Nabisco arrived this evening to join Figg and Newton. She's a sweet and friendly pup who is terrorizing the other two for the moment. I am confident that they will become fast friends in no time.
Added by JILL on October 22, 2009 at 10:17pm —
This has been a long week. Tues am I had my dogs out as usual I sent my Aussie out 1st to monitor the area and then my 5 corgis go out shortly after this. It was still dark and I went to check on them and as I opened the door I could hear coyotes very close (maybe right outside our 5 acres). I yelled for my husband to turn on the lights as I flew out the door to collect the dogs! All were safe but this was way to close so I spent the balance of the day putting a 30'X30' fence up connected to…
Added by Jane Christensen on October 22, 2009 at 10:08pm —
Right now as I sit here and type this blog, I am listening to two tired dogs panting away. One would be Lance (my corgi) and the other is Marcus (pug, my sisters) Marcus and Lance have known each other since Lance was 14 weeks old, they both were born in the same year. :) Marcus turned 4 this September while Lance will turn 4 at the end of this month. I periodically watch Marcus when my sister goes out of town, but this time I called my sister up and offered to have Marcus come stay with us…
Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 22, 2009 at 7:52pm —
I LOVE that she's not scared of him...I love even more that he runs away from her at the end!
Oh and have your sound on, she's quite…
Added by Stephanie on October 22, 2009 at 5:51pm —
Hi, everyone! I know that some of you are aware of the annual Christmas story that I write that is called The Watching. After several years of doing this and many requests to do so, this year's presentation will be published with full color illustrations! All proceeds will go to CorgiAid, which helps rescuers with medical expenses, so that corgis can begin their new lives with clean teeth, properly innoculated, and any medical problem taken care of. To read about how this works, go to…
Added by Millie Williams on October 22, 2009 at 4:42pm —
for mum's b-day, she wanted to spend a relaxing afternoon at the dog park with the family :) low and behold don't we encounter 3 other corgis! it was awesome :) the best part is that 2 of them are actually my relatives!!! i met my step-brother and step-sister :) their owners gave us the whole low down about my dad. his name is sir henry and he came from new zealand. mum knew of my roots but never received my paper work with my genealogy :( apparently my dad's a pretty big deal, a champion in…
Added by Ein Danger on October 22, 2009 at 4:24pm —
This is a very long story.
Alsmost 3 years ago my dad's wife nagged him to get a dog saying that she was bored to be alone at home. She is a nurse and when she's not at 12h shift she's at home all day. I don't remember them looking for a dog for a long time and waiting, I just remember they typed in "boxer-bulldog mix, raleigh nc" on craigslistand found a couple of puppies and went to see them.
They picked up Betty the same day they saw her, $300, no questions, no parents…
Added by Beauty and the Beast on October 22, 2009 at 3:00pm —
Oh wow, have I been busy. I haven't really been to my corgi in well over a year. I got married in Sept 2008, and my dad was in a terrible motorcycle accident (he's ok now), and then we bought a house! Needless to say, my priorities changed! I will try to visit more often from now on!
Added by Nicole on October 21, 2009 at 10:28pm —
Roxi has always been the quiet one *knocks on wood* so when we got Charlie we were not ready/used to a talker/barker to that magnitude.
I've had friends mention that we should use a shock collar on him and while I know shockers can be useful in their own right.. I wasn't ready to take it to that extreme. I remember another friend telling me how she borrowed her mother's collar and the first time she used it on her dog she cried. In the end it did work out for her and he has an…
Added by Avyon on October 21, 2009 at 3:44pm —
Yesterday, or day before yesterday now, so Sunday, I had a baked potato for lunch. Completely forgetting that dogs shouldn't have potato peals, I slipped Didi a chunk of the baked potato shell while the puppy was busy gnawing on rocks. Seemed innocent.
Flash forward to Sunday evening. Didi seems a little lethargic, but I assume that's from being run ragged by tussling with the puppy and frapping around the yard for a half hour. She's also belching alot, and I wonder if mom gave her too…
Added by Sarah C. on October 21, 2009 at 1:27am —
It was a day of sitting. A day of raining. A day of utter inside boredom that had to be rectified, through any means.
So our mighty (and rather short) hero takes these matters into his own short paws...
... *cue dramatic music*

"Oh ho, foul feline villian! I am liberating this comfy sofa from your clawed clutches!"

