So our girl Luna went out potties last night, didn't act sick or sickly, no problems, and settled down for the night.
The girls still sleep in their crates because they're still little and not terribly reliable on the chewing issue.
Well, my husband and I must have slept like ROCKS last night, because when my husband got up at 5am, he started wailing, Oh LUNAAAAAA!
She had exploded from _both ends_ all over her crate! vomit and diarrhea! Poor…
ContinueAdded by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on December 5, 2011 at 10:38pm — 8 Comments
Well.. I know I haven't really been on here for very long, but I wanted to just say thanks to EVERYONE on here.
I haven't really talked to many people that consistantly, and most not at all. Still, thank you.
Why thanks? Because this site has helped me SO much. I mean, not just getting information and knowledge of the breed, hazards, common medical issues, etc.
But also because I've never had a group of anything that made me so happy! I can be having a crappy day, and…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on December 5, 2011 at 9:11pm — 5 Comments
Hey all, Ace has been a wonderful student so far with his clicker training and I have decided to try and graduate to intermediate behaviors in order to challenge him. One trick I'd like to teach him is "prance" - that is, the bouncy, feet picked-up gait that you can sometimes see in rhythmic obedience. The problem is, I know how to teach this to dogs with "normal" legs, not so much for Ace's dwarf stumps.
Have any of you had success in teaching a corgi to prance? Free-shaping…
ContinueSo, Christmas is coming again; and with it the fleeting hope of maybe, just maybe, I could get a cute little pup under the tree. Deep down I know I'm not getting one, but a small childish part of me still longs to dream for a corgi with a red bow on Christmas...sigh...
Added by Cassondra Wilkins on December 5, 2011 at 4:23am — 8 Comments
Bear has always been my loyal keeper - no matter where I am, he is. When the neighbor gives him a treat, he brings it into the house to "eat it with me." When I stay up late, he stays in the living room with me until I head to bed.
Goldy has always been more independent and more of a loner. She likes to go out and lie on the deck by herself, she likes to sit on the hill in the back yard and overlook her kingdom and at night, you can set your watch by her - she goes…
ContinueAdded by Stephanie on December 4, 2011 at 9:26pm — 3 Comments
Oliver, who will be 6 months on 12/9, has most recently been regressing in his potty training. Twice in the past week, he has pooped and peed on the floor. He usually alerts us by barking, running in circles, etc. We even recently trained him to ring jingle bells on our front door which he only seems to do when frantic. Up until this week, he has been very good and we have had few accidents, and if any, only pee. Any insight or info would be appreciated. We are frustrated corgi…
ContinueAdded by susieq59 on December 4, 2011 at 8:12pm — 8 Comments
I haven't told my family about our puppy, Ein.
How do you tell your family that you are spending a bunch of money on a puppy, and avoid the condescending responses? I know we have made the right choice, regardless of other's opinions and wishes. We have been planning for this for over a year, now. It probably would be easier if they knew that haha but we thought we'd be getting a puppy in March and our little Ein came sooner than expected. And I am going to…
ContinueAdded by Stacy M on December 4, 2011 at 6:01pm — 31 Comments
As Charlie walked with his rifle in the Arizona dese rt far south of Phoenix, near the old airport where his business was based, he spotted something moving off in the distance. Through the scrub brush and mesquite bushes a small shape moved through the otherwise lifeless desert. Charlie raised his rifle and peered through the scope. “It must be a small badger or something”…
Added by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on December 4, 2011 at 10:30am — 13 Comments
I don't know if any of you have seen this before... but if not you should watch it. It's not corgis, but it'll definitely melt your heart. 10 beagles were rescued from a lab and let out of their crates into the sunshine and grass for the first time in their lives. My Lilu is part beagle so I see her in each of their faces. I can't imagine if something like that had happened to her.…
ContinueAdded by Jackie (Lilu & Loki) on December 3, 2011 at 10:57am — 16 Comments
Any new updates on when the 365 Day Calendar will be available?
Added by Sandi Cannon on December 2, 2011 at 11:13pm — 7 Comments
Today I got a package. That is from Elko Nevada. In the box, there are yummy looking doggie cookies from “Let Them Eat Cake…Bakery”. It is one of the winning prize from “the daily corgi Halloween costume contest” – Jeter and Cappy were the Honorable Mention winners-. My corgis knew that box was for them and got so excited.
ContinueAdded by Chris and Andrew on December 2, 2011 at 6:00pm — 7 Comments
Our little Zander had a routine neuter surgery on Wednesday and now is back in the hospital. He is dripping blood not only when he pees but all the time. Sometime it just shoots out of him. Dr. went in to see if he could find the problem but couldn't see where the blood is coming from. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this. I am so worried.
Added by Sheila Maly on December 2, 2011 at 2:23pm — 16 Comments
Time really goes by quickly. Seven months ago, Bento was born on May 2, 2011. In celebration of his birthday, he's heading off to the local SPCA for his "fixing." Poor little guy. Mommy loves you and am really sorry about the timing of the event. Unfortunately, the SPCA only schedules these surgeries on certain days.
There will be a lovely treat waiting for you when you get home! Assuming you feel like eating it.
Added by Kim Ales-Yan on December 2, 2011 at 1:23pm — 10 Comments
Hey guys, I have a personal request. My husband was diagnosed with leukemia almost two years ago, and in March we'll both be shaving our heads for cancer research. We're trying to raise $4,000 as a team, so if anyone could spare a donation, it would be greatly appreciated! Here is our team page
Thanks a million in advance to anyone who donates!
Added by Beth on December 1, 2011 at 6:57pm — 5 Comments
Guess who got picked as today's grown up puppy of the day on the daily!!!!! HARRISON did!
oh and my brother posted him here corgi reddit
He is very proud of himself . So if you can show your fellow corgi…
ContinueAdded by Harrison & Melyza on December 1, 2011 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments
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