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Snoopy: A Dog with a Past...part 2

Well, life started to calm down after about 8 months. I was housetrained, not so terrible timid & even tho I hadn't lost any weight, I was looking & feeling better. Then Annie took me to a place where there were strange dogs & a teacher in the middle of the room with a beautiful German Shepherd named Libby. Dev was there with Winston too. We went there once a week. Each time I went I met with the other dogs & did the things the teacher told us to do. I learned to sit, stay,…


Added by Sarah K on March 1, 2011 at 9:21pm — 4 Comments

The tragic death of a my corgi Nosey :(

Do you find it hard when your corgi passes away? Well think about this for a minute.


When I was little I had a corgi named Nosey, my first dog ever. He was attached to me the most out of my family. Around when he was 4 years old he got sick and we took him to the vet. The first day they said he had a stomache virus, the second day they said he had a disease; Addisons Disease. Transferring him to a vet hospital he died on my lap on the way there, but he was in his sleep…


Added by Kira Brunner on March 1, 2011 at 9:04pm — 1 Comment

Sweet Solomon

This is Solomon's first week in our home where we had to leave him in order to go to work.  My husband and I had talked seriously about crating him, I was for it and he was against it!   I felt that we should for his safety and my husband said no because that would also be confining him.  I relented with some trepediation.  I stressed the entire day at work.  On top of that we were forcasted with major storms.  I was afraid that when we got home I would have no…


Added by Solomon & Naomi's Page on March 1, 2011 at 7:44pm — 3 Comments

Snoopy: A dog with a Past

Hi, I'm Snoopy.

My real name is Cadet's Snooping in the Dark, out of Princess Furgy by CH Sleeping Cadet Willie. I was an AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I was born at Whimsy Corgi's or so I'm told. The story is that I stayed there till I was almost 1, then I was taken away to a different place. 

I don't remember much about that place. The Lady tells about it, that I was a kennel stud for the next 5 years or so. The stories she's heard are that I was taken out of my kennel only to go…


Added by Sarah K on March 1, 2011 at 11:02am — 14 Comments

Snow daaaaaaaaaaaaaay

lol get a wake up from my mom its 6:40am and my eyes dont wanna budge just barely can make out someone is calling my name "Jen! Jen Wake up" i just groan and roll over "Jen wake up its Jingle Shitting" i crack an eye and my mom is smirking at me.. she doesnt care for the snow like i do but she knows I love it.. "why dont you get dressed and take the little guy out?" I sit up stretch and look down at the ever so excited Ace. A smile fills my face just like everymorning i wake up to see… Continue

Added by Ace and Jen on March 1, 2011 at 10:49am — No Comments

A fine morning

Well this morning i gave a small stretch and a little whine came from the recliner bottum... I have been sleeping in the livingroom since winter hit since my room gets freezing and there was no way Ace was gona be up there freezing his little fuzz butt off.. see my room cant be heated since the cats would knock the heater over our house is old and has no heat other then a gas stove which is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE... so we just use space heaters lol

So anyways i woke up hearing ace whine LOL…


Added by Ace and Jen on February 28, 2011 at 7:32pm — 2 Comments

Allergy Testing a HUGE far!!!

So little Dax went in for his allergy testing today at the Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado, a specialty vet hospital in Englewood, CO. Strait off the bat we were both excited to be there. He greeted everyone behind the desk and acted as though he owned the place, even though he had never been there before. They were all very friendly and welcoming. We ended up getting there a bit earlier than I expected so we ended up waiting to see the Doc for about 45 mins. (maybe only 30 mins. I…


Added by Samantha, Daxter and Seeka! on February 28, 2011 at 6:10pm — 10 Comments

Haunted spot in my room....

I know there’s no corgi in the picture but there’s a reason for this random picture. Promise. So this is the area I charge my phone and do my makeup. For SOME reason, EVERY time I go to this area, Yoshi starts barking at me like a mad man. And it’s not just once or twice, it’s continuous. When I get up, he’ll bark at me a few more times before he finally calms down. I don’t know if…


Added by Lisa && Yoshi on February 28, 2011 at 12:23pm — 6 Comments

Swimming Corgi's & Dog Park fears

I know there are quite a few aquatic Corgi's on this site, and I've posted before about Nutty's swimming...but this weekend...OMG.  We went to Snyder Park, just to start getting aquainted again with the dog park and swimming.  I wasn't expecting Nutmeg to go in the lake.  We stopped at the lake first, and they both just walked in the shallow "beach" end, and then wanted to leave.  I made them go further into the beach area, but there were tons of BIG dogs jumping into the lake.  Cinny was…


Added by Jacki, Nutmeg & Cinnamon on February 28, 2011 at 9:23am — No Comments

Crating dogs without crate training

I am reading all the negative reviews on Amazon about the crate I just ordered for Ein. It amazes me how many people just cage their dogs without properly crate training them. Those poor scared dogs, and these people expect these crates to be indestructible.


