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We've Been SOOO Busy

We have been very busy the past few months and not gotten a chance to get on and share with you all... If you really want to catch up on what we have been up to, including our Squirrel Wars, then go to our Country Corgi Blog.

We are twittering now, too as ocmist.

Mom has opened up a… Continue

Added by Linda Brock on July 1, 2009 at 2:22am — No Comments

7 Month Old Male in Oklahoma

I found this guy on craigslist tonight. He really is striking. I posted the link hoping maybe someone on here might be able to give him a good home. Wish I could, but I have my hands full with my own two right now!

Added by Sky and Lyla on June 30, 2009 at 12:46am — 1 Comment

Our Bella's Sick.

In the two years we've had our little Corgi, we've learned all about her sensitive tummy and the 'Mudd Butt' that generally comes with it. We've handled it with easy, taking her to the vet when she needs it, stuffing her with rice and broth, forcing Pepto Bismal down her throat, knowing how little I like doing that to myself. But now it seems something has hit her that we can't solve with 5ml of pepto.

When we got home from visiting my family in Eastern Oregon, we both noticed that… Continue

Added by Katie Huff on June 30, 2009 at 12:06am — 15 Comments


Sometimes dogs can be better than children!

Added by Esther and Winnie on June 29, 2009 at 7:54pm — 3 Comments

Wisdom teeth out today, will be without Astro for a few days. :(

Hello all! I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted at 9:45 this morning and things are going well, for me at least. The novocaine is starting to wear off and I am freaking out because I have no idea when I should start taking the painkillers they prescribed me. I don't want to be in excruciating pain while the stuff kicks in.

Anywho, Astro is at my boyfriend's house so I doubt he will miss me much while I am at home recuperating, what with all the ruckus going on there right now -… Continue

Added by Diana Z. on June 29, 2009 at 1:05pm — 2 Comments

Bath Time

I swear, Miso is the EASIEST puppy to please. So I just used the pedi-paws on her. She HATES that. To make up for it...I gave her a bath. Now, to some dogs, this would just be salt in the wound, you know?

Not for Miso. Miso LOVES bath time. She jumps around, attacks the water, and all around goes crazy. I tend to get soaking wet when I do bathe her, but it's worth it for the hilarity, and to see the fun she has. She slips sometimes, but gets right back up and goes back to attacking… Continue

Added by Ashley Kelty on June 28, 2009 at 11:54pm — 5 Comments

our new house!!!

so we're still in the process of moving in but we've had our 1st house guests last night. mom's family stopped by to check out our new digs. it was nice to have them over for a change. although i was hoping they'd bring squeakers or maybe even ginger. maybe next time then. mom brought over my toys the other day and now its really starting to feel like home. i just love all the extra room. now i can really frap all around the house. the backyard is different. i'm so not used to it! did you know… Continue

Added by Ein Danger on June 28, 2009 at 11:50pm — 3 Comments

Took Shippo to a Festival

Well, my mom begged me to go to this "Celebrate America" festival, so I cleared it with the people there and took Shippo along. When we first entered the festival, I was totally floored by a guy who came up to me and went "OMG is that a Fluffy?!" We had a conversation and he led me over to his wife who was running a table, and she cuddled Shippo. Throughout this festival, we were continually mobbed by people asking what Shippo was and if they could pet him... Shippo soaked up the attention like… Continue

Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on June 28, 2009 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Farmer's Market, anyone?

A beautiful day- perfect for the Farmer's Market!

Added by Esther and Winnie on June 28, 2009 at 5:22pm — 1 Comment

Melanie Stage here I am getting a new corgi in two weeks

See mysite I have a sable corgi named Kaylee , a Rottie name maggie & a rat terrier scrappy and Im getting another corgi a tri color maile his photo is on my page

Added by Melanie Stage on June 28, 2009 at 2:32pm — No Comments

Enough Fur to make another Dog / Yard Work

Oscar got a really good brushing last night and as I'm sure you all know the fur just never ends!!! I brushed him for about 30 minutes he loves it so it makes the process much easier. The pile of undercoat I had at the end of the grooming session made me laugh. I was sure I could make a small dog out of it all. I am sure Oscar is feeling much cooler now.

