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best dog food/Exercise

Hi I am new to I have a 13 week old corgi and had a few questions. what dog food do you feed your corgi-- I am currently using NUTRO choice--don't know if it is the best --dont mind paying a lot as long as it is good and she is healthy. Also, what do you do to exercise your corgii. I understand they need A LOT of exercise but I will return to work in september (I am a teacher) and she will be crated from 8-2:30. Any comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks Mary and Lulu

Added by Mary Sorce on July 31, 2009 at 11:30am — 9 Comments

video: Corgis SingThe Queen A Happy Birthday


I knew they were smart, but this ...

:-) Laurie
(Check it out for a Celebrity Corgi this weekend!!!)

Added by The Daily Corgi on July 31, 2009 at 9:13am — 2 Comments

spay time.

Penny is at the vet right now getting spayed. :(

I felt so bad when they took her away. I won't get to pick her up until tomorrow morning because they insist on keeping them overnight to check on them. I miss my little girl already!

I felt really bad because she followed me around all morning saying "hey mom, I see you fed Faulks but ummm... you forgot me?!" "Hey Mom... where's my water at... I'm a little parched" "Hey Mom, no seriously I'm totally famished where is my breakfast...… Continue

Added by Kelli & Penny on July 30, 2009 at 12:30pm — 19 Comments

7 months last Sunday already

Murphy can finally jump onto the couch and chairs. We always had to lift him up before, but now he can do it on his own. :o) He can also jump onto the twin beds in the guest room, which is really difficult when I'm trying to move Stella over there so he doesn't try and play with her like one of his squeakers. I swear, he thinks she's a toy.

I have noticed that he's been getting scabs on different parts of his body and I don't know where they're coming from. The one on his chest was… Continue

Added by Alyssa & Chris W. on July 30, 2009 at 10:12am — 4 Comments

Wilderness Dog checklist

I'm taking Faye camping for the first time ever! She's not a very active dog if she's without her new friend Katamari (who is settling in well, except for a couple of fights that ended with me getting hurt). The other dog is more active, but very young and needs more training as she tends to run away. Faye is really good at staying by my side off-leash. I'm sure some of you have taken your corgis camping/hiking/etc (*ahem* John *ahem*). We'll be going to Lake Isabella with my boyfriend's… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 30, 2009 at 5:02am — 3 Comments

Thanks for the warm welcome!

As a newbie, I would like to thank those who have welcomed me and my wonderful little guy to I was hoping that this site would offer tips to help me solve my most pervasive corgi-related problem: FUR. EVERYWHERE. Including inside (not on or around, but actually inside) the spines of several old books in my living room bookcase. How can this be? I'm flummoxed; it's like nuclear fission or something. Well, happily, I found several clues that tell me I'm not alone. One… Continue

Added by Owain McDaring on July 29, 2009 at 11:34pm — 6 Comments

Could be two titles...."Why is grass so yummy?" --OR-- "Am I addicted to grass?"

I've been wondering about what it is that makes grass so darn tasty! Hardy will do just about any trick he can to sneak a bite of grass.

I took him outside tonight to snap a few pictures of him. He knows that if I catch him eating a bunch of grass, he hears the most dreaded words on the planet..."no!" Those words immediately invoke the sad eyes, the droopy ears, and well, I'm sure if you could see his tail nub he would hide… Continue

Added by Karen and Hardy on July 29, 2009 at 8:59pm — 6 Comments

Cute Custom Corgi Key Chain...

So I think I might start making these for people on here. I've gotten a lot of good input on my corgi key chain that I made. I made a Corgi key chain for myself, & I think it turned out VERY cute. They are made out of chip proof clay. Painted with acrylic paint & covered with a air drying glaze. they are all hand made by me & painted by me. the paint/glaze MAY chip over time OR ruff ware & tare. But the clay will not chip. I can add anything to the corgi key chain if asked (… Continue

Added by Melanie Fischer on July 29, 2009 at 7:39pm — 13 Comments

New girl in town

I am so excited to have found this website! Its great to see that there are so many other people who adore their furry little children as much as we all do. Now when I saw we I mean, me, my boyfriend Josh, my mother Lori, my father Tim, and my brothers Nick and Lane. We are puppy people!

My parents have 7 Pomeranians: Rusty, Julia, Nate, Lena, Sweetie, Possum, and Buttercup. 3 Great Danes: Kal-el, Sierra, and Cap. They also have a mut who happened to hit the "puppy lotto" when he… Continue

Added by Brandi Batts on July 29, 2009 at 2:56pm — 4 Comments

Camping Trip to the Beach

This was my first ever camping trip and Shiro's first encounter of ocean. I think my fiance Evan had camping trips before, but he was a boy and he probably don't remember much.

