Okay, we're all having a major debate on this end about something, so hopefully I can turn to some Corgi owners and get some good advice.
Well, wait, we're Corgi owners, we're all good, right? *grin*
So, here's the situation. I'm having some graphics done to match my logo for the shop - basically, we were looking for something to put on the back of shirts as well as the front, so that you can tell who works there from both sides. Poor employees will now get harassed both…
Added by Shepdog on July 21, 2008 at 5:30pm —
I was playing with Risa today, when he suddenly grabbed the zipper of my sweater and chewed it. Then he let it go and crunched something - I thought it was a piece of kibble, but where did he get it? On my sweater? No no, not at all! It was his tooth he crunched! His first puppy tooth is out and there's a teeny-weeny hole in his gum. The neighbouring tooth is also waggling, it seems that the first two puppy teeth will be out after today dinner. What a big thing :)
Added by wendulik on July 21, 2008 at 1:36pm —
My Bailey bear turns 6 months old today! Happy 6 months to Bailey! Woo! Nothing special going on at home - but I'll give him some extra hugs when I get home from work. =) He's becoming such a manly man so fast! I can't believe its been 4 months already. Bailey's going in for neuter surgery on August 15th (he doesn't know it yet….. But I'm going to surprise him on the 14th by taking a vacation day at work so I can take him out and about before he gets his you know whats chopped off). He's really…
Added by Karen & Bailey on July 21, 2008 at 12:08pm —
Well, it took a frap session or two with his new ferret buddy for him to learn that with a running start, even stubby-legged elongated fox-dogs can make it onto the couch. So naturally that is his new favorite thing but the more I "NO!" and try to get him down the more he keeps getting up. Right in front of me none the less. There are four couches in the house and if I thwart his attempts at the back-living-room's two he immediately runs to the others and bounces around on them.
Added by James on July 21, 2008 at 11:31am —
I just found THIS awesome bomber jacket on there. Ryan bought it for me with his last bit of money. I love this man.
I have been dying to get a bomber jacket for Banzai. This one is perfect. Of course we'll have to wait till he gets older to put it on him. The size is perfect, and even though it says large the sleeves aren't long, 20" from neck to tail (or lack there of). Now for the leather collar and aviator hat.
Added by FuzzyButt on July 21, 2008 at 11:00am —
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It was kaley~corgi's first corgi meet up at the park, Shoreline dog park, mountain view, calif! A very polite bunch, no major chasing or herding and good no fighting!

Kaley~corgi tried to get a corgi pup to play chase but no takers! It was the most polite and simple hang out bunch, about, 10 -15 corgis!
I had fun taking pics and you can go here to… Continue
Added by sandra on July 20, 2008 at 10:30pm —
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I have three Corgi's who absolutely love the water another one who likes it but doesn't love it, one who hates it and two who only tolerate water. The three who love the water have a pool of their own and spend every evening running in and out of it when the weather is good. It's so fun to watch them, Porter actually swims in his pool. He had one run in with a sheep water trough that he jumped in expecting it to have a bottom like his pool. Discovering that his new pool was very deep and he…
Added by Great Basin Corgi's on July 20, 2008 at 5:54pm —
Today we took Sidney to rattlesnake avoidance training. Wow, it's hard to hear your baby yelp like that and become so scared, but he passed with flying colors. There are so many rattlers in our area that I feel better knowing that now he will avoid them!
The train in three phases. The first was Sight and Scent recognition. Sidney was very curious about the snake, but he…
Added by Geri & Sidney on July 19, 2008 at 5:36pm —
Okay, so mabye you know a while back we found a "stray?" ferret. I did what I could and finally turned it over to a ferret rescue. Well, I sort of missed the little girl (as smelly as she was) and I recently adopted a ferret kit(baby). He is one of the little brown/black/white ones in that "racoon" pattern, absoutely adorable no doubt. He was sweet when I chose him, he was nice the ride home, he loved his cage (It's massive, the size of an armoire). He was all cuddly in my hands he is using his…
Added by James on July 19, 2008 at 3:37am —
Hi guys! It's been awhile since I've written, and a lot has happened. First, Sandy made a one-way trip to the vet, and I was VERY sad for a long time. I laid around like a blob, hardly ate (imagine that!), cried every time mommy left, and was miserable. Well, my family decided the remedy was a new puppy, and not even a corgi at that!! They brought home this skinny, long-legged thing. I will tell you I was none too happy about it at first. I growled at her for a week or so when she angered me,…
Added by Wynne Phillips on July 18, 2008 at 8:34pm —
1 Comment
Leon has been doing great since his emergency surgery to get that damn evil needle out. Every day he heals up a little bit more and every day I worry a little bit less. The way he is, you would never know he had surgery unless he rolled over and showed you his tummy. Been running around like nothing happened. Just a little bit calmer when indoors since he was also neutered. I hate decisions like that when they have to be made spur of the moment, still don't regret it though.
