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Sidney's FHO Journey - one month after surgery

Today Sidney went back to the Surgical Specialty hospital for his one month checkup. Despite his having a rough day last Thursday, he was in good spirits and moving pretty well today. I had been getting discouraged because he was just not wanting to use the leg, but in the last couple days it's like he turned a corner. He's started standing on all fours and taking a few "normal" steps as he moves around.

Today, Sidney actually let the vet manipulate his leg! Doc said he could…


Added by Geri & Sidney on October 12, 2010 at 3:00am — 6 Comments

Lizzie the Happy Little Hostess

Well for about a month now we have been fostering Lil' Mama and her gang of Kittens! Originally mama and 6 kittens, now just mama and 2 kittens. A few months ago I saw Lil'Mama around the neighborhood and started to feed her thinking that she was a young cat hoping I could get her off the street and into a nice home, only to find out that she was a mama. It took about a month to find her kittens, but only about two days to catch them.…


Added by Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver on October 11, 2010 at 6:58pm — 4 Comments

Thank you.

I want to take the time to thank all of you who have sent me well wishes, thoughts, prayers, stories and gifts! It's just hard to imagine that after 17-1/2 years my little pupperoni is gone. Funny though, I was just reading through past entry's and I came across my "doggie yoga" post...and it made me smile for the first time in three days. I've also browsed through and read about corgi's digging up yards and chewing miscellaneous things up and it warms my heart. It just now dawned on me that… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on October 11, 2010 at 3:50pm — 4 Comments

My beautiful boy gone.

I lost my best friend this past Saturday. Cowboy was in really bad shape and it was time. I took him to the vet and held him close and he died in my arms. Words cannot even begin to express the pain and hurt and loss that I'm feeling. I can't even bring myself to take out his bed or food bowls or toys out of my house. I would give anything in the world to have my dog back. To everyone who has best friend out there hug them close and tell them how much you love them because they're not here for… Continue

Added by Mountaingrrrl on October 11, 2010 at 10:28am — 26 Comments

Need Help Picking Which Photo to Submit for Calendar

See title. Thinking of August/September/October. First and Second photos are my preferences, but the problem with the second is that Waffle is not very in focus. :[ So I have some other pond shots I need help choosing between. Also, don't feel too bad telling me they all suck. lol.



Added by Rachael & Waffle on October 10, 2010 at 9:32pm — 15 Comments

Jon Farleigh is not a Herder

(Warning: Pity Party Ahead!)


Had Jon Farleigh tested for herding instinct yesterday morning; he didn't get a certificate (sigh). On the bright side, however, he enjoyed an all-you-can-eat buffet of sheep poo and a compulsory scratch behind the ears. He was a happy camper.

I, on the other hand, can't seem to get over the let-down - kind of like my kid got cut from the team. Jon might be fluffy, but darn it, he should make a fine herding…


Added by Elizabeth on October 10, 2010 at 5:00pm — 11 Comments

FURminator FURejector deShedding Tool for Dogs

This is the absolutely best brush for corgi's ~ Sadie loves her brushing now & it helps with the shedding (I use it evryday) the thing about this brush is that a lot of the pet store they want $25 + and if you go to ebay (be patient) you can buy 1 from Hong Kong for $9 - I ordered mine from there & it is the same thing as I saw in the store - I love it and I am going to order a 2nd one just because they are so great! I bought Sadie the yellow one - I think it is the medium size.

Added by Cathy & LadyBug on October 10, 2010 at 2:41pm — No Comments

pair of corgis in the Redding, ca area

I saw this post on creigs list they look very cute and are looking for caring homes

Added by Juel on October 9, 2010 at 7:54pm — No Comments

UPDATE - Sophie's Weight Loss Program

Here is an update on Sophie's weight reduction program. As of this morning, Saturday October 9, 2010 she weighed in at 31.0. She is down .7 of a pound and she looks better all the time. I continue with the same program - lite dog food, frozen green beans finely chopped and a spoonful of canned pumpkin. She gets a few light treats during the day and a plain organic brown rice cake for her bedtime snack. I am so pleased with her progress! Adding photo taken yesterday and last night.…


Added by Carole and Sophie on October 9, 2010 at 5:00pm — 27 Comments

Meet Leela!

