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Seanna is estatic!!--Alas, it was not meant to be...:-(

I am absolutely on cloud nine.  My husband and I have wanted to find a house on some acreage for years.  Unfortunately, we can only be 10 miles from our city due to my husband's work requirements (he's a fireman).  Periodically we go driving around in the country just looking to see if there are any good deals....

Sunday we went to go look at an acreage.  It was a run down old farm house that would have needed tons of work--we kept driving and found totally by accident a new…


Added by Jennifer Markley on February 24, 2011 at 11:30am — 9 Comments

Post surgery

Just wanted to let everyone know that Oona is back safe and sound.

Her incision is so tiny and has three hot pink stitches! I admit it is hard to keep her calm. She has wanted to play and bounce as if nothing happened. When Roslyn has surgery it is completely opposite, she is mopey and sleep for days after. So I am keeping Oona tethered to me for the next few days.


If anyone has any tips on how to keep a puppy calm, let me know! I'm guessing she is going to have a lot…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on February 23, 2011 at 10:31pm — 2 Comments

Free-Range Corgi!

I was a little skeptical/nervous about the entire idea. I had always loved the thought of and wanted a dog like the movies. You know, when you come home and a little dog is sitting there, patiently waiting for you? Well, when my parents had dogs, they were crate-trained. It works very well. I can't say anything negative about it, if of course the people are doing it right. Winston LOOOOOOOVES his crate. He has a nice and comfy purple plaid bed (he's in touch with his feminine side lol) and…


Added by Tori on February 23, 2011 at 7:02pm — 5 Comments

Goodspeed, Piper.

This is my favorite picture of Piper. She hated the camera. So this isn't the most technical picture, sure, but it's the one I call Piper's Road. Road behind her. Road in front of her, and a happy, happy Piper in the middle, running along. That was Piper -- never crabby, never sad, just licky and happy and bouncy.


Two weeks before Christmas,…


Added by Shepdog on February 23, 2011 at 4:04pm — 25 Comments

Corgi Wedding Photos

Hello Everyone!

Hope all is well with all the corgis in the world.

Just wondering if anyone has any pictures of 2 corgis, a girl and a boy...dressed up for a wedding?

I want to make some save the date cards for my recent engagement and need the perfect picture.

Please feel free to contact me if you have a pic…


Added by Erica on February 23, 2011 at 2:21pm — 2 Comments

A dogs memory

Do animals remember things? Some people say that they don't. But if not how do they learn things, how do they know that we are their people? Well I for one believe they have a very good memory.

Last night my husband and I went to our son and his new wife's for dinner, we took Quin with us of course:) They have 2 cats, we have 2 cats as well, so Quin is very well acquainted to cats. Both of their cats lived with us before my son was married. One of them is a kitten which was from a… Continue

Added by Kari & Quin on February 23, 2011 at 10:26am — 3 Comments

Yoshi pillow for Yoshi

So I made this Yoshi pillow for Yoshi. Thinking maybe he'd like to sleep on it sometime or something..



Turns out he does like it...



he likes to chew on its face!

The left eye is already hanging on for dear life.

Looks like I have to keep it away from Yoshi until I can teach him NOT to bite his namesake's face =(…


Added by Lisa && Yoshi on February 22, 2011 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

Bladder Stones? Any input?

My little Muffett has bladder stones. She has no symptoms, they were discovered when she way x-rayed after eating something she shouldn't have- a plastic thing. Anyway, she is on a diet from "prescription" called s/d. It looks like aspic, tasteless and oderless. She does eat it, she is a Corgi. I also have her on an antibiotic.

  If this does not work, they are talking surgery. Does anyone know anything about that??? I think it is pretty drastic. She is peeing just fine- I think the…


Added by Peggie Walsh on February 22, 2011 at 11:03am — 3 Comments

Early spay

Oona is getting spayed today. She is 13 weeks old, and 8 pounds. I will admit... I am nervous.

Then again I get nervous with every operation... so not a shocker!


We read the reports and studies, and the pros seem to outweigh what little cons we could find.

They say that young pups lick their stitches less, heal faster and need a smaller incision. They say that growth plate in the long bones tend to grow longer, but only by mm.

I've even read a couple…


Added by LaRissa L. Head on February 22, 2011 at 10:43am — 5 Comments

Spring?? Is That You??