Leon got…
Added by Cam on July 18, 2008 at 5:44pm —
Rio is available for adoption at the Nevada SPCA. He is 6 years old, housetrained, good with kids of all ages, good with other dogs.
Calm senior, small Corgi & Chihuahua mix, good with other dogs, sweet female, 11 yrs.
Playful boy, Corgi mix, special needs (territorial), experienced home, 6 yrs.
Adoption hours: 11am-5pm Friday & Saturday, 11am-4pm Monday through Thursday, and closed on…
Added by Sam Tsang on July 18, 2008 at 12:00pm —
UPDATE*** Ok guys, since everyone had so many questions, I called and talked to Carie a minute ago, the corgis are still here, they are 1-3 years old, in the
Clermont area. She said the corgis are house trained, great temperment, both spayed. This is first come first serve, if you're interested, call Carie directly, tell her that Sam from MyCorgi.com sent you. Thanks!
Hey everyone,
Sorry to bother you but I was looking for some help.…
Added by Sam Tsang on July 18, 2008 at 10:30am —
I am very tired, finished cleaning part of the house, there are more to go. As I saw some of the member said... a slave to my doggies. Since I have dogs, I clean house, dog-houses once a week ,that's a bit over done for my own tradition.
Anyway, they are better with the vacuum now, not really 100 %, it’s chaotic then. They calm down and stay in their house as I tell them, until my work’s done.
You know what, when I got the first dog, I did not have any hope that I can talk to my dogs,…
Added by Gizmo on July 17, 2008 at 8:25pm —
2 days ago, Charlie officially went in to heat. Not sure how long the little bits of blood are going to last.. We tried putting a diaper on her, but that didn't last too long, she always manages to tear it off when I'm not looking! But none-the-less she's officially an adult now :-)
Added by Charlie on July 17, 2008 at 4:00pm —
So I took Faye to the vet this morning and there was a lady sitting a couple feet from me carrying a cat wrapped in a towel. She kept saying out loud that her cat was bit by a dog yesterday. I understand her fear, but there was a pitbull, a german shepherd and a standard poodle around her, but she chose to throw a fit about my little, harmless corgi. She kept yelling "NO!!" at Faye every time she moved from her position. My name was called and I got up and started walking toward the doctor when…
Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 17, 2008 at 4:20am —
Risa is a typical corgi when it comes to eating. He's golluping and swallowing his food so fast, that he often hiccups after meal. However, what I'm really worried about is his jaw. His mandible is too narrow, so his stomach tooht (aka lower canine?) is getting right into the gum of his upper jaw making a tiny hole there (without being bloody or inflamed). I give Risa a lot of things to chew, but the jaw is still narrow. Yesterday I spoke with my vet about this. Half year ago he advised me to…
Added by wendulik on July 17, 2008 at 2:54am —
Brodey won't stop producing hair. I tell him all the time that he wouldn't be so hot if he didn't have so much hair. Stubborn. My house is covered in hair, anyone that visits is soon covered in hair. It is some what embarrassing. No matter how much I brush him, he still has more hair falling off. You would think he would go bald eventually. Well, I today I ordered a FURminator. I will let you know how it goes when it gets here. I am also thinking about getting a spinning wheel so I can make…
Added by Brodey's Mom on July 16, 2008 at 10:10pm —
Well I went out to feed/play with Lily this morning. I am having some problems with my sciatic nerve so I am a little slow walking, bending, and moving in general. Yesterday when I was out with her, I was able to hide it because we had all gone out to play with her. Today, though, she noticed that I was hurting and did run a little, but when I started walking, she came and was right beside me. The whole time I was doing things, she never really left my side. She even came and let me pick her up…
Added by momto3ltlgrlz on July 16, 2008 at 5:18pm —
I took Faye to the vet this morning and the doctor said it's a cirroma (sp?). It's like getting a blister, it's a sac full of fluid. Also, when she sits her legs rub against the area. She bandaged her up so she can absorb it better and also just in case her sutures burst open. That would be scary.
She's okay, I just have to restrict her movement and not let her run around at all. She even suggested being crated most of the time (I don't know about that...). No more running and…
Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 16, 2008 at 3:30pm —