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Is a 2011 calendar planned?

I have loved my calendar this year-- I was just adding things for September and looking at the three lovely Wendt Worth corgis. I have one at school and one at home. Will there be one this year?

Added by Kathryn Graham on August 29, 2010 at 1:05pm — 5 Comments

My Not-So-Sweet Darla

I have a year old Pembroke named Darla. She is friendly around the house, company, and other animals. She would be so perfect if she would stop biting and chewing. She has ripped a hole in my couch and pulled all the stuffing out, chewed the carpet, walls...etc. Latley I have had a really hard time taking her to be groomed and to the Vet. In the first year, I never had a problem taking her to these places. I had her nails clipped the other day and she bit the groomer. I took her to the vet… Continue

Added by Melissa on August 29, 2010 at 10:55am — 2 Comments

so proud of my torque

well, today i took torque to another car show. i left lowlow at home as i wanted to have some bonding time with torque & it is easier to train/manage one dog at a time. any ways it was torques turn this time & she has been doing so good with clicker training & following commands, that i decided to put her to the test. i put her leash on her & held the leash in my hand for a few minutes just so she had the understanding that i wasn't setting her free to the world but she could go… Continue

Added by Robyn on August 28, 2010 at 11:54pm — 3 Comments

Smart Corgi or Coincidence?

Peckie my 2 year old Pembroke loooooves to be outside. He will come in the house when I hold the door open for him and call his name....EXCEPT....if I am about to go to work for the night and I am in my navy blue scrubs (I'm an ICU RN) and it's 6:30pm. It doesn't matter if I have a t-bone steak in my hand. He slinks away and hides under the butterfly bush. He then rolls on his back and pees when I come to get him. I then have to pick him up like a baby and carry him into the house. Anyone have… Continue

Added by Peckie and Laura on August 28, 2010 at 10:58pm — 3 Comments

Exploritory surgery

Callie has been showing signs of a UTI for a couple of weeks and we took her in and she got antibiotics. Last night she had urine in her pee and she's still be unable to control her bladder. (She's hasn't been on antibiotics for very long) We took her in again this morning and they took some x-rays and they found a mass in her lower abdomen. Her blood work came back normal and all of her organs seem normal so the vet isn't quite sure what the mass it, but she doesn't think it is cancer. The… Continue

Added by Lusa on August 28, 2010 at 6:33pm — 10 Comments

Corgi in Salem, OR needs foster or permanent home!!!

Hi everyone. Please check out Courtney at!/photo.php?pid=365484&fbid=149781411717348&id=108311665864323. She was pulled from a pound today and put into a wonderful shelter in Salem, OR. She is lovely, however, the queen needs to be an only dog. Can you help? Much thanks!!!


Added by Dee Waluk-Johnson on August 28, 2010 at 1:57am — 1 Comment

Jacksons Birthday!

Jackson's birthday is today! He is turning 4 years old, WOW! Time passes by so quickly, it seems like we just got him yesterday!!

Added by Jackson♥ on August 28, 2010 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

Truman and our Jack Russell Terrior Stuart seem to not see eye to eye

Never posted here before. We love all our dogs. Kees, Tug; JRT, Stuart; JRT Minnow; and Corgi, Truman. All are fine. Tug is king and leader. Minnow if female and best friends with Truman. Staurt and Tug are best of friends. Then we have Truman and Stuart.

We work to take away the anxiety by letting them all know we are in charge and all they need to do is relax, have a good time and know they are loved and cared for. Their job is to get along. We monitor tempers and time outs.…


Added by yvonne reames on August 27, 2010 at 4:06pm — 3 Comments

"Thank you" to those who adopt rescues and rehomed dogs!

I was just thinking this am, how lucky I have been in finding great homes for my rescues and for Rainy who was one of mine that I rehomed. Rainy has the perfect home with the perfect situation for her (she is now a princess with her own family) and doesn't have to "share" with any other dogs. Calvin, Mariah and Rosie have been adopted by great people and Jackson will hopefully find a home soon! I appreciate all the people do to take the sometimes "less than perfect" dog and give them love…


Added by Jane Christensen on August 27, 2010 at 9:35am — 4 Comments


So I live in SWFL and I already have a pembroke but my fiance and I are looking into getting a Cardigan too. Anyone know of any breeders in SW FL.. :) Thanks


Added by Nicole Moon on August 27, 2010 at 6:39am — 2 Comments

Hello form the Pacific Northwest

Thanks so much for the warm welcome. Although I'm an experienced Corgi owner, I'm new to MyCorgi and the web. I have a ten year old female Cardigan named Annie...who is Mother Teresa reincarnated. I also have a three year old male Cardigan named Rhys. He's been through four obedience/Agility/Rally classes but is still an idiot. I love my idiot though, and the three of us go everywhere together. I've attempted to attach a photo of my two, with a foster buddy...hope it works.