Taking a quick moment to update things for the "Stump Kids." We just came back from our first hike of the new year--it's a gorgeous mid-50 degree, sunny day, so we went out with Matt and our friends Merinda and John and Porter, their 5-year-old Cardigan Welsh Corgi (he's Dally and Mesa's best friend) to the Palisades for some hiking near the Kentucky River. A great way to spend a Saturday afternoon! This, of course, was followed by a stop at Bruster's for free pup cups for the kids. (The…

Added by Megan on February 21, 2011 at 3:18pm — No Comments

Gwenie and the dreaded bath.

Happy Presidents Day here in America. It was bath day here. Gwenie loves the hair dryer but the water not so much. Now she naps ;)



Added by Kitty Kirwin on February 21, 2011 at 11:36am — 2 Comments

Give away....

Snow....Sage is just the prop!  This was a very artistic blizzard and as you can see very high drifts...took the dogs about 4-5 tries to climb up where Sage is!

Added by Jane Christensen on February 21, 2011 at 10:49am — 4 Comments

What a Good Boy!

So recently i have been having Issues with Ace growling and Barking at everyone and their dog (literally)

Well Yesterday a couple friends of mine came and took me and Ace to Seaside (the coast YAY)

Ace only barked and Growled once only because my friends chihuahua did it first and when she went quiet he did too <3 no growling or barking after that and there were way more people and way more dogs~ He was suuuuuuuch a good boy <3 I am soooo proud of him LOL…


Added by Ace and Jen on February 20, 2011 at 9:59pm — No Comments

Aaaack! I need help.

So my hubby got a job at John Hopkins University.  We're currently out in Woodbury, MN.  We need to find housing as close to the university (address: 615 N Wolfe St, Baltimore, MD 21205 ) as possible that allows dogs.  We are trying to find housing for $1000 or less a month.  We've seen a few places that match that description, but most have bad reviews. In…


Added by Angela Kau-Forsberg on February 20, 2011 at 12:30pm — 5 Comments

Blizzard again.....GRRRRRRRRRRRR:(

OK... so the dogs are loving it but after a week of melting we now have another blizzard. My 4 wheel-drive is stuck in the field about 15 feet off the driveway and yes, I had to walk a mile in this to get to our other house and now have to walk back:( Since we still have high snowbanks...Sage and Hermes decided to jump over and chase critters! . We are expecting about 12 inches… Continue

Added by Jane Christensen on February 20, 2011 at 11:26am — 4 Comments

Micro Chipping!

So today was the mark of a VERY LONG VERY EVENTFUL DAY lol

We woke up at 7:30am (usually dont get up before 9-9:30 unless i have to open at work)

I scooped Ace up in my arms and out to the van we went. Ace cuddled into his little cubby by my feet and slept the whole way up to the Vetrans Hospital. Dad had an appt at 9am and we went along for the ride in hopes of Hitting petsmart or something...

its a commute out to portland from where i live and I usually dont get to go…


Added by Ace and Jen on February 19, 2011 at 1:12am — 5 Comments


The turtles are out today because of our wonderful 80 degree weather! (I'm so excited for summer!) and we discovered a brave one that was almost as big as Luca. 


She was so scared of it! Once it moved a little bit, it was game over. she ran with her (lack of) tail between her legs :P


Since I'm on the subject of being scared, she is also very scared of other dogs. She loves people. But other dogs scare her big time. I don't know how to handle that. Advice would…


Added by Nikki and Luca on February 18, 2011 at 6:02pm — 3 Comments

Guess What!?!?

I'm so excited, I found out today that my new coworker has owned corgis. 


Unfortunately, there is a sad part of the story, her corgi passed five weeks ago at the age of 12!! :(


Of course you all know how over excited we both were to find out that we both have had corgis :)  I told her about this site of course, maybe over time she will eventually get a new corgi and join mycorgi. 



Added by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on February 18, 2011 at 3:50pm — 2 Comments

Franklin turns 2 today!!!

My little boy turns 2 today! Its so crazy to think how quickly his puppy hood has passed! Of course I think I love him more as an adult than I did when he was a crazy little puppy! This is a big mile stone for Franklin, when he was a puppy he was incredibly accident prone and in the vets office CONSTANTLY! After his first birthday he developed some health problems that caused him to overheat and collapse whenever he played. So last year was spent running thousands of dollars in blood tests,…


Added by Melissa and Franklin! on February 18, 2011 at 1:24pm — 5 Comments

Corgis and obesity?

I would like to know about the weight issues that the corgi breed has because I do not know if my dog is in good health or not. I'd like to get to know your corgi's weight to gauge mine and what the official book says on corgi's health. 


Ein weighs 32 lbs last time I checked and he is long for a corgi. I am just curious of everybody else's corgi.

Added by Einstein Batista on February 18, 2011 at 12:45pm — 11 Comments

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