Leela was brought into my fiance's coworker's home after she had been in a somewhat neglectful situation. She was very skinny and apparently food was thrown outside on the ground for a large group of dogs to eat. Their only water source was a hole dug in the dirt that was filled with water and was very muddy. Leela was covered in fleas and ticks, and when they started cleaning her off they started pouring out of her ears. A day later we came to meet her and it was love at first sight. Now, only… Continue

Added by Mary on October 9, 2010 at 4:00pm — 7 Comments

Bites =(

Why Lily is giving me small bites every time that I try to catch her?? It hurts!
When kids ask me " Can I pet her? " I have to say " Yes, but she will jump on you, open her mouth and maybe give you a little bite and then will kiss you..."
How do I make her stop?

Added by Renata M. on October 9, 2010 at 12:56am — 7 Comments

Hot Dogs of Summer!

I can’t help it. It’s an addiction that I find impawsible to ignore – it drains my puppy power packs and leaves me gasping for air with a giddy, tongue-hanging-out-smile from ear to ear. And I’ve tried to pretend that I don’t care, but just a glimpse of that crazy yellow tennis ball makes my heart race! And let me tell you, Rosie may be a half pint, but don’t… Continue

Added by Guinness & Rosie on October 8, 2010 at 7:00pm — 7 Comments

Fergie cops an attitude

hello everyone,

Here is the situation.....10 mos old sweet, demure little Fergie who has learned to love playing with other pups, and safe strangers, has suddenly(within the last 3 mos) gotten very aggressive when I apply her monthly heartworm/flea tick preventative. Aggressive to the point of trying to bite me. This is the same dog who tolerates my 7 year old wrapping her up in an Ariel blanket on a daily basis. She has also gone from willingly letting me clip her toenails, to now having… Continue

Added by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on October 8, 2010 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Moving in one Week

Well it's official, we are moving from rural michigan to Peabody, MA next week. Hubby is already out in MA saying w/ family, and my in-laws are driving me and the kids out starting our adventure on the 14th.
Ella's awesome on car rides, so it should be fine. It's just going to be interesting getting her used to "big city" life.

Added by Heather and Ella on October 7, 2010 at 8:00pm — 4 Comments

What we want in our next dog! Please advise

I cannot help but feel guilty for all of the dogs that do not have homes. We look at and want to adopt everyone. We have a Cardigan Welsh Corgi and a Corgi mix that we love very much. They are our lives and they make getting up in the morning less of a chore (except when it is raining, which it is right now).

Our small issue is we cannot…


Added by Derek on October 6, 2010 at 8:00am — 19 Comments

My Sweet Corgi is becoming Aggressive. What to do?

I am writing because recently (in the past 4 months), my non-aggressive & very submissive 4 year old Pembroke has become aggressive. I do not know how to get this under control. There are 2 events that I believe led to this behavior. 1. I was separated from my dog for 3 months while taking care of a Visa situation. My husband took care of the dog while I was away but this is when the first of the aggression started. He is only mean to other dogs. He first growls at them and then goes for… Continue

Added by Erika on October 6, 2010 at 7:34am — 5 Comments

2 Years Old!! and a new friend!

Its been a while since I've been on here, but Pooka just turned 2 yesterday so I thought I'd write a quick update!

This year was not as fun as far as presents go for Pooka on her birthday. I got her a crate pad and a big knee bone, but she got them almost a month early cuz I can't help it! So I let her eat a whole beef frank on her actual birthday =) I heated it up and we let her have it and first she ran off with it, then looked at us… Continue

Added by GoGoRainbow on October 5, 2010 at 11:37pm — 5 Comments

Wynstan's Birthday

Wynstan had his first birthday weekend, and it was great aside from a few outside problems.

I figured we should have a good weekend, and it was cool enough to camp.
He enjoyed his fist camping trip and even went for a swim in the lake.

I only wish I had a picture of the weekend, but I didn't bring electronics with me.

Added by Buddy & Wynstan on October 5, 2010 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

Congats to Ann and her lovely Corgi, Joy, for going BOB at the National Specialty

I finally was able to find some results for the National Specialty, and Ann's beautiful bitch Joy (Ch Kestrel Leftbank Rejoice) went Best of Breed and was the week's big winner.

For those who followed our search for a second Corgi, Ann was the owner of Becky, the adult we considered getting before we picked out Maddie. Becky is a very sweet girl, but she was too laid-back for our house, and Becky happens to be Joy's dam. We met Joy that day, but I have no pictures because… Continue

Added by Beth on October 5, 2010 at 8:48pm — No Comments

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