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Itty bitty day-old corgi babies

Helllo all,

I just received an email from a breeder whose waiting list I am on, Susan Jacob, with pictures of Mary and her nine (!) puppies that were born yesterday via c-section, and I wanted to share. One of these little babies may be mine in a few months. :D…


Added by Bailey B. on March 5, 2013 at 2:32pm — 19 Comments

Bathtime for Oscar & Sam @ "The Castle"

Well it's that time of the month again Sam jumps in the spa bath all sudsed  up his favourite doggie shampoo he looks at me as if to say Dad turn on the spa jets lets liven things up here!. I don't think so!. Next minute I hear the Boys other dad on the stairs Paul has been on the night shift @ the hospital. Sam hears his Dad jumps out of the bath dripping wet shampoo suds everywhere and proceeds to jump all over Paul! what a sight. Oscar is looking at me the regal Dog that he is with a look…


Added by Brian D Graham on March 5, 2013 at 1:00am — No Comments

Help! Oakley seems kind of sick

So my puppy is almost 5 months old. Has all his shots and today he has been having diareah 3 times already. It's not bloody and he is still active and has a healthy appetite. So I don't think it's parvo. He also has been having a lot of eye boogers and the inner eye lid looks pink. I was thinking it was due to allergies. He also threw up white foam. Please help, thank you

Added by Samantha Hernandez on March 4, 2013 at 4:21pm — 11 Comments

ACL & Hip Displysia

Good morning All,

I'm reading more and more about ACL & Hip Displysia in our corgi's now I'm worried for Oscar as he is now what we class as a senior! 10 years I have him on weight management ekanuba I also have him on the Barf Diet( bones & raw food plus raw vegs carrots some pumpkin though I have read pumpkin is high in sugar!. Oscar and Sam also get 1000 mgs of fish oil capsule everyday. We limit how much Oscar runs around in the park with Sam but he loves it! Sam is only 5…


Added by Brian D Graham on March 3, 2013 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

Sammie first surgery.

Sammie's first surgery on one of her legs is the 11th this month! We are getting both legs done because she tore both ACL's. Please donate or spread the word to raise money for theses surgeries. Sammie's link to corgipals is.

Added by Elizabeth Throneberry on March 3, 2013 at 3:25pm — 3 Comments

Fiona's first month home

After all of the months of research and waiting and planning and preparation...Fiona finally came home on February 1st.  And oh, what a month it's been!

I have a…


Added by Natalie, Fiona, & Django on March 3, 2013 at 10:00am — 15 Comments

Which Furminator to Buy?

I am looking to buy the Furminator and I noticed that the Medium size comes in either for short hair or long hair. Has anyone found one to be better over the other? I have a 6 month old Pembroke who is shedding her puppy fur like crazy and I want to buy the size that will work for her when she is an adult. I hear that the furminator is great. Thank you for any advice you can give.

Added by Carol & Emma Phillips on March 3, 2013 at 7:22am — 3 Comments

Puppy Breeding factories

Here in Australia the RSPCA is trying to stamp out these factories that are pumping out puppies at an alarming rate!. The pet shop chains here in Australia are selling them at an alarming rate!. I look at these puppies in these glass cages and people pay a fortune for them with no history on the puppy!. I know the Government is trying to stamp out these puppy factories! how well it is working I do not know?. My vet told me that most of her clients who bring in these pups they always have…


Added by Brian D Graham on March 2, 2013 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Designer Dogs

I was out last week walking Oscar & Sam in our local Heritage Park near our home I can let them off to go exploring and look for rabbits that they never seem to catch but just mention the R word and their off!. I watch all the other dogs in the park and more & more you are seeing the designer dog around!. With the Oddle at the end of it's name! Everybody knows a Corgi and are all excited when Oscar is in the park they always come upto him and Sam and make a fuss!. Call me old…


Added by Brian D Graham on March 2, 2013 at 5:00pm — 9 Comments

Lucy & Back Issue

It's tough to accept as she is not quite 2 years old, but Lucy is having difficulty with her hind legs, weakness that makes it nearly impossible to go up a step or even walk. Had to take her to the vet who x-rayed her, though it did not show much. Given her symptoms and how she is walking, he believes it is some kind of disk problem--it just couldn't show up on the x-ray. She is on restricted rest and some meds. I am supposed to watch for "knuckling" that will indicate a decline and then I…


Added by Laura Rochette on March 2, 2013 at 7:48am — 5 Comments

Sad week

Hi All

I never posted before but needed some comfort. After 1 year of all family members getting bitten badly, 2 trainers, 2 behaviorists, vet checks, meds and many scary growling incidents at other people we had no choice but to bring our beloved corgi back to the breeder who then euthanized him. Needless to say rescue would not take him nor could he be re-homed.

