July 2011 Blog Posts (68)

Coat Blowing in JULY! - Hilarious after a bath.

Added by Stephanie on July 31, 2011 at 6:06pm — 6 Comments

Izzie and her eating habit!

Ok. I need some help.  Izzie just wont slow down eating!  I have tried everything from hand feeding her (which i cant do that every day) to standing over her and telling her to slow down, and she even has a bowl that has sections.  Today I softened the food so it actually can go down instead of being hard and whole.  Is there anything other suggestions anyone may have?  She gets sick and throws up her food whole.  I just feel bad for her.  :(

Added by Lisa and Izzie on July 30, 2011 at 9:01pm — 5 Comments

Lando Oliver and his ear.

I hate it. He shook his head the other day and his bandage flew off. I hate that his ear is damaged, it looks horrible. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. He seems no worse for the wear though, my widdle boo boo.

Added by Nicola Porter on July 30, 2011 at 11:21am — 7 Comments

Tummy Scratches!

Henry Likes Belly Rubs!

Added by Henrys Person on July 29, 2011 at 8:34pm — 5 Comments

The Name Game

Ellie's AKC registration form has finally arrived in the mail (yay!) and it's, thankfully, not as complicated as I thought it would be.  The only area that I'm slightly unsure of is the Limited Registration area.  It says that the box should be completely darkened for Limited Registration, but all I see is a number in the box.  I'm assuming that means that it will, indeed, be Limited and the box isn't supposed to be colored in.  Not that it matters, since I'll be having her spayed in a…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on July 29, 2011 at 3:44pm — 3 Comments

Pine Cone Bandit

Newest discovery today... pine cones.

Every time I've taken Finnley out today he casually walks out, does his business, then casually explores, then out of no where I see him take off. I knew exactly what he had grabbed. Now he was making a run…


Added by Michelle Matzke on July 28, 2011 at 10:54pm — 6 Comments

My Corgi won't take walks!

Hi everyone,


So, my corgi is 1 year old now and I live with my parents and while I'm at work my mom always gives my corgi walks in the morning.

But for the past month my mom says my dog refuses to go out for a walk with her! Like he just sits and my mom drags him, then my mom sighs and says okay lets go home, and then he gets up and walks back to the house.

But whenever I take him out for walks he WALKS!


I honestly would prefer my mom giving him…


Added by Michelle Lo on July 28, 2011 at 7:56pm — 8 Comments

July 2011

Abby is now 14 months old, weighs a trim 25.2 lbs. In addition to her CGC, she now has earned her Rally Puppy Title and Rally Level 1 Title in APDT Rally Obedience. She is also learning foundation skills for Agility.

She has been so much fun, she is about to be joined by a little brother!  He comes home in less than 10 days! Now Mike and I will each have one to train! The new puppy is a sable/white, so we'll have one of each. Can I stop with just two??? (Ask me that in about 2 weeks,…


Added by Connie, Abby & PJ on July 27, 2011 at 9:23pm — 2 Comments

Lyra's day

July 25,monday 2011

       today lyra hasn't been up to much. just sleeping. she has sat there. but she got excited when the family began to play a card game. she was so excited she leapt from her spot where she was chewing her tiger toy and decided to try to grab the cards off of the cofee table!!! acording to lyra her olan was working perfectly untill i noticed her and saved the cards! she decided her plan wasnt a fail and that all it needed was a second try! then, she didnt win so…


Added by Ana Smith and family on July 25, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments


lyra is growing so quickly! compared to last summer's pictures to this summer's pictures she looks like a new corgi! but she's still the same old playful pup we all know and love!

Added by Ana Smith and family on July 24, 2011 at 7:38pm — 3 Comments

Emmy's Weekend!

