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Introducing.... Griffen!

After a six and a half hour drive through torrential rain and flooding (eek), I arrived in Texas to find eleven very beautiful puppies (there are two litters)! The mothers and father were both on site and were they too were very stunning. I was able to narrow down the field to five puppies because I wanted a male. There were two tri's, a fluffy, and two red/whites. It came down to the two red and whites, but after that the decision was impossibly difficult. One was a little more rambunctious… Continue

Added by Kate on May 8, 2008 at 12:05pm — 4 Comments

(TOMORROW) Sherry Baker Clinic at The SoCal Stockdog Herding Training Meetup


Friday, May 9, 2008 at 9:00 AM


The Pasture

5865 Robinson Riverside Enter gate w/ Big brown Vouge motorhome

Riverside , CA 92503


Who should come

Those who wish to learn.


A chance to hear Sherry's lecture and watch her work with beginners.

Fee of 30.00 to audit clinic


The Clinic spots are all full but you can still… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on May 8, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

The Amazing 8-hour Cheez-it (now with no leaks)

At the least time expected I came down with a dramatic case of "the work". You know the symptoms, pretend-coughing, lack of initiative, that bland Mon-Fri look in the face. I unknowingly answered a ringing phone (what else do you do with one) before checking the Caller-ID. I knew my mistake before even finishing "hello". There was some emergengy, so-and-so wouldnt be able to come in in time and things needed to be done! Somehow, unfortunately my name was at the top of a memo entitled… Continue

Added by James on May 8, 2008 at 2:00am — 6 Comments

Corgi Coughing? help please!

my corgi ( charlie ) has been coughing recently. more and more often everyday.

it first started 4 days or 3 days ago. i havent let him out of the house but he sniffs around. he likes to go in those small gaps between my bed and the wall. and sniff up all the dirt. hes been coughing and i can hear the mucus in his throat. he looks sad :(

he spitted out once and i grabbed him immediately and cleaned it. but he always not cough it out and swallow it back in. can someone pls help me? i… Continue

Added by mike on May 7, 2008 at 10:08pm — 6 Comments


Hi all,

I just finished reading a post that talked a little bit about limping in corgis, but my situation is a little bit different, so I thought I'd post it as well.

Buckley is a very happy and active 2 year old corgi. We started noticing that after he'd been resting for awhile, or first thing in the morning when we get up, that he would be limping on his hind left leg. Because he is so active, we thought that maybe he'd pulled a muscle, but it didn't really make sense… Continue

Added by Buckley's folks on May 7, 2008 at 7:30pm — 7 Comments

web sites and buying puppies

Many times I have heard people mention that they found a great breeder on the web and they are reputable breeders. Truly the web sites are quite easy to navigate and tell the reputable breeders apart from those breeding for profit. I thought perhaps sharing that information may help people make a more educated decision when starting the search for a pup.

A reputable breeders site:

Here you will learn the name of the breeder, the kennel and see a bio about who they are,… Continue

Added by Sam on May 7, 2008 at 6:34pm — 5 Comments

Home at last!

Well, everything went off without a hitch yesterday! I got to the airport at around 9:30 and Riley's flight got in at 9:35. By 10:05 I was walking out the door with the carrier in hand. Unfortunately, the airline's scissors broke, so they didn't have any to cut the zip ties with! Thankfully, my resourceful boyfriend happened to have his cigar lighter on him - butane will burn through anything! Those ties were off in a matter of miliseconds!

Riley was a little hesitant to come out of… Continue

Added by Lindsay on May 7, 2008 at 3:00pm — 9 Comments

White Deer

Henry and the rest of the pack are walked in the woods each morning early (6 am) during the summer. We're lucky in living in the Corvallis area because we are surrounded by the OSU (Oregon State University) research forests. They allow off leash, under control dogs on the trails, and gated roads.

Returning from the woods yesterday morning my friend and I saw a white deer. At first Tina though it was a rabbit. You must remember this is early, especially for a night person and WHITE,… Continue

Added by Suzanne on May 7, 2008 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

When Cats ATTACK!!

This morning Ginny was attacked by a really mean stray cat! I was taking her out to do her "business" early this morning when it happened. I live on the second floor in a condo and outside my door is a hallway. My neighbors insist on keeping the doors to the hallway propped open with rocks. Anyways, we stepped out the door and I saw this big black cat in the door of the hallway. It hissed and looked mean so I told Ginny to "leave it" and we went the other way to avoid it. But this evil cat-jerk… Continue

Added by Ginny and Diggory on May 7, 2008 at 1:10pm — 4 Comments

Crate Digging...

