Added by Zigward & Kimberly on April 30, 2014 at 11:16pm — 2 Comments
The surgeon called and informed me that Ein has come out of surgery and did well. The mass was not an abscess and she did not think it was a polyp due to the broad base it had. But she is confident that she removed quite a bit of it.
She is uncertain if it is a benign or malignant mass though, but it is being sent in for a biopsy. That will be either Friday or Monday before we get the results.
She will be calling us once he is fully awake so we can go see him. Unfortunately, he…
ContinueAdded by David W. on April 30, 2014 at 4:32pm — 6 Comments
The day has arrived and Ein is laying on the back porch doing his "the meaning of life" pose. Just observing the world, watching the birds and the squirrel eating.
We will be leaving here in just a few minutes to bring him down to ACCES for his surgery.
I will update when new info is available.
ContinueAdded by David W. on April 30, 2014 at 10:30am — 6 Comments
So today we learned that Ruby the House-Training-Resistant Corgi has blood in her urine. So folks here who speculated that she might have a UTI could be right. We shall see: we came away this afternoon with ten days' worth of antibiotics. If that doesn't help, then she'll need an expensive set of X-rays.
The vet thinks she's too young to have crystals in her urinary tract. And as for the Big C, she didn't rule it out but said it would be "very uncommon" in such a young…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on April 29, 2014 at 7:54pm — 4 Comments
As I get ready for work, Ein is chowing down on a few "cookies" before he heads back upstairs when I leave. His breathing has seemed to become a bit more "snory" the last two days, so I'm glad his surgery is tomorrow morning.
He went to the park yesterday and had some fun just rolling around in the grass. The picture is from the day before at the park, anime dog pose. :)
I ask that you share this page for me and my wife on your facebook page:…
ContinueAdded by David W. on April 29, 2014 at 9:37am — 3 Comments
I don't know what the rules are for posting a much needed rescue, but this little guy really deserves it!
He's a Welsh corgi mix. I filled out an application the other day and I just checked my mail and got the reply that they couldn't consider my application because I wasn't in the Washington DC area! He's the cutest…
Added by Autumn and Jonathan on April 28, 2014 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments
So far Watson has been doing very well. we are really enjoying having a puppy again except for the occasions where he becomes a little tornado racing around and into everything. I think he is beginning to get used to our schedules and we are getting used to figuring out when he needs a potty break. He is still not very welcomed by Izzy but this happened today so I think there is hope that she will eventually tolerate him. I know that Cardis are supposedly less outgoing than Pems but he is so…
ContinueAdded by Bev Levy on April 28, 2014 at 3:51pm — 11 Comments
I fail at keeping up here. Full time work and school and Ein have kept me busy.
I am NOT asking for donations from here, but I am asking you read and think good thoughts for him.
ContinueAdded by David W. on April 26, 2014 at 9:48pm — 19 Comments
When you live here in the 'hood, your morons are your neighbors...uhm, that is, your neighbors can be morons.
Cattycorner across the alley is a guy who inherited the house from his father, apparently because he (the guy) is not the sort who is competent to purchase a house. The place has run down and down and down (the drain!) since the old couple died, and this jerk shows no sign of moving. Or being arrested.
So Charley, my son's dopey golden retriever, is out…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on April 26, 2014 at 4:15pm — 3 Comments
I know this isn't corgi related that much, but this does affect Dodger, but I did want to share this. So a good friend had contacted me late last night about an urgent matter. She knows I run my own business and she knows I take part in a lot of stuff that involve helping out shelters and getting pit bulls adopted out. So she contacted me and she was very upset and frantic and she begged me to help out…
ContinueAdded by Autumn and Jonathan on April 24, 2014 at 8:30pm — 43 Comments
This noon my son dropped by and left the 90-pound Charley the Golden Retriever in my care. He -- son -- is headed off to Grand Junction, Colorado, with his father, uncle, and that tribe to celebrate his grandmother's 100th birthday. He'll be gone four days, and Charley is here, casa mia, for some free boarding.
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on April 23, 2014 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments
I saw this on pinterest and it had me laughing so hard. Baby corgi and lamb reverse roles and have a good time.
Added by Linda on April 23, 2014 at 10:50pm — 3 Comments
So I'm quite curious if there are any corgis out there who like to listen to music and will bob or sway to music. Dodger loves Mozart and Beethoven. He'll start swaying and he tries to do a little bob-dance type of thing. It's the cutest thing ever. Do any of your corgis do something similar or is it whatever to them? Do they like a specific type of music or do they like to switch it up?
Added by Autumn and Jonathan on April 23, 2014 at 10:30am — 1 Comment
Added by Bev Levy on April 23, 2014 at 9:42am — 4 Comments
Far far too often you hear about cases on the news about dog attacks or hearing stories from people you know. I can honestly say that I'm proud that I grew up around aggressive dogs and I had volunteered two years of helping aggressive dogs heal.The events that took place on Sunday made me very thankful for my experience in this field.
Sunday night a bunch of friends and family friends of my husband were having a bonfire. They also have two dogs, a German Shepard and a…
Added by Autumn and Jonathan on April 22, 2014 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments
Now this is ridiculous. This is hilarious!
This morning, Pup discovered that water bowls are good for something other than holding stuff to drink. Water bowls are excellent to play in!
Lo! You can put your front feet in a water bowl. They get all WET! Better yet, they make splashing noises! They slop water on the patio floor! Ohhhh, cool!
Now here's the amazing part: she figured out that she could stick her schnozz into the water, blow…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on April 21, 2014 at 11:58pm — 2 Comments
Well, Foggy Bottom Summit I haven't Got A Clue AKA Watson has arrived. He was so loud this morning that Izzy went and hid behind the toilet! However, he has been pretty respectful of her desire not to be jumped on so that is good. We haven't had a puppy with a tail in over 30 years so that wagging tail is pretty funny. So far the cats are not impressed at all. Wish us luck…
Added by Bev Levy on April 19, 2014 at 4:35pm — 16 Comments
On Thursday night, my sister and I were coming home from Wal-Mart. I like to take the backroads through the desert areas because there isn't any traffic. There was a car a good distance in front of me that suddenly stopped in the road. I don't want to go into too much detail, but the driver of the other car had hit a small dog and kicked it out of the road and sped off. My sister and I got out to see if we could…
ContinueAdded by MrsFinni on April 19, 2014 at 2:08pm — 5 Comments
Cassie has names for her many toys. True! She actually recognizes them by name and will fetch a specific item when asked, say, to "Get the Bluebird of Happiness!" These critters come from Costco in gigantic batches, so she has a multitude of the things; in the case of the goofy-looking birds, there's the Bluebird of Happiness and the Redbird of Joy and the Pinkbird of Ecstasy...and amazingly, she actually can identify them by name.
At any rate, one of these objects is a…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on April 19, 2014 at 12:45pm — No Comments
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