January 2011 Blog Posts (96)

Bringing home puppy, food advice...

It's almost about time to bring my 8 week old pembroke, Oski home. I was curious what would be a good puppy food to get and where I should buy it. I know we want to stay more on the organic side. Does anyone have any good suggestions? 


-Also any advice you could give me on puppy proffing my home, toys, treats, beds etc... would be greatly appreciated! Thanks,


Added by Oski (Oski Bear) on January 31, 2011 at 11:05pm — 9 Comments

Smaller corgi??!

My little annie (literally) is a year and 4 months...I keep hearing "she'll fill out" , but I don't think she really will.... I  see all these filled out corgis and wonder if mine will be that size too? Her parents were filled out like regular ones.. anyways, just curious if anyone ever thought their corgi was not going to get bigger!!

Added by Ashley Richardson on January 31, 2011 at 5:34pm — 11 Comments

Corgi Needs Good Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mia is a one year old little corgi. She was born on July 1st 2009. She is very loving and sweet and just LOVES to play ball. She loves to cuddle and be close to her owner. She is crate trained and house broken. She is very well behaved. Mia is very sweet but is shy around new people, dogs and surroundings. She is AKC pedigree and is spayed.  She has had all her shots but will be needing her yearly vet visit soon. She would do best in a single dog  home or with another corgi  (preferably…


Added by Emma on January 30, 2011 at 3:46pm — 3 Comments

Hello, All. This is Moriarty

Hello all. I am happy to say that after over a year of visiting this site, getting advice, investigating breeders, we have finally brought home our first Pembroke, Moriarty. Hope to share more with you all in the future. We are located in Chicago, also, and would love to meet any other owners nearby!… Continue

Added by R. Ford on January 30, 2011 at 2:31pm — 18 Comments

First Bath

Today PIcadilly had her first bath here at her new forever home. IT wasn't her first bath, but it was the first bath I had ever given a dog. Luckily my girlfriend was there to walk me through it. She took it great except she looked miserable while standing there like a good bath taker. It was funny though when she got out and started rubbing her body all over the ground.

Added by Stephen and Picadilly on January 29, 2011 at 10:04pm — 4 Comments

Corgi Walk at Hampton Park SC

Just wanted to share all the wonderful people and their Corgi's that came out for a walk around historic grounds of the Citadel at Hampton Park. Benefited a wonderful cause ,the Corgi friends of Walmarsh ~founder Sally Walton.Forty Corgi's and all other dogs were there! Enjoying the 63 degree warm-up! Nice weather for a great cause! The website for rescue is …


Added by Joanne Koppenaal on January 29, 2011 at 8:00pm — 5 Comments

Mum works I try to help.

Hello all its me Gwenie! She is working hard cuz today is Formatting day. Thats for her Ebook coming out soon. I will be on the back cover with her! I took over her puter so I can say HI to all my great corgi furiends! You are all so pawsome. I hope we are able to drive up to Phoenix for the Corgi meet up. She is a tiny bit stressed. So I get more spoiled! 'Always look on the bright side of life da da…


Added by Kitty Kirwin on January 29, 2011 at 11:35am — 1 Comment

Current Progress on my Wallpaper

This is what I have so far.  I still have to shade and highlight the costumes and dogs.  The fonts are tentative as well, but I think I have the names picked out. Thanks for the suggestions guys!

Tell me what you think?



Added by Angela Kau-Forsberg on January 29, 2011 at 3:54am — 7 Comments

Another way my life revolves around my Corgi...

So I broke my foot in September and unfortunately developed a chronic condition that affects the nerves. I went to a new doctor today to try a new treatment and she wants me to try Cymbalta. The first thing I said was "Oh cool, that is the Corgi drug". The look on her face made me realize that I might sound a little crazy so I had to explain I have a Corgi and that he looks just like the dog on the Cymbalta commercial. I think she still had questions about my sanity but laughed it off and moved… Continue

Added by Monty'sMom on January 28, 2011 at 8:04pm — 6 Comments

Finding Puppy homes is happy; why do I cry so much?

