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Invitation to all!!

Hi to all corgi lovers!!

I have just started my own blog where I will be posting things that interest me and things that I love. Of course, corgis will be a big part of my blog, and alot of other things regarding design too.

I am inviting all my fellow corgi owners to view my blog and hopefully to get some followers of my blog. Feel free to comment as much as you like, and you can also subscribe to the blog.

Blog:… Continue

Added by Chantel & Princess Bella on October 15, 2008 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

Ofie's Too Small

Today was Ofelia's third trip to the dog park. Her second time went great! She had so much fun! After a couple of minutes' hesitation, she jumped right in and had fun. Then today, it was even better. She didn't hesitate at all. I wish she had a dog her own size to play with, though. All of the dogs there are much larger than her - twenty to sixty pounds heavier. The smallest one is another 5 month old puppy that has about 15 pounds on her. They love each other, but the size difference is pretty… Continue

Added by Mariana on October 14, 2008 at 7:23pm — No Comments

KC went to the vet

This morning my little girl went to the vet to get fixed. I was of course more upset about this then she was, for one thing she was peeved at me for having to spend the whole night in the crate and then having to be on the leash all morning until it was time to go. Secondly, the lady at the desk when I took her in did a "Oh you are so cute" so that was KC's cue to wiggle and kiss and snuggle, and she was like "yeah, whatever Mom" about me leaving her there. On the one hand I guess that is a… Continue

Added by Laura Jones on October 14, 2008 at 5:12pm — 4 Comments

Life with Gibson: 15 weeks old

Welllll...... Gibson sleeps in bed w/us now *whoops*. He has just been so good this past week, and me and my husband decided to let him in bed w/us Friday night. He was so cute, he just plopped down at the foot of the bed and fell asleep :) He still did not wake me up in the morning, just waited for me to get up like he does in his crate. The next night he got up and started kissing us on the faces and tried sleeping on our pillows, so we put him back in his crate..but he slept w/us again last… Continue

Added by Kelly on October 14, 2008 at 10:37am — 4 Comments

Thanks for all the support

Hey everyone we are doing ok. I am trying to put my thoughts on paper and possibly write a book one day about coping with pet loss because there is not that many good books out there to read. It is disappointing. Sorry if I miss spell words I have my glasses off to rest my eyes and I have trouble seeing the keys lol I'm only 22 oh well anyways...My boss came to work today with flowers for me because she knew how much Riley meant to us! That was so sweet! I'm so glad that some people realize… Continue

Added by Sir Riley of Pembroke on October 13, 2008 at 9:55pm — 9 Comments

Corgi needs rescued from Peoria Animal Shelter (PAWS)

There is a male corgi who was picked up as a stray and is now at the Peoria, Illinois Animal Shelter (PAWS). He needs a home. The shelter has to keep him for five days to see if his owner claims him, but if they don't he only has a short time. Their telephone number, if anyone is interested, is (309) 494-8700. Does anyone know who does corgi rescue in Central Illinois?

Added by Laurie on October 13, 2008 at 9:40pm — 1 Comment

Trice's rough weekend

Two weeks in and Trice is adjusting well. He still has issues with mouthing and jumping on people (small kids are terrified of this) but I know in time training can curb that. He is peeing on the pads but I wish I can say the same for the poop. And walks are a hit or miss. Sometimes he’ll love to go on walks and other times he completely REFUSES. We also recently switched to a gentle leader and bring treats with us on the walks. Hopefully he’ll get used to it. I REALLY hope he… Continue

Added by Trice on October 13, 2008 at 12:00pm — 2 Comments

Bittersweet First Days

I was so excited to bring Dr. Gonzo home. He's got the most adorable personality, and already follows me everywhere, I'm in love! He even gets along well with my cat, it's too cute!

Now here's the sad news...

Gonzo brought a lot of energy in the house, along with worms. The infestation is getting worse, he had a stool in the kitchen and there were no less then fifteen worms on the floor, not counting the stool itself. I called the breeder immediatly, she was horrified and… Continue

Added by Tenley on October 13, 2008 at 3:16am — 3 Comments

After 1.5 years ... Kaijuu can finally lay down and do BANG!

