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Casey crossed the rainbow bridge

I had to have Casey put down yesterday. His cancer had spread throughout his lymph nods, his face and the last few days had taken most of his eyesight. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to do, but it was the right thing for Casey. The house is so quiet and empty. Thank you all for your kind words when I previously asked for advice about his cancer. I cannot see myself without a corgi in my life, and I will be looking for another when the time is right.
Caseys Mom

Added by Barbara & Bailey on September 11, 2009 at 3:17pm — 29 Comments


Ok, so you guys and girls tell me if your Corgi has ever done this...

So as we all know, Cowboy is 16 years old. He wakes up in the morning and he's usually a pretty frisky little fellow first thing in the am. So for a while he would get out of his bed (all 4 blankets/comforters plus 2 actual dog beds!) and he would roll around on his back on the carpet...and then things changed!

Now he gets up and does a super big stretch and then he kneels (?) down on his front legs where his little… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on September 11, 2009 at 2:03pm — 10 Comments

Where's Bear

Does anyone want to play "Where's Bear"? Here is a good hint. If you look at the latest three photographs that I added you will see where we left from yesterday. This should be easy for you sports fans.

Added by Tammey & Caven on September 11, 2009 at 12:55pm — 12 Comments

Bad day at work helped by corgi love

I just started a new job and I feel so over my head. I came home in tears and when I opened the door there were my two sweet smiling corgi babies. Loving those two is the best medicine in the world. I still think I got into a job that I am not smart enough to handle, but corgis make me think everything will work out somehow.

Added by Laurie on September 10, 2009 at 7:43pm — 8 Comments

Anyone have any experience with TPLO Surgery?

Charlie (my Pem) has to go in for TPLO surgery to repair his CCL of his rear left knee.
I have heard that the recovery time can be as long as 8 weeks. I was wondering if anyone else has had a Corgi go through this surgery.

Added by Cynthia + Griffey + Charlie on September 10, 2009 at 6:09pm — 13 Comments

Dog Training Books

I am assuming I am not the only person on this site a little addicted to dog training books. (something about having corgis will do that to you) I just read a book called "Don't Dump The Dog" by Randy Grim. It was a fun and informative read. I had to buy the book when I read a section where a lady wanted him to rehome her dog because it barked and he asked if she had been under the assumption that dogs meowed!!

So I was wondering if anyone has favorites they would like to recommend. I… Continue

Added by Bev Levy on September 10, 2009 at 5:41pm — 10 Comments

Doesn't Anyone Care About What Their Dogs Eat? Holy Cow...

It's pretty well known that I can get pretty fired up about canine nutrition. I will admit perhaps too fired up, but tha's what happens when you've dedicated about 30 hours a week for the past year researching the commercial pet food industry, contacting manufacturers, discussing business practices. That's my story. Canine nutrition is a hobby for me, as well as my job. I take it serious as my dogs are my absolute life and if anything were to happen to them, I couldn't live with myself unless i… Continue

Added by Linsey & Grissom on September 10, 2009 at 4:52pm — 9 Comments

New Pics!

Photobucket Photobucket



Added by Erika and BB on September 10, 2009 at 4:38pm — No Comments

Crazy dog these days / this dog day care: weird or not?

Eddy has been acting like a crazy dog for the past couple weeks. He is definately going through some phase. Very rambunctious, vocal and disorderly. I have been smothering him with affection, and spoiling him with trips to his friends' houses. I think it's working. He has mastered "roll over" and is almost done with "shake". What should I teach him next? He doesn't like to "beg" or "stand" or "dance"; he's really bad at maneuvering on just his back legs.

I walked down to a dog… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on September 10, 2009 at 1:40am — 6 Comments

Great dog!