I have just handed over the 4th puppy from the litter of 5; I have found wonderful homes for them, why do I cry when they leave?  Sheila Wiggins just left with Eire; an excited new puppy Mom and I am sitting here bawling my eyes out.  I know we did right by our foster and saw her through her pregnancy.  I know we did right by finding homes through this website. Oona, Spuds, Eire..all wonderful homes.... I know all of this, yet the tears still flow.  I am Happy, don't get me wrong, but I am sad… Continue

Added by Cheryl Lyons on January 28, 2011 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments

Honda to discontinue Element after 2011 model year

   I've owned my element since 04 and these little boxes are indisposible for hauling my corgi's in crates, grocery's,and large objects that I might have needed to borrow a truck for other wise. I'm very sad about this and a little freaked out what happen's when my poor little element can't go anymore or god forbid someone crashe's into me? I'll have to buy a minivan yuck =(


I just can't say enough wonderfull things about these ugly little bread box shaped cars except that…


Added by christy fry on January 28, 2011 at 3:09pm — 2 Comments

Corgi Sighting

Saw this in the SF Chronicle yesterday.  Our new Lt. Governor, Gavin Newsom was the mayor of San Francisco.  It seems the Governor was looking for a dog walker and....................






Added by Sylvia & Timmy on January 28, 2011 at 10:22am — 8 Comments

Kong Kong Kong Kong KONG!

LeeLoo has a red Kong ball that we gave her earlier this week.  She enjoys it for hours on end.  BUT all she does is noses it around the room, leaving slobber trails everywhere!  She does not chomp down on it, throw it, or bit it.  If anything, she brings it to a spot she likes, flops down and licks the tar out of it.  She's even dropped it in her water dish to soften the cookies.

We asked her vet about her actions, and she believes Loo is herding the ball!  Has anyone else…


Added by Stephanie Starkey on January 28, 2011 at 10:21am — 3 Comments

Tripping hazard! Do not ski jump next to a Corgi!

Poor dog, he got stepped…


Added by David on January 28, 2011 at 1:42am — 7 Comments

Oona, week 10!


Added by LaRissa L. Head on January 27, 2011 at 9:33pm — 6 Comments

Missing my corgi

We had to say goodbye to our beloved corgi, Kujo, on Saturday afternoon :( 

He started feeling poorly on Friday night, I got him in to the vet first thing on Saturday morning. At first they thought he had kidney stones but after further tests they found a very large cancerous tumor in his bladder.  Bladder cancer is very deadly in dogs and there was absolutely nothing that could be done for him.  We are missing him like crazy and our house just isn't the same without him.  We have a 3…


Added by Ann Welsh on January 27, 2011 at 7:45pm — 17 Comments

Daisy goes snowshoeing

Hi, I am wondering if any one can recommend some snow boots for Daisy, the last pair was 1/2 on & 1/2 off in the first 5 minutes of being outside in the snow...  I have a little coat for her thats not to heavy... Plus because she came from a breeder she still has dewclaws???  Thanks for any help you can offer...

Added by Carry Mackenzie on January 27, 2011 at 6:21pm — 1 Comment

Corgi neighbours!

When I moved into my apartment complex a few months ago, I met my neighbour Ruby and her chihuahua Bianca. We often take the dogs out at the same time, and one day, Ruby mentioned to me that she had seen another corgi in our complex, named Olive. 


Last night, I was walking from my car to my apartment with groceries, and lo! There was a young woman walking her fluffy corgi. I said, "This must be Olive!" It was. :) Olive was very friendly - much more extroverted than…


Added by Laura Harris on January 27, 2011 at 5:16pm — 1 Comment

cow hoof treats

My corgi, Sassy, got a cow hoof from her groomer at Christmas.  Has any one else given them to their corgis?

I've read that the rawhide is not good for their stomachs. But I never read any thing about cow hoofs.  Sassy really likes to chew on them.

Added by Margie Wilkinson on January 27, 2011 at 11:43am — 3 Comments

Another went over the Rainbow Bridge!

When we got Bucher as a puppy, he was quite the hit in our neighborhood.  We had really great neighbors and so we all would hang out together in the summer.  Our neighbor’s two houses away, Ann & Brian, really liked Boo so they ended up rescuing a corgi Kujo.  We no longer live in that neighborhood, but still stop and visit.  We just stopped last month to visit with Ann, Brian & of course Kujo and they also have another dog Easton.  I told Ann about this site and was so excited when…


Added by Lynne Cerny on January 27, 2011 at 8:05am — 5 Comments

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