October 2014 Blog Posts (15)

I'm Kind Of A Big Deal.....


Today is a big day to celebrate, Lance would have been 9, if the rainbow bridge didn't call him so soon.  He sure brought us lots of joy as well as laughs over the years we had him.  My daughter bought this toy for Lance for one of his birthdays a couple years ago.  Photo credit to my daughter for taking the top pic of Lance. We all had such a special bond with him, my oldest and Lances birthdays were one day apart.  Yesterday was a tough day for her without…


Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 30, 2014 at 4:30pm — 9 Comments

Update on Wini from Moloka'i

Aloha,  Wini went to the vet on Oahu and after she was sedated and x-rayed she was diagnosed with a pulled knee tendon and hip dysplasia!  The vet gave her non-steroid pain pills and the joint health pills.  They said she will just have to "live with it".  She has picked up a couple of pounds since her last visit and checked in at a hefty 36 lbs...so we are trying to put her on a diet.  Boy is that a challenge!  She eats almost everything ....except bar.b.qued ulu.  (I guess that is OK since…


Added by Shari+ 'Wini' & 'Breena' on October 28, 2014 at 8:45am — 6 Comments

Halloween contest - Vote for Beau!

Beau is all dressed up for Halloween and trying to win a costume contest. He would love you to "like" his photo on this Facebook page:



Added by Jane and Beau on October 27, 2014 at 10:06pm — 3 Comments


Added by Lois B. Allen on October 25, 2014 at 11:00am — 10 Comments

Do you know my dog's breeder?

So I'm really curious if anyone on here knows my dog's breeder. My aunt found Ruby for me so I never got the information. Her papers say the breeder Kyle Wilson. Her sire is Mad Man Murphy and her dame is Miss Molly Mahoney. She was born on 2/26/2013. I'm just curious. I know it's a long shot but I'd love to see Ruby's litter mates. My aunt no longer has the magazine the add was in. Google brings up nothing. It was in Greenfield, Indiana or just…


Added by Melinda on October 21, 2014 at 9:27pm — 2 Comments

Allergic Ruby!

Ruby the Corgi Pup is doing exceedingly well these days. She's thriving.

Over the past few weeks she's had a growth spurt and is now almost as tall as Cassie. She weighed 21 pounds the other day, up from 16.

All of this came about after the vet and I made a little discovery: she's allergic to beef. Even as a tiny pup she looked a little wan around the eyes. Over time, her eyes took to running constantly. Vet thought it was an airborne allergy, and we were…


Added by Vicky Hay on October 19, 2014 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments

A Life and Corgi Update

Hello ladies and gents! It's been quite a while since I've been on here. I just wanted to give everyone an update on what has been going on and why I've been missing for what seems like forever. For starters, my husband came home from deployment back in July so I was wrapped up for two months, enjoying his company before he went back to work. I also started working two jobs so they have been keeping me quite busy. But as of…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on October 15, 2014 at 10:28am — 8 Comments

RIP Gus Gus

On Thursday, Noodles cousin, Gus, will be crossing the rainbow bridge. Gus Gus was the first doggy cousin Noodles met when we brought Noodles home and Gus Gus has always been there for Noodles. I have such wonderful memories of taking the 2 on walks and seeing this little corgi next to this black lab. Gus would always wait for Noodles to catch up and he would stick close by him. Those 2 always had a special connection with each other.

I went out to say my good-bye to him last night…


Added by Alison Prasavath on October 14, 2014 at 1:42pm — 11 Comments

Happy 7th Birthday Tucker <3 10-12-14

Time flys when your having fun, hard to believe Tucker is 7 and my youngest daughter turned 17!!  Tucker and Sarah share a birthday!!  I always said if I were to have any more human children they would have been born in October, well apparently I didnt't realize that rule applied to our pups too.  :) 

Tuckers St Bernard cousin came for a surprise visit to help celebrate the birthdays!!!  It was the first time they both met each other, and they…


Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 13, 2014 at 2:09pm — 8 Comments

Ruby's First Hallowe'en!

Our neighborhood LOVES Hallowe'en. The communal delight with it is getting to be right up there with Christmas, a chivaree at which we historically excel. Folks have already been putting up decorations all over their houses and yards, preparatory to welcoming the hordes of little kids who'll be trucked into the area on the spooky night.

So all this is pretty amazing to a short, feisty little dog. Ruby-Doo has the wildest hypersensitivity to any changes in her…


Added by Vicky Hay on October 12, 2014 at 1:06am — 5 Comments

Snake repellers do they work and how harmful to dogs are they?.

Has anybody living rural with dogs with snakes ever used a snake repeller they look like an outdoor solar light that you stick into the ground and turn them on. The put a vibration into the ground and also put out a sonic sound that humans cant hear but animals can. I would have thought they would drive dogs nuts?. I have seen a deadly brown snake and a not so deadly red bellied black snake today thank goodness the dogs were inside as the other day Sam almost dragged me off the top of our…


Added by Brian D Graham on October 12, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

Opossum Adventure

So I was minding my own business the other day. I don't usually by the way. When all of a sudden, I saw this thing. It was shades of grey and white with a pink tail. I ran right after it, and so did my mom. I think she wanted to find out what it was just as badly as I did. I got to it first, and man I had no clue what it was. It kept saying hello by making this hissing sound, but it was definitely not a cat. I know my cats! I did a little further investigation and attempted to sniff it, but my… Continue

Added by Charlee & Ally on October 10, 2014 at 4:44am — 12 Comments

Bella earned her ADCH!

I do not post much but have used this forum for some much needed advise in the past. More on that later.

I am a happy dad in that my wife and Bella earned their ADCH (Agility Dog Champion) at the USDAA trial in Franklin, TN last weekend!!! I am happy for them and what they have accomplished together, but also the fact that we almost gave up on Bella three and a half years ago due to her aggressive behavior. She was something else! Now, to see them in the agility ring together is…


Added by Stolimom on October 1, 2014 at 12:53pm — 11 Comments

Ruby Cool!

Ruby and Cassie are SO much better! Now that I've recovered from the most recent (rather annoying) surgery and my son has repatriated the puppy, the worrisome behavioral issues have pretty much resolved.

Putting Ruby on a leash or confining her inside a room with me and Cassie all the time she's in the house worked some sort of a miracle in short order. Really, I couldn't begin to explain why or how this worked...only can report that the competitive "I'm gonna kill…


Added by Vicky Hay on October 1, 2014 at 12:52pm — 3 Comments

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