Anyways, we borrowed my dad's tent, got plenty of snacks, anti-mosquito stuff, bedding etc. We drove to the beach for about 2.5 hours due to pouring rain half the way. It was so bad that everyone had to slow down on the highway to 50 mph and turn on hazard lights. Shiro doesn't care about rain or storms so he just… Continue

Added by Beauty and the Beast on July 29, 2009 at 9:40am — No Comments

Starbuck's first day as a babysitter!

This story begins with the fact that I am a recent college grad with the same job I had as a student-- babysitter. I've worked for one family for a year and a half and love them to pieces. There are two little girls and I alternate with both. Starbuck's daddy and I have been able to make it so someone is home every 4 hours to let her potty and play with her... until this week. He's out of town for a week and a half. What's a mommy of a puppy to do? Take her puppy to work! (this is where… Continue

Added by Stephanie, Greg, Starbuck on July 28, 2009 at 10:05pm — 3 Comments

Look what I brought home! ..... Aren't you proud of me?

I was outside pulling weeds, when Sheldon my new corgi disappeared into the long grass next door. I saw the tops of the weeds moving as he made his way through the tall weeds. Then, I heard a squeal. I called Sheldon's name, and he came running. When he found his way out of the tall weeds, he got a smile on his face, and a sparkle to his eyes as he brought me a live bunny. I told him to drop it, he did immediatelly, then the bunny scampered away, and Sheldon ran to me with pride in his eyes. Of… Continue

Added by Sheldon's Mom aka Myles Mom on July 28, 2009 at 9:15pm — 7 Comments

Names & Compromise

L wanted a girl pup, and I wanted a boy pup. It turns out the breeder has more boy pups than girl pups, so we're most likely to be getting a boy. We had a girl name (Rowen) all picked out and agreed upon.

Boy names are another story. L. watched too many episodes of Little Brittan with her mom, and decided we should name the pup Daffyth, which immediately failed my Dog Park test (what it would sound like to stand in a dog park yelling "________ Stop It!").

We want to have a… Continue

Added by Merlin's Moms on July 28, 2009 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Ein's trip to my uncle's

Ein went on a somewhat of a long distance trip (1 1/2 hour trip) for the first time. He met and decided that he would try to dominate my uncle's Jack Russell, Bonzai, for the first 5 hours. The next day, thankfully, he lost interest/gave up.

We went to the dog beach that's by their house. Ein wouldn't go in the water, but he played well with other dogs/Bonzai. He tried playing with with what looked like a young black Labrador… Continue

Added by Aj on July 28, 2009 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

Harley is home!!

After 14 long hours on the road (7 hours each way), our Harley is finally home. So far, everything has been going great. We picked him up from the breeder's house at 7PM, and he stayed with us at a hotel last night. He cried for about the first hour after we left the house, but he eventually settled down. He even slept through the night without making an accident in his crate. He woke us up at 6:30AM.

We will be introducing him to our other dog, Bo, later this evening (he stayed with… Continue

Added by Nancy and Harley on July 28, 2009 at 5:27pm — 2 Comments

How it all began ...

So you could say my interest in the corgi breed began about six years ago, when I first saw Cowboy Bebop. Ein was naturally my favorite character, not only for his wit and charm, but because he was an animal, and I was an avid animal lover already, so that made him number one in my book! I never really researched the breed, considering I was still living with parents and I knew they wouldn't permit a kid to get a dog all of their own.

When I started going to college, though, I knew… Continue

Added by Caroline & Merriam on July 28, 2009 at 3:53pm — 2 Comments


We did it! We went to the Wash-N-Wag and donated 20.00 to the Peninsula SPCA and got some very nice volunteers to wash the pup. He was a little nervous at first but after he realized all the people touching him weren't going to hurt him he had a blast. Everyone gave him lots of hugs and kisses and he enjoyed sitting in the kiddie pools. :D Will post pics tonight.

Added by Dez Hunter on July 28, 2009 at 1:11pm — No Comments

More pictures

I guess I'll have to take some more pictures of Hardy today so that I can hurry up and post them. Finally! A place where I can shamelessly brag about Hardy! :)

Added by Karen and Hardy on July 28, 2009 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

Say it isn't so -- Corgis leaving the Royal Palace?!

Added by The Daily Corgi on July 28, 2009 at 5:48am — 5 Comments

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