Yesterday he was outside with me for a few hours doing work in the yard. He was running through fresh cut grass and it turned his… Continue

Added by Melissa on June 28, 2009 at 10:23am — 2 Comments

Flexible Sleeper

I was sitting at my couch surfing the web today. Yoda was just sleeping next me. I was absorbed by what I was doing for a while, then I look at him and snapped this photo:

I could not even see his face!

Added by David on June 28, 2009 at 8:51am — 13 Comments


I've had Corgis for 9 years now and have never heard the term Doodlebug; referring to smaller corgis that weigh less than 25 pounds. Just wanted to know if it was a common term among Corgi owners and if anyone else has any other definitions.

Added by Jeanette on June 27, 2009 at 11:29pm — 9 Comments

My Corgi has cancer

My wonderful, loving corgi, Casey has cancer. He is only 5 years old. He also has been having seizures for about a year now. I have them pretty much controlled with an herb formula I found on the web. 4 weeks ago, the vet found a tumor on the roof of his mouth. He removed it along with the 4 upper front teeth that were very loose and hurting Casey. We treated an infection with antibiotics. He seems much better---very happy to be able to eat again! I did alot of research on the web and I decided… Continue

Added by Barbara & Bailey on June 27, 2009 at 7:40pm — 15 Comments

(Next week will be a little stressful)

Eddy's getting neutered on Monday. Heheh, doesn't even suspect! Unfortunately, a lot has been dumped on our agenda next week. We are going to be moving into our new place, which will definately spill over days and days. And the Other human has an important job interview and just had surgery, so will be seeing the Doc a lot. Meaning I have to handle Eddy and Moving. How convenient! All of a sudden, we have tons of planning, packing, cleaning, loading, carrying, unloading,… Continue

Added by Sunni A. on June 26, 2009 at 6:21pm — 2 Comments

Does he know how much he means to me?

So in the past couple of months my life has had some drastic changes. Monty's daddy and I broke up after two years and surviving a life threatening infection that almost took his life. In celebration of his recovery we got Monty our year and half year old Corgi who is the light of my life. I have had to find a place to live in a short amount of time but keeping in mind always the needs of Monty I finally found a wonderful place in Frederick, MD that even has a big yard on a quiet street. The… Continue

Added by Monty'sMom on June 26, 2009 at 5:10pm — 7 Comments

Heart-breaking but TRUE

If you know someone who wants to rehome or "get rid" of their dog please read....

A man in Grand Rapids, Michigan incredibly took out a $7000 full page ad in the paper to present the following essay to the people of his community.


- By Jim Willis, 2001

When I was a puppy, I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh. You called me your child, and despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw… Continue

Added by ♠Ѐ§T¡N¥ & ÄLÛÇARÐ♠ on June 26, 2009 at 3:13pm — 4 Comments

Why does he do this

My cardigan corgi Wilf was castrated May 26th 09 and since then he seems to have stepped back six months!! When we arrive at the dog walk close by he is straining at the lead to be let off, he is great off a lead and stays quite close . The problem is that lately after he has had his initial first run he heads back to me barking and try ing to bite my legs!!! Once i have scolded him and told him .NO he quite happily goes on his way. He has also gone back to walking between my legs and every… Continue

Added by LORRAINE on June 26, 2009 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Father in law passed

My father in law passed after a period of declining health. I am posting this here because he was also an owner of 2 Pembroke Corgis in his life time. It is because of my in laws having Corgis that I have owned Corgis. Presently the family has a total of 4 corgis. 3 Corgis have passed away after being very well loved. RIP Bob

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on June 26, 2009 at 1:13pm — 2 Comments

Puppy Update

Well little Randy is growing up so fast. I knew that would happen. Leo is getting close to his first birthday, August 4th, and he just gets more beautiful every day. Its been so hot here lately so most days I get out the pool for the boys. They like to play in the water and it's fun for me to watch them. I have been so lucky that neither of the kids has been sick like so many I read about on site. I feel for all the puppy owners having to go through that. I have noticed that the guys have… Continue

Added by Boo Buchheit on June 26, 2009 at 8:26am — 1 Comment

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