May 2013 Blog Posts (43)

Corgi Disc Dog

I've been trying to learn more about disc dog events and came across this video. Very cool!

Added by Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey on May 31, 2013 at 3:18pm — 2 Comments


Our Joey crossed the Rainbow Bridge in the middle of the night last night and we don't know why.  Our hearts are so broken :(


Added by Kathy Wiley on May 30, 2013 at 11:38am — 32 Comments

Cocoa Mulch toxic to Dogs

Passing along an article on toxic cocoa mulch which was sent to me:


Please tell every dog or cat owner you know. Even if you don’t have a pet, please pass this to those who do. Over the weekend, the doting owner of two young lab mixes purchased Cocoa Mulch from Target to use in their garden. The dogs loved the way it smelled and it was advertised to keep cats away from their garden. Their dog (Calypso) decided the mulch smelled good enough to…


Added by Stephanie on May 30, 2013 at 1:26am — 4 Comments

More Tricks From Napolean!

As some of the my corgi members know, Napolean is a trick dog! He has his own YouTube channel and loves to show off what he has learned over the years :) We just posted a new video of some tricks he knows, and if you stuck on what to teach your corgi feel free to steal some ideas!


Added by Napolean (Joan and Gabby) on May 29, 2013 at 2:15am — 7 Comments

Finding a Home....

With a very sad sad sad heart, I'm afraid I'm going to have to find a home for my Boo Bear.  I'm here on this site tonight to see if anyone is looking to adopt my Boo.  He's the best dog I've ever had.  He comes when he's called, doesn't go far from you, friendly to everyone, doesn't need a leash when walking because he stays right with you, he's housebroke.  His tricks are:  high five, play dead, roll over, say please, and will not take the treat until you say it's okay.  He sings with the…


Added by Stephanie Lonning on May 28, 2013 at 11:51pm — 10 Comments

Aggressive Dog Scare

We finally got Sterling his off-leash park permit. Things have been going great and his recall is getting better all the time! He even comes to me when I call him during mid-play now. I just love it.

On Saturday, however, we decided to go to a different park where there are lots of trails in the woods. It's NOT an off-leash area, although I am the only person I have ever seen using a leash. A woman even asked me if my dog was dangerous because he was still on a leash... There are signs… Continue

Added by E.B. on May 27, 2013 at 9:33pm — 5 Comments

Memorial Day


Added by Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey on May 27, 2013 at 4:30pm — No Comments

I'm so proud of my baby!

She killed a rat today!  What an amazing dog.  A++.  She got a greenie and lots of praise for that. …


Added by Lauren Rae & Fauna on May 27, 2013 at 2:18pm — No Comments

We Have 10 Pack Invites

If anyone is interested, message for e-mail or link invite :)

Happy Memorial Day!

Added by rae on May 27, 2013 at 12:40pm — 2 Comments

Faery Tails Corgi Rescue Paw Stars Shirts


Added by Jill M on May 27, 2013 at 10:45am — No Comments

My corgi suspicious of her food or just a picky eater?

Nala is now almost 7 months of age.  I've been wanting to transition her from puppy food (Blue Wilderness) to an all life stage food (Lotus).  Originally I wanted to do this at 6 months of age, but back in mid April, she caught giardia and has been on and off antibiotics for about a month.  Likewise, I hid her antibiotics in her food.  In the process of doing this, I noticed that she became increasingly not interested/ excited when it came to meal time as she use to be.  Before, she couldn't…


Added by Catherine Robertson on May 27, 2013 at 12:24am — 5 Comments

Happy Memorial Day

Added by Emily & Scout on May 26, 2013 at 9:44am — 1 Comment

So it begins...

It's really happening!

I was unsure about when to start actively searching and contacting people about finding a puppy, but I spoke with my husband last night and thought it would be good to start now. I emailed a breeder in Japan--hopefully I'll hear back soon. I'm so excited! I can't wait to find a puppy. Wish me luck! And please feel free to give me any advice on everything about corgis.

Added by CJ Sata on May 24, 2013 at 11:54am — No Comments

Please vote for Machete in XLO's Top Dog Contest

Search: "machete" & Vote.

Pretty please? 

thanks, corgi peeps :)

Added by rae on May 22, 2013 at 10:53pm — 7 Comments

More Musing

I'd first like to express my appreciation for the friendly faces (both human and corgi) and warm welcome I've received since signing up on this site. It feels good to know that I actually have a support group in my endeavor to have the best corgi puppy for me.

My worry about Applejack flying in is mostly abated. Of course, I'm concerned, but after some discussion, votes of confidence, and watching videos on the Internet that promptly made me bawl my eyes out with happiness, I'm… Continue

Added by Heather and Applejack on May 22, 2013 at 7:43am — 5 Comments

Corgi mix Wenatchee WA. Needing home.

Here is a link to a corgi in my valley who needs a home! Says about 7-8 yrs old! Seems very sweet.

Added by Elizabeth Throneberry on May 21, 2013 at 2:17pm — No Comments

Machete's May BarkBox Arrived!

today machete got his may barkbox! it barely shipped 2 days ago, so we were pretty surprised to see it.  but hey, swag for the puppy, so yay!

i vaguely remember barkbox saying something about focusing on outdoor activity type things for this month's box, but i haven't really noticed a "theme" to any of these boxes so far. this one is supposed to be a celebration of summer events? but look, we got all these goodies:



Added by rae on May 19, 2013 at 12:15am — 14 Comments

Musings and Fussings of an Anxious Mom

I can't help but lay here, feeling both frightened and excited. I wonder if this is what expectant mothers feel when their due date is coming.

Applejack is my little girl's name. It suits her for so many reasons. For one, yes, I'm a self proclaimed nerd, and named her for my favorite cartoon magical pony. Even the name I'm going to register her with, "Honest and True Southern Belle", which has elements of her dam and sire's registered names, as it should, is reminiscent of the… Continue

Added by Heather and Applejack on May 18, 2013 at 8:10pm — 4 Comments

Petmate Modeling

We had the opportunity to do some modeling for Petmate this spring. Tucker and Zoey did about a dozen products, but this one is the first I've seen on the market.

It's Tucker in the Navigator Kennel.…


Added by Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey on May 18, 2013 at 7:30pm — 8 Comments

He comes home June 16th.

The little guy on the right is coming home with me on June 16th! I went to visit the breeder yesterday with requests to see just the males, as I didn't want a female to sway my decision on getting a male puppy. These were the two boys, they are going to be 4 weeks old on Sunday. The boy on the left was way bigger than the one on the right, but they were both so sweet, still a…


Added by Dana Pride & Tobias on May 18, 2013 at 9:53am — 2 Comments

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