nova
SuperSmooch- Kissi
SuperSonic- Sonny
SuperSport- Indy-car
I've got a picture or two of them shared in my photo album. Good luck finishing your teething those canines and upcoming fixes. Mom Jess sends licks and barks! :)

Added by Elizabeth W on July 23, 2009 at 1:55pm — No Comments

Shopping & swimming

I have always loved getting stuff in the mail since I was a kid, so ordering stuff online is just terribly fun and exciting for me. I am not much one for cruising stores just to "shop"... I usually only go when I have something specific to get and am in and out as fast as possible.

Since we got Matt, we needed to get all sorts of doggy accouterments. I also needed some walking shoes, since I am also not a shoe person and all I have are some flipflops for around the house and a pair… Continue

Added by Jennifer & Matt on July 22, 2009 at 3:32pm — 5 Comments

Happy One Year, Little One!

Today is the one year anniversary of Caleb becoming part of the family. He's been such a blessing to me this past year that I started blogging about it a few months after I got him, but I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.

Then when I realized his one year anniversary was coming up, I decided to do a countdown.

So, if you're interested, check out the 22 Days of Caleb (and other random posts) at:

Added by Julie on July 22, 2009 at 1:34pm — 2 Comments

In need of a sitter

I am planning on going to Las Vegas to visit my family for Thanksgiving. Sadly I can not bring Callie along because my sister's dog is not a fan of smaller dogs. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good (and not too pricey) places for my dog to stay in the Minneapolis area?

Or if anyone would be interested and willing to take care of my little girl while I am gone? I don't know too many people around this area, or at least not many who can take care of her. Message me or leave a comment… Continue

Added by Lusa on July 22, 2009 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

Korgi - Volume 1 - Sprouting Wings!

Korgi at

This may be old news, but for those that haven't yet heard of this "graphic novel," I strongly recommend Korgi by former Disney artist Christian Slade. The book itself has no dialog, in fact the only text is in the introduction, delivered by a toad of all things. From that point on, the… Continue

Added by Shockoe "Bottom" Bell on July 21, 2009 at 7:26pm — 5 Comments

Chesney just got fixed.

Hey all just a word to say hi and share that Chesney just got fixed! My poor baby is sore but doing good. She was so drugged Unfortuantely she popped a stitch because she just didn't like the idea of having to stay calm for any amount of But she's healing up nicely.

Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on July 21, 2009 at 5:44pm — 2 Comments

Hi all corgi loverssss

I m sooo very surprise to have received all the friendly welcoming messages. its really a great

pleasure to meet other corgi owners from all over the country ~

my first dog - dau dau

He was a shih tzu his name was Dau Dau( a very common name for asian dog

owner) he past away 2 years ago at the age of 14 it was a heart breakin memories for me

I had him since I was 10 years old he was like a brother to me and I was regret cus I didn't take

really good… Continue

Added by Ronald on July 21, 2009 at 5:29pm — 3 Comments

Ein: A Star at the Beach

I went out camping the past weekend and had to leave Ein at home with my bf's sister. My bf's sister took him out to the dog beach and she told me all the kids/people went over to Ein and asked her if they can pet him, even though there were a bunch of other dogs there. They were saying how cute he is and what breed he was. She said that Ein actually went in the water and was pooped for the rest of the day. That was weird, because the last time I took Ein to the dog beach, he stayed along the… Continue

Added by Aj on July 21, 2009 at 3:33pm — 3 Comments

Peanut Butter Hater!

I was wondering if peanut butter was an acquired taste--if some dogs eventually grow to like it, or if a dog won't eat it as a puppy they probably never will? My Stella will eat ANYTHING---any type of dog food, meat, veggies (even peas!) and non-food--dirt, rocks, wood, bugs and even plastic! But she REFUSES peanut butter!! I've tried a few times now, and with different kinds-natural, other, sweeter name brands, and the dog-marketed stuff, and she has turned it all down. Does anyone have a… Continue

Added by Nicole, Stanley and STELLA! on July 21, 2009 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

No, Mommy- the duckie goes HERE!