Added by Kelly on August 27, 2010 at 12:58am — 4 Comments

Chloe has been having reliability issues

Chloe. who is 2 lately been going in the house, she used to be very reliable. Only with urine, not BM. I work from home so I now have started to keep her in the office with me. How many times should I let her go out to the back yard. ? I need to retrin her.

Added by Chloe's parent Liz on August 27, 2010 at 12:48am — 2 Comments

Supplements for Corgis

As an equestrian, I've learned that adding supplements to good care and nutrition can be very beneficial to my horse's health and wellbeing. I believe this is true for my corgis as well. I feed my corgis high quality food: Tigger gets Blue Buffalo lamb and rice. Molly gets Science Diet C/D to keep her UTI's under control. I also feed the corgis healthy snacks such as carrots and green beans and crandberries. About 1x a week, I add Omega 3 fatty acid supplement to to support their skin coat and… Continue

Added by Katie on August 26, 2010 at 11:24pm — No Comments

Bad News: Limping puppy diagnosis

After 3 months and several vets we finally have an answer for Baron's limping, and the news is not good. Even though I'm a nurse I'm still confused. Apparently the growth plate closed too early at Baron's right shoulder. He has a gap where part of it is supposed to close over the joint. The humerus is longer than the ulna and has started to bow outward. According to the vet there is nothing we can do except watch for the early arthritis to set in and give him rimadyl when he is having a bad… Continue

Added by Teresa on August 26, 2010 at 7:06am — 13 Comments

14 weeks old

Hana is loosing her soft "puppy fur"... I am excited that she is healthy and growing, but I loved her soft "puppy fur" and it is almost gone : /p>

Added by Hana on August 25, 2010 at 10:06am — 2 Comments

The Story of how I got Ceri

Hey my name is Giselle and I'm from the Netherlands. Ceri is my purebred corgi boy of 9 months. Because corgi's aren't that popular in my country, and kennels like to keep it that way, you find seldom a corgi in a shelter. Perhaps thats a good thing.

So as some of you have noticed my little boy still has his tail. People aren't allowed to bob them, and it's a bit over the top to breed them just so they naturally won't have them. I mean, it's about the general health and character of the… Continue

Added by Ceri and upcoming on August 25, 2010 at 7:03am — 14 Comments

Corgi meet ups?

Dose anyone know of any corgi meet ups in southern california?
If so please contact me i would really appreceate it.

Added by Tiana & Ein on August 24, 2010 at 1:52pm — 5 Comments

Need some help

So, Odins tantrums haven't been getting any better. I have tried many of the things people have recommended to me and none are working. Sometimes it's because he doesn't get his way that he acts a certain way. But just by pikcing him up or touching him when he doesn't want to be he starts to growl and nit. Now he has been honestly trying to inflict pain. He will bite as hard as he can and wont let go of my hand. I'm not sure if this is just the breed but out of all the different dogs I have had… Continue

Added by Alaina, Dyer and Odin on August 23, 2010 at 11:10pm — 13 Comments

I wonder if this is what being a mom feels like.

I've gotta leave my babies for a whole week and just realized I wrote 2 pages worth of doggy directions for the sitter =x I'm also afraid that while I'm gone I'm gonna end up calling like once a night to check on them but unlike the overbearing mother, I can't expect my babies to talk back on the phone. It's amazing how many offers you get from friends and family when looking for a puppy (in my case, puppies) sitter but NO ONE is ever willing to watch a cat. Even a giant docile lovable one like… Continue

Added by Christine on August 23, 2010 at 2:54am — 6 Comments

Getting So Big

Well Miss Piper is now six months old. She is beautiful and full of energy. She continues to makes us laugh on a daily basis. She has a great personality and has actually breathed life back into our 12 year old lab. We love and adore her. Her favorite thing to do is run laps through our house and it doesnt take much to get her going like a half full water bottle or turning the page of a newspaper or slapping the fly swatter on the floor and off she goes as fast as her little legs can carry her… Continue

Added by Matt & Julie on August 22, 2010 at 7:49pm — 4 Comments

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