We made the difficult decision after the last violent attack which lasted for a good part of an hour. Our home became an… Continue

Added by Amy Channen on March 2, 2013 at 12:41am — 32 Comments

Congrats on the newest addition to the family!.

Isn't it exciting when the day comes for your Child(puppy) to come home!. Yes we do go nuts and buy everything in the petstore!. I remember when Oscar came home as a 3 month old puppy I took a months Parental leave everybody @ work laughed but it was the best time bonding with Oscar!. As a parent of a 4 legged child it is just as important to be there for them as it is for a 2 legged Child!. I believe that those first few months sets them up for life!. sleepless nights puppy porrige! the…


Added by Brian D Graham on March 1, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Corn Cobs

Help can someone correct me here I gave Oscar a corn cob when he was a young dog I mentioned this to my vet she read me the riot act!!! It was a NO!! NO!!! I was informed that it could get lodged in the throat and cause other problems if not chewed and digested properly?? I give Oscar raw carrot and apple roughly chopped I was told the carrot was good for their teeth and eyes!.

What are your thoughts on this!.


Brian & Oscar

Added by Brian D Graham on March 1, 2013 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

Ed of

Many of you may already know this, but Edward, a very sweet 2 year old corgi went in for surgery to remove a polyp in her bladder, and had her bladder rupture. This required emergency surgery to repair her bladder, and she will still need to under go more surgery, as well as vet care for another week or so. As you can imagine, this is not cheap! Poor Ed's Momma is a student, and need all the help she can get to pay for Ed's care. The latest news on Ed is that she made it through the night,…


Added by Lindsay, Fae, and Jimmy on March 1, 2013 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

Happy belated Valentine's Day from Sidney and Connie

I took Sidney and Connie to a doggie Valentine's Day party, and we visited the photo booth :)

That totally focused look on Connie's face? The photographer had a squeeker, haha. Connie is NUTS for a squeeker!

Added by Geri & Sidney on February 27, 2013 at 9:26pm — 6 Comments

Car + Park Adventures

today was machete’s first ride in the ‘74 in his new, snazzy puppy booster seat!

we went to cushing park, and met a cute ol’ pug named…


Added by rae on February 27, 2013 at 6:02pm — 8 Comments

Chow Hound Without an Appetite

My Corgi Lola tends to act like a chow hound by making sure to eat all of her food in one sitting and even lick all of the crumbs out of the bowl.  However, this past week she has been barely touching her food, won't eat it all in one sitting, and spills her water all over the place.  Normally we can't do anything to get her away from her dish until everything is gone but now we can't seem to do anything to get her to go to her dish in the first place...  Since we live over an hour from the…


Added by Lola and Paige on February 26, 2013 at 11:33am — 17 Comments

Puppy/Rabbit relations

So last night at about 1am my husband and I took our rabbit, Gregory to the animal hospital because we were worried about him given that he hadn't eaten any of his hay or veggies. We even gave him a strawberry (his favorite) and he refused it. He had been this way for several hours and his temperature was off as well. Having lost our other Corgi last December we are still a bit gun shy when it comes to our pets health. So, if for no other reason than to calm our nerves we went to the…


Added by Krista J Curtiss on February 25, 2013 at 8:37pm — 3 Comments

Cruising Dog Friendly

Hi All

My next question we all vacation right! we even take our dogs on vacation with us right!. Why is there not a cruise company out there that is dog friendly well within reason!. My partner Paul and I love cruises!. We have to get someone in to dog sit for us while we are away God forbid I would never put my guys in a kennel. I saw the look on the guys faces as we were leaving for the ship I almost didn't go!.

It cant be that hard as you would need a Balcony suite…


Added by Brian D Graham on February 25, 2013 at 6:42pm — 1 Comment

Getting Spayed Today

I dropped Ellie off at the vet this morning to get spayed.  I'm not sure which one of us is the bigger wreck.  Ellie hates new people/places.  I hate putting her through something painful and scary.  I tried not to show it because the Alpha dog is supposed to be strong, but I might have failed there.  The vet tech could definitely tell I didn't want to leave her.

I know it's healthier for Ellie.  I know this is routine.  I know dogs bounce back quickly.  But I'm worried for my girl,…


Added by Heather & Ellie on February 25, 2013 at 9:12am — 21 Comments

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