This morning was Dexter's first crate experience with both my boyfriend and I not at home with him. I wanted to make sure he would be fine alone for the afternoon, and so I put his KONG in the cage with him, his Bully Stick, some other favorite chews and toys, and then went to grab his noisy duck plushy from the den. He followed me and gave me an odd look when I picked it up. I took it to the bedroom and set it in his crate. Immediately he darted inside, grabbed the duck and ran back to the den… Continue

Added by Dez Hunter on July 21, 2009 at 1:18pm — 7 Comments


Today I'm hanging out in the back bedroom with Matt. We had a bit of an accident last night... my husband was playing fetch in the hall with Matt for a good 15 minutes when Matt disappeared instead of getting his Squidoo. By the time we ran down the hall to catch him, it was too late!

Just need to get him feeling like these back bedrooms are part of his den so he knows not go back here. We were so busy playing he never had the opportunity to ask to go outside, so it was totally not… Continue

Added by Jennifer & Matt on July 21, 2009 at 11:53am — 5 Comments

Why Raw bones are good for dogs!

I'm a firm believer that raw bones are great for bones... i'd like to list out whats so great for them..

1) They love the taste (well.. most dogs anyway)

2) Keeps them entertained for hours (great if you're away at work and things like that - i know some ppl will say that you should always supervise - but these bones are as big as her head so i doubt she'll try and eat it whole)

3) They last for a couple of days

4) They're an inexpensive alternative to other dog treats… Continue

Added by chocky on July 21, 2009 at 2:09am — 5 Comments


Dyllan is busy this week with his brother Koby staying over while his mom and dad are in Costa Rica and Korie loves having him here! My husband went on a trip also so I guess I am the one who is busy with three 7 month old puppies....but we are having a great time!

Added by Dyllan on July 20, 2009 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Corgi Comparisons!

I was just wondering how other people's PWC compare to my Leia!

She is 19 months and she only weighs about 17 lbs., I have no idea why she is SO tiny, everyone thinks she is a puppy but really she hasn't grown since she was 8 months old. Her last yearly check up that was done at 15 months old the Vet said she's just petite but I dunno.

We call her Princess or we call her Leia. Sometimes I call her L (like Gossip Girl). My husband named her of course after Princess Leia from Star… Continue

Added by Ariana Rathburn on July 20, 2009 at 12:00pm — 6 Comments

Special Needs Girl Settling into the Family

On Thursday we made the five hour plus trip from our place to the foster home of Gweondolyn. Gwendolyn is a one year old Corgi with Juvinile Cataracts. While she is not completely blind, her vision is severly limited. She has lived in an outdoor kennel her entire life and has never been potty trained and has had limited socialization with people. She recieved good care at her foster home, but she has a long way to go. In addition to her cataracts her eyes are especially small. She has fairly… Continue

Added by Kristen on July 20, 2009 at 12:07am — 5 Comments

Hot weather exercise what to do?

Poor Chloe, it is just too hot for a walk or dog park at 108 degrees. I try to walk her before 10 a.m. even in the evening it is very warm. What do others do? I do play indoor fetch.

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on July 19, 2009 at 9:05pm — 4 Comments

Some people really tick me off

We were walking Jack in the park today. He was leashed, on his regular 6-foot lead, and he was walking nicely on a loose leash. We were near an access road and a food concession stand, and there was a family standing around with three dogs; the apparent father with a pug and another small dog, mom, and a few kids. One of the kids was a girl who looked about 10, and she had a big bear of a black dog on a leash; he probably went about 65 pounds.

We were walking past them, but not close… Continue

Added by Beth on July 19, 2009 at 8:32pm — 9 Comments

sleeping corgi

does anyone else's corgi sleep with it eyes open? Truly disturbing!

Added by David and Fergie on July 19, 2009 at 7:34pm — 5 Comments

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