Please, if your going to be crating your dog, take the time to train and teach them that their crate is their safe haven. Everyone will be so much happier. Here is an article I found extremely helpful when crate training…


Added by The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein on February 27, 2011 at 10:15pm — 4 Comments

My Corgi Llyr is featured on The Daily Corgi blogspot!

Today Llyr is part of the faces of DM on The Daily Corgi!

Here is a link to his story:

My boy was recently diagnosed with DM in Sept. 2010. The Daily Corgi is also doing "A drive for 5" The money raised will go to research of Degenerative Myelopathy. For as little as $5.00 (or more if you can) you will make a…


Added by Amy on February 27, 2011 at 7:01pm — 6 Comments

But Mom, I'M THE BABY!!!!

My 5 month old nephew came to visit today.  The dogs did great with him (it was their first meeting with the handsome Truman).  Bear thought he was the tastiest thing he has licked in years.  Goldy let him grab her fur and try to suck on her nose....but I think by the end of the day Goldy's jealousy kicked in and she figured if she did what the baby did, she'd get all of the attention back...the proof is in the pictures....



Added by Stephanie on February 26, 2011 at 8:00pm — 14 Comments

Modern Dog Photo Contest :)




I just recently entered to the

Modern Dog Photo Contest

 I think it would be so much fun to try . is our first time doing a contest what so…


Added by LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\ on February 26, 2011 at 5:37am — 4 Comments


I could not let the night go by without telling everyone about my new 1/2 night with Solomon.  He has been funny from the get go.  When I picked him up he was nervous and let us know it by demanding that we put him in the front seat.  My husband rode in the back after the stop at the local store for something to drink!  I talked my sweet husband into taking Solomon to Petsmart.  I never thought it would be that busy, Solomon was overwhelmed.  I felt guilty so we picked up his new collar and… Continue

Added by Solomon & Naomi's Page on February 25, 2011 at 11:38pm — 3 Comments

Phunky (Corgi) Photos

I got a little "caption" crazy yesterday and thought someone might need a laugh. Enjoy!   :)


Added by Elizabeth on February 25, 2011 at 8:51pm — 7 Comments

What wierd dog foods does your dog eat?

Ein eats radishes. Just curious


Added by Einstein Batista on February 25, 2011 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

Team Low Rider rides again!


Hello corgi people! Some of you might remember last year, I captained a team of corgis (and honorary corgis) to the second place fundraising team to benefit the Escondido Humane Society in North San Diego County.

Last year, thanks to the generosity of our donors, 22 team members raised over $13,000! Even though we were beat out by the cat ladies (Team…


Added by Geri & Sidney on February 25, 2011 at 11:47am — 1 Comment


So i just got reminded about what a cute puppy Ace was by my soon to be sis in law.. i had printed out some pictures of the little stinker the other day and she was ooooing and awwwwing over them all lol and then i got to thinking... I never posted them on here =P

so amung the pictures of ace playing in the snow... the absense of snow .... and other pictures i have been meaning to add (wish i could find the ones of ace in his new scarves *shakes fist at house for eating SD card*) I…


Added by Ace and Jen on February 24, 2011 at 6:19pm — 2 Comments

Snow Day!

Finally atlast! We have enough snow to play in!!

I got video and Pictures of ace playing in the snow <3 I knew he would like it because when the ground froze he had a blast making the crunchy noises lol~

we played out there for a good Hour or so but now the snow is melting it should be back tonight so him and i can have more adventures tomorrow~

Possibly will take him to the dog park tomorrow especially if i wake up as early as i did today =D

on a sad note: I lost the…


Added by Ace and Jen on February 24, 2011 at 1:57pm — 1 Comment


Chloe went to Rainbow Bridge on February 17, 2011.  I miss her more than words can say.  She was a worry Corgi so I miss the "checking" on me several times before I leave for work in the morning.  I miss the waiting at the door knowing that I'm about to come in.  I miss the Bunny Butt wiggling like crazy cause she is happy to see me.  I miss those big beautiful, expressive eyes looking at me with such…


Added by Solomon & Naomi's Page on February 24, 2011 at 11:47am — 10 Comments

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