Emmy had a fantastic weekend. On Thursday we went to the dog park to play with friends. Emmy didn't care too much for the small dog area, so we went to play with the big dogs and Emmy fit right in. She is very polite and submissive while also being playful so it worked out. Toward the end of our time there she kept laying down and her mom was scared she would get stepped on so we went back to the little dog area where she played with a Chihuahua and a Pug until it was time to go home. That…


Added by Suneera and Emmy on July 24, 2011 at 6:47pm — 1 Comment

Staying cool and enjoying the flowers

Hello All,

Here we are, trying to beat the heat and enjoy our beautiful New England flora and fauna. Daphne is doing so well! We are trying new games all the time and she is finding she loves meeting new people. She went through training classes and has very good manners. We send you all our happy thoughts!…


Added by Angela on July 24, 2011 at 7:03am — 3 Comments

Puppy Up-Date.


I am not going to take up much space with non-Corgi business but I promised to keep Y'all up-dated on the surprise puppies.  Well this was their six week old photos and two of them have found forever homes.  One (Penny) went to our neighbor who started taking her home for a few hours a day after her six week birth day and then just didn't bring her back one…


Added by Tammey & Caven on July 22, 2011 at 9:30pm — 8 Comments

Helloooo ALL!!!

After a loonngg hiatus Lillie and I are BACK!

Take a look at our photos we added!

She's 3 now about to be 4! I cant believe it! We've had our ups and downs..a small weight battle but now it's all good and under control...you  can sooo seee the difference in our little girl!!!!!

hope everyone is well!!

Added by Lillie's Mommie on July 22, 2011 at 9:22pm — No Comments

Corgis on the move!!!

Well here is for some very exciting news. Max and Zoey (with mom and dad of course) will be moving. We are upgrading from our little apartment to a 3 bedroom 2 bath duplex with a fenced yard. When we started looking I refused to get anything without a yard. Nothing but the best for our pups! Max and Zoey are going to love it and I can see their bordum going straight down the drain. Lots of room to FRAP!!!! So wish us luck on our big move tomorrow! I'll post some… Continue

Added by Kasey, Max, & Zoey on July 22, 2011 at 1:51am — 10 Comments

What is my Corgi mixed with?

I adopted Link from a kill shelter a few weeks ago, the only thing they could tell me is that he was a corgi mix. I have been looking online since I have got him, and I am still clueless!



Added by ashley rena holland on July 21, 2011 at 11:03pm — 14 Comments

How time flies...

It's been almost 4 weeks since Bento came into our lives.  He is really the bestest puppy ever!  We've been training him every day, and so far, he knows sit, bento, and down.  He's starting to learn stand, fetch, and come/recall.   


He definitely got a personality.  There's a stubborn streak in him.  When he's training with my husband, and my husband is a harsh grader, Bento would let out a bark of frustration when he didn't get a command correctly and therefore no treat. He…


Added by Kim Ales-Yan on July 21, 2011 at 10:20pm — 1 Comment

Signals And Sneakiness

Ellie has been with us for almost 2 weeks now (it feels more like 3 days!) and I can't imagine life without her!  She brings so much joy to our lives, both human and canine alike.  She greets me every morning with her bunny nub wiggling a million miles per minute.  She gets Yuki to play at least 3-4 times per day (which is beyond fantastic since he usually refuses to play!)  And I love the funny sleeping poses, the cuddles and the puppy kisses.


She has started showing us some…


Added by Yuki & Ellie on July 21, 2011 at 7:44pm — 2 Comments

Raising Awareness to Something You'd Never Think to be Aware of...

Well after looking through my blog posts, I never actually explained how my beloved Murphy died.  I would first like to explain, Murphy was a good dog, he never got into anything, never tore things apart, came the very minute I called for him, could do any trick in the book, etc. 

However, one night my former boyfriend and I fell asleep with the bedroom door open.  The dogs were wandering around the house and without us knowing, got into the trash.  Murphy got out a plastic frozen…


Added by Emily and LouDog on July 21, 2011 at 3:29pm — 8 Comments

Louie 6 months!

Well Louie still acts like a puppy, but he sure isn't growing out of the energetic puppy stage! I love it!

He is learning, we've had some trouble with him listening and coming to us when commanded, but he's getting much better. This photo is of he and my cousin's 8 week old corgi named Bebop.  They were so cute, played exactly the same!  We were at my…


Added by Emily and LouDog on July 21, 2011 at 3:20pm — 1 Comment

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