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Bossy To Puppy

Brando finally made it home after 48 hours spent in the Houston airport, and Sky gave him a nice big bully's welcome! I never even thought to be worried about Sky, I was concerned with how Lyla would react. I introduced the dogs outside and Lyla loved him instantly, but Sky just acted like he didn't exist. When they came in Brando was sniffing around and started smelling a sock on the ground. Sky instantly snarked... apparently it was "his" sock. So far Sky is telling off the puppy for… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on January 30, 2010 at 5:21pm — 4 Comments

Thoughts and advice needed....Rosie needs knee surgery =(

Rosie’s been limping lately and the vet says that she needs surgery on her left hind leg. Apparently Rosie’s patella/kneecap moves around because one of the tendons holding it is loose/stretched. I asked the vet if there were any non-surgical solutions to the problem, and he said “no”.

One of the vet technicians says that he doesn’t actually shorten the tendon itself, he uses “other tissues” around the tendon and sutures “in a zig-zag pattern” to reinforce the tendon. The sutures… Continue

Added by Mary and Rosie on January 29, 2010 at 5:00pm — 6 Comments

Bee Sting!

Yesterday late afternoon Griffyn got stung by a bee. He's okay! But... I thought it might be a good idea to post a link to a website that tells what to do if your dog gets stung once, or multiple times.

And I also want to point out an interesting thing about the bee that stung Griffyn. It was dead!!! Apparently a bee's stinger can still "do it's thing" even after the bee is dead.

Poor little guy.... he was curious, of course, and as soon as his nose got up against the bee,… Continue

Added by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on January 29, 2010 at 9:40am — 10 Comments

Switching to Evo

We ran out of Origen puppy formula and it was time to switch to adult food anyways. I know everyone says that the switch should be gradual, but Shiro eats a large variety of meats along with his kibble (not at the same time) so I felt it wuold be OK to start a new food right away.

He usually gets cooked chiken, ground beef or turkey, sometimes pork every other day, and when I switched from Innova to Origen he didn't have any problems at all.

Anyways, the store near us doesn't have… Continue

Added by Beauty and the Beast on January 29, 2010 at 8:35am — 4 Comments

Loooong Day

How many "dog issues" can one person have in a day? Apparently a lot! The new puppy got stuck in the Houston airport on his way to Oklahoma because Continental decided to cancel ALL flights for today even though it wasn't snowing or icing or even raining. It didn't start even raining until after her flight was supposed to land. I was worried sick about him all day, but luckily I have an uncle who is a pilot for Continental and when he landed in Houston tonight, he went and check on Brando for… Continue

Added by Sky and Lyla on January 28, 2010 at 9:25pm — 6 Comments

Goldy's Teeth

So I came home today to a baby girl with white foam around one side of her mouth. She looked like she had rabies LOL, but I knew she didn't. After settling her down and looking her over, I found a back tooth super loose and the gums really swollen and kind of gross looking. A quick trip to the vet to find out that she's a bit abscessed on both sides of her mouth. Basically her bottom tooth is poking her sore gums on her top.

We got some antibiotics for the infection and we're home.… Continue

Added by Stephanie on January 28, 2010 at 6:18pm — 7 Comments

They're here! All 7 of them...well maybe 8?

After spending most of the night awake and the other part sleeping on our bathroom floor. Livvy delivered these beautiful pups between 7 and noon...I'm not 100% sure she's done!

Wynn got to see his babies didn't really like it!

OOPS...I FORGOT TO MENTION......................

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WILL KEEP THEIR TAILS TOO… Continue

Added by Jane Christensen on January 28, 2010 at 1:30pm — 31 Comments


THE HSUSA IS SPONSORING THIS CONTEST WON'T YOU GIVE GEM YOUR VOTE???;background-position: top center;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-color: #E8E01B;padding: 2px 3px 0px 3px; ">…

Added by Edward and Gemima on January 28, 2010 at 12:47pm — No Comments

Corgis as mousers!

Several months ago we had a discussion on this. Today when I let my pup that I'm rehoming out I watch her closely since her old owner says she runs...I couldn't find her for a bit and when I did she was chasing a mouse and having a great time digging in the deep snow for it!!!! Her mom is a great rabbit dogs so maybe she gets it from her!

Sorry the mouse pic didn't turn out...guess I need a bigger… Continue

Added by Jane Christensen on January 27, 2010 at 6:38pm — 11 Comments

Corgi Sitting- Advice Needed!

My dearest friend (who introduced me to corgis) will be going out of town for a week and I have offered to watch her corgi, Emily, for her. My dogs normally get along very well with her. They always hang out at the barn, go on car rides, etc. But I haven't had her at my house unattended without her human mom since I've gotten Tigger. Molly and Tigger can be real bullies (esp. Molly cuz she is the brains and Tig is the muscle). There was only one incident that was bad, and it was that… Continue

Added by Katie on January 26, 2010 at 9:19pm — 6 Comments

Ein's escape and safe return

So I was driving home from school...and I see this lady walking her dog on the road "connecting" toward my cul de sac and I see that it's a corgi.