So every night when Kiwi gets in her crate to go "sleepy time" (as my husband and I call it), she lays down and just starts scratching at the corners and sides of her crate. It doesn't bother us, and we always laugh b/c she sounds like she's so intent on getting somewhere, in fact, we've dubbed her the "Shawshank Dog." Anybody know what this incessant digging and scratching is about? Is it to tire them out? Or, are they really trying to get somewhere? It normally lasts between 10-15 minutes and… Continue

Added by Carlie on May 7, 2008 at 10:24am — 10 Comments

So far so good...

Blaze has been doing so well at home for the past three days!! I took him to meet his vet on Monday (he isn't due for shots, but figured I'd get them off to a good start) and everything checked out fine. Got his flea/tick/heartworm medication on, and the vet showed me a strategy to assert my dominance over him, which I really liked, since I wasn't having much luck with the "turn back on him or walk away" approach. Blaze would just happily run along and nip me all the while.

Soooooo,… Continue

Added by Kimberly on May 7, 2008 at 10:10am — 12 Comments

New puppy

After much thought, we did decide to get a little boy puppy. At the breeders, Rosie acted like she was afraid of him and wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Now that he is at home, I am surprised at how well they are getting along. Rosie rolls over onto her back and the puppy and her play. When she has had enough she gets up and walks away. We feed them in different areas of the kitchen and puppy has some crate time so Rosie can have the run of the house by herself. I got out voted on our… Continue

Added by Laurie on May 7, 2008 at 9:19am — 6 Comments

He needs to get over himself, he's a dog!


Well some good news! (sort of)

Today, literally right after leaving the vets office for 2nd shots, he pooped in the grass and I spotted "Rice". I believe to be roundworms... The vet cant see him again until Saturday (a day and a half). Should I get some OTC dewormer? Or wait it out? I think this might be why he doesnt like to eat.


Well, the last 3 days we have been struggling with Cheez-its anorexia problem. (Not… Continue

Added by James on May 6, 2008 at 11:00pm — 20 Comments

my corgi licks his own poop stain...

title says it all.. why does he do that...
i dont even wanna let him lick my hand now..

Added by mike on May 6, 2008 at 9:03pm — 7 Comments

Ninja fanatics find top dog for canine couture campaign

A 6-year-old female Welsh corgi has been chosen from some 50 rival hounds as "poster girl" for a collection of ninja wear for dogs.

Organizers of the Iga-Ueno Ninja Festival 2005 created the special ninja suits after a visitor to last year's festival commented that ninja clothing for dogs would be a fantastic idea.

In January this year, the organizers began looking for a model to star in an advertisement for the ninja suits. Love, owned by Iga resident… Continue

Added by Sam Tsang on May 6, 2008 at 7:54pm — 2 Comments

my dog tries to bite me!

ok i know how pup corgis play bite... but this isnt play bite
this afternoon he was doing fine and i was playing with him
until he got so excited and start biting me
it ripped my skin off not all the way but a little deeper and i will bleed
i tried to make him stop by grabbing the back of his neck the soft loose skin
but he refuse to stop and tries to bite my hand.
if this continues i dont i can afford to keep him.
if anyone can help me out ill be really glad.

Added by mike on May 6, 2008 at 5:22pm — 13 Comments

What else can I do to waste time...

I just blogged yesterday about how Riley is finally flying in today, but his flight doesn't get in until 9:35 tonight! At least he is on a direct flight - that way he doesn't have to spend a really long time in his crate.

I slept in as late as possible today - yeah, that meant 8:30. Apparently my biological clock still hasn't reset since school ended. So I got up for a while, watched some TV and then fell back asleep for a while. I'm desperately trying to come up with other things to… Continue

Added by Lindsay on May 6, 2008 at 5:01pm — 4 Comments

Winston's first birthday!!!

Well, today is Winston's birthday, and the little guy is 1. Of course, he doesn't realize it's his birthday but everyone else does. He has a birthday party planned for the 16th... We're having a cookout and my friends are inviting their dogs over.. I'm pretty excited. :D I still have a lot of presents to get him!

Added by Lauren + Winston on May 6, 2008 at 2:08pm — 5 Comments

Need a name!!!

Ok, our family is just going crazy not having a name to call our little tricolor girl corgi. They don't want to wait until she is home to see more personality.

I want a girlish name. Maybe Irish or the color Green somehow since she was born on St. Patrick's Day. Maybe Welsh since the breed is from Wales. Maybe NASCAR since we live in Mooresville nicknamed Race City USA since 90+ NASCAR teams call us home. Maybe something sweet, chocolate or coffee related. Maybe something heart/love… Continue

Added by Bridget on May 6, 2008 at 12:49pm — 17 Comments

Corger Follow Up

Well, Agro is recovering just nicely. He's in full play mode today. The swelling has completely disappeared and his sutures are healing and fading. The vet used internal sutures so theres virtually no signs of a scar or anything. I also wanted to thank all those who left encouraging messages and advice on my previous posts. I'm sure Agro appreciates them as well.

Added by Agro Ein on May 6, 2008 at 12:18pm — 2 Comments

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