Each day Le-Le does something so cute or funny that my husband and I have to just smile or comment about how wonderful she is. We feel lucky that she is in our family. We get so many comments when we travel about how wonderful corgis are. I have to always explain she is a cardigan and a bit different from a Pembroke. She is a great traveler though she still does not like strangers too much. She does get used to the rhythm of travel, does her business quickly, likes her walks, behaves in the… Continue

Added by Anne on September 9, 2009 at 10:38pm — 1 Comment

Thanks Ly!

Tonight I did something unforgivable, something that no nice, respectable pet owner would ever do... I brought a hula hoop into the living room! I know, I know, I'm horrible.

The way Lyla acted you would have thought I was getting ready to put her in the garbage disposal. I wasn't even asking her to get near it and already she was hiding behind the couch. Sky was having fun jumping in and out of it so I started coaxing Lyla toward it. She walked up to it in her "I'm the 'scaredest'… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on September 9, 2009 at 10:33pm — 1 Comment

peeing on the floor

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why KC is suddenly peeing on the carpet? It's not a lot of pee, just a little puddle, and I know we take her outside to potty frequently enough. She's done it 3 times so far (twice at my husband's grandma's house and once just now at our house) but we never see her do it. We've had her since August 15th, and these 3 accidents have happened since this last weekend. (She's 2 years old FYI.) I think she knows she did something bad, because when my husband… Continue

Added by Kristin P on September 9, 2009 at 2:00pm — 6 Comments

2 weeks of cuteness!

We've had our Yumi now for a little over 2 weeks and she is the most awesome little dog ever! She has become COMPLETELY attached to me and follows me everywhere I go. She loves all the rest of her family too, but she's a huge momma's girl! ^^ She stands up on her hind legs sometimes and gives me a "kiss" on my cheek, just one small lick as she reaches my cheek and then drops back down wiggling that nub. It's so adorable, I hope she never grows out of it! And wow, if only every dog was so easily… Continue

Added by Kricket on September 9, 2009 at 12:57pm — 3 Comments

My babies are...

Enjoying the outdoors today..

Added by Cliffy & Buster's Mom.. on September 9, 2009 at 11:19am — No Comments

Tucker and Greta are making progress

Tucker seems to be warming up to his new sister, Greta. This weekend they survived a 5 hour road trip together and not once did the "snarly face" make an appearance. They are still jealous of the other getting any sort of one-on-one attention. If one is being petted the other will come and shoulder bump the other out of the way. This weekend they played "walrus" several times a day. I wish I had the video camera ready when Tucker started to push Greta around in a circle while she was laying on… Continue

Added by Laura J on September 9, 2009 at 11:04am — 1 Comment

Bear is one tuff Dog!

Hi to all,

Once again Bear shows no sign of being poisoned. This time the antidote was started 15 minutes after blood showed signs of poisoning. We put cameras up after the last poisoning but they were only on the house portion of our lot. The lot is an acre. This last time they put the poison on the back 1/2 acre over the back fence. Now we have camera everywhere. I don't think our prisons have as good of security as we have now. Hopefully this protects the babies until we get the house… Continue

Added by Betty on September 9, 2009 at 8:47am — 2 Comments

Guilty Pleasure Purchases

My husband let me spend some money recently on fun items, and when I ended up looking at my choices, 5 out of the 6 things were corgi related ;P So I wanted to share some of the cute things I found in case anyone else is interested!

I ordered a bunch of straps, etc from so I could make some harnesses for Pooka.

They also make custom collars:

I also got a… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on September 9, 2009 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

Cute dog video

A friend of mine sent this to me and I just wanted to share… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on September 8, 2009 at 10:26pm — 6 Comments


We have had our beautiful corgi mix for two months and we wonder how we managed without her! It has been so hot and she is shedding heavily which I understand is normal. No problem...she is worth the extra vacuum cleaner bags! I am concerned though that she is shedding too much. Her formerly gorgeous tail is very this normal? She is a rescue dog...she was spayed just a week before we brought her home. She seems happy and otherwise healthy...

Added by DJ on September 8, 2009 at 4:09pm — 4 Comments

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