*looks at the corgi from behind* and I'm thinking..."Aww...that's a cute corgi...that's cool that there's another corgi owner in my neighborhood.....

*passes by to look at the side of the corgi* looks awefully a lot like Ein...It can't be Ein. He's at home.

*slows down from 25 to like 5 mph and look at the front… Continue

Added by Aj on January 26, 2010 at 8:46pm — 16 Comments

52 Weeks of Corgis

I stumbled upon a group on Flickr that, as a group, will be photographing their dogs once each week in an effort to:

"create that one photo each week of your chosen dog that either stands out, signifies something special in your dog's week, or is a unique approach from your other photos of your best friend. Push the limits a little, do something different, be creative, challenge yourself. "

I like the concept of the project. Like a lot of folks… Continue

Added by CorgiTales on January 26, 2010 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments

Having some issues with behavior (biting mainly)

Hello everyone,

Normally you see my better 1/2 posting (Rebecca), but I (Kevin) am posting today to address an issue we are having with our 10 week old Pembroke "Buddy".

I am blessed to be able to work from home most of the time, so I have been able to take an active part in his life right now. I have him going outside every 2 hours for a pee break. Followed by about 20-30 min of company and then I crate him for another 90-120 min until its time to go again.

We… Continue

Added by Kevin and Buddy! on January 26, 2010 at 11:52am — 11 Comments

Danish dressage star Blue Hors Matine RIP 01/25/10

This has nothing to do with Corgis or even my household, but I cried a little this morning when I learned that the glorious mare Matine from Blue Hors farm was euthanized yesterday at the age of 13 after breaking her front leg in a pasture accident. She was only 13. She was retired after hurting a tendon getting off a van, and was going to be a mother soon.

I know there are some horse lovers among us. Grand Prix dressage competition can be a bit dull, but exhibitions are beautiful… Continue

Added by Beth on January 26, 2010 at 10:24am — 4 Comments

Carma warms up the whelping box!

Livvy is spending a little time in her room that will be her home for the next few weeks! Carma the cat likes to spend all his time there right now!

Less than a week to go till puppy time! Poor Carma he'll have to find a new home!

Added by Jane Christensen on January 26, 2010 at 9:56am — 3 Comments


I haven't updated recently so I thought I'd just give a quick update. We ended up not moving because I couldn't come up with the money to pay 2 months of double rent. So for now we are just going to stay where we are until June and then try and find a new place. (Speaking of which does anyone know of an apartment complex in the Twin Cities or suburbs that allow dogs and isn't insanely expensive?)

I recently graduated from college and am looking for work, which hasn't been going very… Continue

Added by Lusa on January 25, 2010 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

My Baby, Zwei, is getting PLUUUMPY!

For some reason, our baby gets pretty fat when we leave him at our family's house.

Well, we left him there for about a week this time ... we come back ... and fwwwoooomp! He's big! After leaving with him at 15lb, he's now tipping the scales on both WiiFit and our weight at 20lb.

It's so cute to see him finally get some meat on those bones -- not too much though. :) Yaaay!

Added by Zwei & Cynthia + Mike on January 25, 2010 at 8:02pm — 2 Comments

The drama begins

Adora is my first dog, We are in the prosses of housebraking her, from the day we got her home she has never liked the pee pads (esspecialy when there is someone in the house), first few week she would go beside it, than we finaly got her going on it, she is only on pee pads when we are out of the house, we have created a little den with for her in the laundry room. we also put her in there to eat, as when we got her she was free feeding, the only way we would get her to eat in sittings was to… Continue

Added by Kimberlie on January 25, 2010 at 2:26pm — 6 Comments

Murphy's under the weather

Murphy hasn't been feeling too well. He's had diarrhea for a week now. I don't know how he got it or why its taking so long to get out of his system, but I feel really bad for him. We haven't been doing anything different with his food, he's been eating what he always eats. Right now, my poor baby is upstairs on our bed. I went up and checked on him and he wouldn't even move until I started rubbing his belly then he rolled onto his back, but he doesn't look like he's feeling too well. I feel… Continue

Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on January 25, 2010 at 1:50pm — 7 Comments

I'm soooo excited!!

Chesneys breeder just contacted me and told me that she is expecting puppies again! Looks like I'm gonna get a new baby soon!!! I am so excited and can't hardly wait!!! Woooo hooooo!!!!

Added by Corgi lover! (Misty) on January 24, 2010 at 7:13pm — 5 Comments

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