"We do battle, tooth…
Added by Shepdog on October 20, 2009 at 9:16pm —
We participated in the Posner Park, Davenport FL- Petsmart Howl-o-ween Costume Contest tonight! Lizzie wore her very cute witch costume.. and I am proud to report that she took first place!! She won a $20 gift card for petsmart. There were a lot of cute pups there and my little witch took first place..Way to go Lizzie!! She was also very well behaved and calm considering all of the activities!! We had a great time! Happy Howl-o-ween!
Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on October 20, 2009 at 8:30pm —
I took Lyla, and only Lyla, on a walk tonight. I think that is the first time she has ever gone on a walk without big brother Sky. She was so incredibly good too! It sounds a little sad, but I had no idea she had such great leash manners because Sky is a little more hyper on walks (a little more hyper EVERYWHERE) and so when he pulls, which is getting less frequent than it used to be, it pulls her too since they are hooked together on a splitter. I was so proud of my baby girl!
On a…
Added by Sky and Lyla on October 20, 2009 at 8:13pm —
I must start out with I've never been vomited on by a dog before so It's prob. fitting that the first time should be with my 1st corgi Jordan. I work swing so I got off at midnight and stopped by my sis's house to pick Jordan up (he was at daycare yesterday) And went home. I went through the good night routine feeding and potting the pups, I took a shower and went to bed and thats when it happened. I was laying there all nice and snuggly when I feel Jordan hop up and he starts rubbing his face…
Added by christy fry on October 20, 2009 at 3:21pm —
Let me start by saying Baxter was NOT my dog, but a dog that touched my heart.
I brought this photo and article over from
Baxter was a wonderful therapy dog. I had the pleasure of meeting him at a Humane Society fundraiser last spring. You could just feel the love and peace coming from was amazing. Baxter was my inspiration to get Sidney into the therapy dog program. He will surely be missed beyond words. RIP…
Added by Geri & Sidney on October 20, 2009 at 12:51pm —

Okay im showing these off! i love them. Tell me what you think! Oh check out the others in my picture page also, i didnt want to clutter this up too…
Added by Dragster and Bailee on October 19, 2009 at 9:30pm —
For the last month or so I've been bugging my husband for a roomba. I read such great posts about it on mycorgi that I felt it would be perfect for us. However due to their expense it just didn't seem feasible. Then yesterday I was on Kijiji and I thought I would look for a cheaper one. Long story short...we got a nearly brand new one (model 530) for only $160.
And this baby works awesome. I've named it Rosie (after the robot on the Jetson's) and I'm sooooo happy. It picks up a huge…
Added by C. M. Wood on October 19, 2009 at 2:04pm —
Well we caved in and got Nellie a little brother to play with. We took her to choose a puppy. The breeders had only a little boy and a little girl left. We were interested to see if she liked the boy and she did! We brought Howie home Friday, and with each day passing they have become better friends. Nellie was a little freaked at first. She peed on his new bed and on a blanket. We have been working hard to not make a big deal over him. Now that they have had time to chase each other and…
Added by Simon & Anne on October 19, 2009 at 9:30am —

This picture gives you an idea of her size at 2-4 months old. Any help or comments will be welcomed. I have posted pictures on my page if would like to see them. It has been over 25 years since we have had a dog, but how could anyone pass up on her. She is very active but will calm down when asked to. The last dog we had was a Great Dane with alot of personality and very loving. I did not think the small breeds would be, how wrong I was. Even at…
Added by Rob Schirmer on October 19, 2009 at 12:27am —

We worked hard on this! and i thought it was a better angle than some. I mean the dogs are cute on all of them but some of the pictures themselves are funky. What do you think? Its okay! We will get it next year!
Added by Dragster and Bailee on October 18, 2009 at 11:30pm —