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Diaper time!

Bella went into heat late this morning! Poor girl is not having a very good time in a diaper and we are trying hard to distract her, but shes being pretty lethargic so far. Not sure if its because of the hormonal stuff going on inside her or the humiliation of having to wear a diaper--esp. a diaper that has a hole for a tail when you don't have one.…


Added by Amy Moss on April 14, 2009 at 6:26pm — 1 Comment


Dear Readers

Do you 'member me telling you about da fone conversation I listened in on betwixt Momma and "Ann"? I was worried dat she was talking about a puppeeee. But last night I decided dat she and Ann were talking about flowerz, daisies to be pwecise.

But guess whats! It is a corgee, it is, it is! Yay! Arooooo! Aaaarf! Frap!!!!!!! Daisy is a pembroke; I have never met one of doze, but I haves always wanted to. Now one will… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 14, 2009 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

double the fun, double the headache!! :)

We picked up the new puppy on Saturday, at first it was pretty rough. Faulks was NOT happy about it and was constantly throwing her down and displaying a lot of dominant behavior. These last few days he's definitely warmed up to her and they play but also fight, it's play fighting and he's really just mouthing her. Poor girl is ALWAYS covered in slobber. Is this normal? I've only ever grown up in a one dog family and I'm worried that this isn't normal. I had told the breeder I really needed a… Continue

Added by Kelli & Penny on April 14, 2009 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Puppy (amature) Pedicure

Before we went to the beach, on a whim I decided I wanted to paint Pooka's toenails. Of course, I did it all wrong (the computer was occupied, so no internet background search).

I chose a turquoise I had (ORLY 'Green with Envy') and just tried to make her stay while I did each one, trying to hold them apart while they dried, giving her treats. Well it got all over her fur (and her leash, and me). I tried to use the… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on April 14, 2009 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

What I have to say

I have to tell myself everyday that Milo is with us that I can't keep him. I can't love him totally. I can't afford another dog. I have to say this because I know how stupid and irrational I can be. I know that I would very well adopt him despite the financial aspect and just make it work.

But I can't allow myself to feel that way. I have to remind myself of the financial. I have to remind myself that our two dogs are not happy and are mopey because of the semi permanent addition to… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on April 14, 2009 at 10:55am — 1 Comment

Discussion Closed but here are my thoughts

There was a discussion posted that I was too late to get in on, but I would like to post a few observations about.

The title of the discussion was "How to Shop for a Corgi". I will put my comments beneath each paragraph that was previously posted.

Pups are sold when they are 8 weeks old. At this time the ears should be standing up on the corgi. If the ears are not up, then make sure the breeder explains how to get them to stand up. More calcium, massaging, and… Continue

Added by Brenda Stiles on April 14, 2009 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

Easter card from my friend

My friend found this card and sent it to me for Easter. That is NOT Sidney this time...but I got a big kick out of the card and wanted to share it with you.

Added by Geri & Sidney on April 14, 2009 at 4:15am — 4 Comments

ofelia meets her nemesis

This past Easter weekend I drove up with Ofélia and my boyfriend to visit my family, and to stay and my parents’ place for a couple of days. I knew that my mother was taking care of one of my sister’s 3 huskies because she was healing from a neck wound – she was attacked. This husky is a few months old and weighs about 40 pounds. She won’t get more than about ten pounds bigger as she’s a runt, but she’s large enough to overpower my 25-pound corgi.

Now I should have remembered that… Continue

Added by Mariana on April 14, 2009 at 12:37am — 2 Comments

Oh oh!

Dear Readers

My worries are multiplying . . . but so is my excitement! I heard Momma talking on the phone this afternoon while she must have thought I was asleep on the couch beside her. But I was secretly listening with those big cardi ears of mine . . . here's what I heard . . . she was talking to someone named Ann about someone named Daisy . . . and about going to see Ann and Daisy this coming Sunday . . . Ann and Daisy live on a farm.

I am thinking that Momma is going… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 13, 2009 at 11:09pm — 3 Comments

What can my dog chew on?

I am at my wits end with Nutmeg. She is a ferocious chewer. I gave her one of these...

She chewed on it for about 2 days until I saw chunks of it in her area. She is confined to my kitchen when I'm not home. I thought...ok, so she chewed a few chunks off. I took it away. This morning at 4:00 am, I heard her screaming. I ran to the kitchen to find her trying to poop. She has been wonderful about… Continue

Added by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on April 13, 2009 at 9:50pm — 18 Comments

Lily Bart 11-12-07~04-13-09

Lily Bart traveled over the Rainbow Bridge this morning at 8:20 a.m.

