So another inspection of dog pee, now that Ruby has been off the antibiotic for some days, revealed NO crystals(!), no white blood cells, and no bacteria. Dr. Bracken said he did see a few red blood cells, but he thinks that could be an aftermath that should dissipate in the near future. He doesn't want to prescribe another round of antibiotics, because he's pretty sure the thing is…
Added by Vicky Hay on May 27, 2014 at 9:26pm — 2 Comments
LOL! Okay, this is all my fault. And it's not funny, but what the struck me as hilarious.
We're in the office watching reruns of Desperate Housewives on the giant iMac and cackling away at a particularly funny episode. Time to knock it off, though, and go to bed, so it's "Back to Browse" for Netflix and "Sleep" for the computer and soon, I imagine, "sleep" for the human and the dawgs. We trot out to the kitchen to let the pooches out for a final policing of…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on May 27, 2014 at 2:11am — No Comments
Ein continues to do well for the most part.
He's been battling an eye infection for the past two weeks though. He first cut his cornea some how, which has healed, but now has conjunctivitis in both eyes. The right one being the worse. We were told this is due to the sinus infection he had pushing mucus up into his eyes through the tear duct. He does get this green gunky stuff in his eyes that reminds me of nose mucus! Pretty gross actually. So he's been on clavamox to help…
ContinueAdded by David W. on May 26, 2014 at 7:32pm — 2 Comments
As dawn cracked, it was OUT THE DOOR with Cassie and Ruby lashed up at the ends of our weird new double-doggy leash. Although we've been doing short doggy walks around the block, this was Ruby's first mile-long expedition.
Actually, it's more like a mile and a half: the house is a quarter-mile from the park, and the park is exactly one mile around, as measured…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on May 25, 2014 at 11:35am — No Comments
I joined this site in hopes to meet other corgi owners and maybe have a meet up in Indianapolis. If anyone is interested, please do not hesitate to comment. I'd really love for my dog to have some corgi friends outside of our family and I'd love to make friends with other owners.
ContinueAdded by Melinda on May 24, 2014 at 1:10pm — 10 Comments
So I'm sitting outside on the back porch working on some stuff for one of the graphic designers, a little project that goes on and on and on and.... The house's doors are closed, because it's warm and the AC is on. I hear a beeping noise. An insistent beeping noise.
The neighbor has a truck that beeps like that. Beep beep beep freaking BEEP. It takes awhile before I realize whatever the racket is, it's not the dude's accursed truck. So I get up to investigate and lo! The house…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on May 23, 2014 at 12:00am — 5 Comments
I've been gone a while, a long here is the short long of it.
Tala- She grew up, grew up fast and hard in a working house hold. Around 4K worth of plaster, dry wall and stud's later I'd worked out she was miserable. So the adoption process began, she found a great home with 7 kids on a rather large farm. I do visit that crazy mutt from time to time, amazing she still remembers me (the inseparable bond that is).
Jazmin- She also is 5 now, no longer the small…
ContinueAdded by Don on May 22, 2014 at 1:15pm — No Comments
Well miracles do happen! I thought I knew dogs but Izzy has surprised me. She plays regularly with Watson. It took a while for him to wear her down but he did and it is so cute to have two playing dogs again. Watson is a great puppy, very goofy and cuddly. He does well in puppy class but is learning (slowly) not to be such a big…
Added by Bev Levy on May 21, 2014 at 6:19pm — 7 Comments
So I had a very eventful Friday last week. I ended up rescuing three abandoned kittens that some jerk face decided to leave by the dumpster while I was taking Dodger out to do his morning business. I didn't think people could get any worse. The kittens were in bad shape. One has already been re-homed and I have been rehabilitating the most emaciated of the group. Kisa had a split nostril and after tending to it, the split has finally been healing. Of course, my husband wasn't too happy…
ContinueAdded by Autumn and Jonathan on May 21, 2014 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments
Added by Laura Taylor on May 20, 2014 at 11:10pm — No Comments
Added by Laura Taylor on May 20, 2014 at 5:12pm — No Comments
Well, we've about finished the first full week of the second ten-day round of antibiotics for Ruby the Corgi Pup's UTI. Whether she's "cured" (or about to be) remains to be seen; I'm supposed to take another urine sample in to Dr. Bracken next Friday.
She's peeing on the floor much less frequently. And the gross odor is almost gone. Not so much syrupy urine is getting stuck on the fur between her cute little hind legs, and so she doesn't stink all the time, nor does…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on May 18, 2014 at 11:36am — 3 Comments
Here's the news most of you have been waiting patiently to hear.
Ein is now breathing through his nose and for the most part acting himself, in other words, like all the other Corgwn in the world, but with attitude galore.
Ein had his oncologist appointment on Tuesday of this week and we keep feeling like we've been punched in the gut.
The doctor discussed with us what she saw in all the reports and ran over our options.
1.) We could do radiation therapy. It would…
ContinueAdded by David W. on May 15, 2014 at 6:00am — 14 Comments
-heard this on NPR yesterday. Read/listen all the way to the end.
Added by Beverly Butler Redford & Tucker on May 14, 2014 at 11:39am — 2 Comments
Okay! This afternoon it was off to Dr. Bracken, the wonderful vet who used to care for Walt the Greyhound and Anna the GerShep, whom I abandoned only because his practice is a long drive from home.
He examined Ruby the Ailing Corgi Pup and pronounced her fundamentally very strong and healthy. Said she's on target for her weight, her fur and eyes and ears and all that are excellent. He examined the urine I extracted from her about an hour before he arrived and reported that…
ContinueAdded by Vicky Hay on May 12, 2014 at 9:00pm — 7 Comments
Banner day for Ashton and John at the Cascade Pembroke Welsh Corgi Specialty Match. Team Ashton competed in Novice Obedience and took First place with a score of 188! To top it off Ashton also received High Scoring Dog in Match! Yeah Team Ashton!!
Added by Gail and Ashton on May 10, 2014 at 8:06pm — 3 Comments
Maple is a good sleeper lol... it was so funny last night because she must have been in her REM sleep and having an exciting dream! She was growling, barking and kicking in her sleep! She'd wimper, and then back to growling was so cute and funny :) I have never seen her in such an active sleeping state but it definitely was adorable.
Is this normal?
Tell me about your experiences with this! I'd love to hear them. Thanks for posting!
Added by Maple (owners Alicia n Orlando) on May 9, 2014 at 1:56pm — 6 Comments
Tucker broke a front claw. It isn't bleeding but I can see the red interior. It isn't broken completely off. should I clip off the part that is still there? Take him to the vet?
I've never had this happen.
Added by Beverly Butler Redford & Tucker on May 9, 2014 at 11:36am — 5 Comments
Hello there, I'm pretty new to the world of corgi (even tho I've always thought they were beautiful) but I never thought I'd be able to house one....
My boyfriend and I are getting our 1st place together (most likely a 1 bedroom flat with street access) and he said once we are all settled in and panic over we can get a corgi (probably not for another year but YAY ^_^) so I've been reading as much information as I can so I know I can give our little corgi the happiest life…
ContinueAdded by Hollie Smith on May 8, 2014 at 5:39am — 10 Comments
About a 3 or so months ago, we started noticing a decline in Bella's sweetness and maturity around other dogs - and even some people.
Both off leash and on leash she has become very disturbed by any dog's presence and growls and barks in a threatening manor. We are new to this kind of behavior. She's never been this way before, and was always very social and even a bit submissive at times toward others. But now she stands assertive and bold, almost as a challenge to…
ContinueAdded by Madeline and Bella on May 7, 2014 at 4:00pm — 7 Comments
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