We had been slowly getting her accustomed to becoming an indoor fur baby by letting her in at night and playing outside during the day. Lily was doing so fantastic; never jumping off the bed, snuggling up next to me, not chewing on anything that was not hers, and hardly any accidents at all. As per her daily routine, I let her outside for her breakfast and play time. Unknown to me, someone had gotten into our backyard… Continue

Added by momto3ltlgrlz on April 13, 2009 at 4:59pm — 29 Comments

Dogs don't listen with squirrels in the yard confirmed.

I was sitting outback reading a book with Einstein (well, he wasn't actually reading), when a squirrel decided to make a run from the side of the house he'd been hiding on to the fence. He bolted and Ein took off after him and I was yelling for Einstein to stop since I didn't really want him to kill the squirrel. Einstein not only didn't stop, he didn't even register I was speaking at all. Not an ear twitch or a glance in my direction. He was so focused nothing I did mattered. Luckily after a… Continue

Added by Amanda on April 13, 2009 at 4:34pm — 1 Comment

Anyone have experience with "Halt" the dog mace?

I just bought some on It's supposed to be citronella based instead of pepper based which hurts less and is just as effective. There are a few people in our neighborhood with scary dogs, like the pit bull owners that used to live across the street I blogged about, that think it's ok to have their dogs off leash. I think it's an ego problem when you think you are so in control all the time that leash laws don't apply to you. We've also had a problem with another neighbor with two very… Continue

Added by Amanda on April 13, 2009 at 12:04pm — 3 Comments

My Dog Goes to Havard

No really, Havard University is recruiting dogs for their Canine Cognition Lab. If you're interested in participating, Here's the link to sign… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on April 13, 2009 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

The honeymoon is over and the dogs are back to normal

After a couple weeks of separation and constant supervision, the honeymoon is over and Shorty and Fiona are back to the norm of fighting over snacks and toys.

I am pretty happy about that because there was a lot of added stress making sure these guys don't make little corgis in the near future.

Also, I was worried because we have obedience training this Thursday and because she's out of heat, she can go and become a "civilized" corgi. Anyhow, I'm excited to learn and… Continue

Added by Frank and Jinny on April 13, 2009 at 11:38am — No Comments


This is what we've learned about Milo this weekend. He loves people. He loves to shadow me and if its in a place he can't go he will stay with my boyfriend by his feet. If I followed the Ceasar Milan's way of training...I did everything wrong. According to him, you are supposed to treat him like a dog first and then give him cuddles later. I'm trying to maintain pack order but it is very hard when our male dog absolutely despises him and Freya is being possessive. We have had to kick out one of… Continue

Added by Corgibyassociation on April 13, 2009 at 10:21am — No Comments


mom and dad have been working on finding us a new place to call home. we're getting too big for our apartment and mom says i need more space to run. i do love doing my corgi victory laps around the living room but the sound of a nice big yard is too sweet. it's gonna be great! they've been looking in a cpl of different areas and have it narrowed down pretty well. i think mom and dad are gonna go and check em out real soon. i hope they pick one with some cute girl dogs next door! also, i heard… Continue

Added by Ein Danger on April 13, 2009 at 1:55am — 3 Comments


So when i first got Favorite and brought her home she was a spaz. I was ready for that and now after 14 mos with me she is one of the best behaved dogs i have ever met. I have been told by people that she would be a good therapy dog. I never paid much mind to that because i figured that it would be way to much work for us. with me working 40 hrs a week and planning a wedding and my sister just had a baby etc. Well last night i was reading online about therapy dogs and the steps it takes to get… Continue

Added by Kimber-Leigh May on April 13, 2009 at 1:11am — 4 Comments

Cause for Concern?

Dear Readers

I iz somewhat worreeed. Momma haz been on her typer thingie a lot lookin at CorgiAid . . . iz it a new kinda drink for meeeeeeeeeee???? I am beginning to think it izunt . . . my water bowl haz not changed its flavor. There iz no aid of any kind that I cans see except for bandaid, whitch Momma putted on her owie when she bopped herselfs with the barbell at weight lifting. I thoughts Momma would have been at the beer joynt not the jim to gets a bar bell. Ans she woulda… Continue

Added by Melissa Bee on April 12, 2009 at 10:58pm — No Comments

Hip Dysplasia...we has it.

Well, I had posted in the forum about Grover's limp and his recent diagnosis. I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate everyone's advice and support!

I think I'm still pretty heart broken to hear that he has dysplasia, but don't think I'll be gettin over that anytime soon.

But I do really appreciate being able to come here and get the advice and encouragement! He's my best little friend and I love him SO much. I don't think many of the people in my life really have this… Continue

Added by Parker on April 12, 2009 at 8:59pm — 3 Comments

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