I honestly tried to make him lay down for quite some time .. until recently he was in favor of laying down .. .and just today, did BANG! haha he lays over on his side and stays still :]

he even learned to handshake on the same day!!!

is it bad to call ur dog puppy even if its 1.5 years old? haha :[ forever be my puppy

Added by Linda and Kaijuu Le on October 13, 2008 at 2:15am — 5 Comments

Food Switch - Kirkland to Chicken Soup

Well, I've decided that I'm not really satisfied with the results I'm getting from the Kirkland. After Shippo has been on this food for about 3 months, he has begun to get fleas when he's never EVER had them (In the 16 years I've been living in CO, NONE of my dogs have EVER gotten fleas), so to me, this means that the food he's been eating could possibly have something to do with his resistance towards fleas. I guess we'll see if that's the case in a couple months. He has also been having a lot… Continue

Added by Shippo & Koga Corgis on October 13, 2008 at 1:57am — 7 Comments

Must stop buying toys...

This is the latest and he is loving it and will allow me to get Crinkle Cat washed. But the realistic duck sound is just disturbing.

Added by Madog on October 12, 2008 at 9:39pm — 4 Comments

Swapping Food...

Me and Madog have been very busy campers these last couple of weeks. He just keeps getting bigger and smarter. We are having fewer accidents at work and he will pee on the grass out front which is very cool. We call it "Making Good Choices". Choosing outside is better than the boss's office.

I finally got him new food to take him off of the Iams. We went with the Blue Buffalo after much reading on the dog food analysis sites.

I tried to introduce the new food slowly by… Continue

Added by Madog on October 12, 2008 at 8:04pm — 3 Comments

Agility training

My 3year old female Corgi would love to do agility training We are in Minneapolis, anyone have any places? She would love to herd also..

Added by susan Kaplan on October 12, 2008 at 6:06pm — No Comments


I kind of miss Max today. I still can't believe he is gone. Every now and then I look at LO and feel a bit guilty that I love him so much. Max, we love you and will see you at rainbow bridge.

Added by Nicola Porter on October 12, 2008 at 11:14am — 2 Comments

unique names...

I am so enjoying looking at everyones pics, and some of the very unique names of your pups! :)

Added by Tanya Taylor on October 11, 2008 at 5:18pm — 1 Comment

Tomorrow's the big day!

I just got a phone call--Dr. Gonzo's all good to go! Tomorrow after work I get to go pick the little guy up and I could not be more excited! The breeder told me he has the most outgoing and sweet personality of the litter, which makes me happy.

Added by Tenley on October 10, 2008 at 11:46pm — 5 Comments

Getting Comfortable at the Dog Park

I took Ofelia to the dog park for the first time today. It's a small dog park in my apartment community. There were about ten other dogs there. When I brought her in and took her leash off, they all went for her, and she jumped right through an opening between the fence post and the storage building. So I had to get her back, and bring her back in. I didn't want to overexpose her, but I knew from watching them that these were all stable dogs, so we tried again. And after about 20 minutes she… Continue

Added by Mariana on October 10, 2008 at 6:32pm — 3 Comments

Sidney's one reckless, lucky corgi!

Hi, it's me, Sidney, again.

I had quite a week. Some of you know I was in an accident on Monday this week. Me and big brothers Bruce and Chester were coming in from a walk, and I decided I was not done exploring. I got away from my Mom at the front door, and like a dummy I took off for the street. I didn't look at where I was going, I heard Mom and her Dad yelling at me - really loud - to stop, come back, but I didn't care. The wind was in my ears and it felt good to run so fast with… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on October 10, 2008 at 6:23pm — 5 Comments

Yogi's day out.

I was babysitting Yogi today. He seems to change everyday. Tomorrow is a week!! Can't believe it. He had a play date with a friend's dog. They had a wonderful time. He did fall into her pool.. however, he swims very good for a 9 week old puppy.. it didn't seem to bother him at all. Gizmo is getting better with him.. but still won't break down and PLAY with him like he wants. But CoCo did.. and he was worn out by the time we left. He also went to see some nurses at the hospital. Had to post the… Continue

Added by Gail's Lil' Gizmo on October 9, 2008 at 9:21pm — No Comments

Life with Gibson: 14 weeks old

This past weekend my husband and I took Gibson to a forest preserve to do some hiking! He absolutely loved it, he's definitely an outdoors pup :) He loved going down this hill to see the river. He got so excited and started frapping all over the place. I would've let him go in, but I forgot to bring a towel and we brought the car w/leather seats, whoops! I think his FAVORITE part of the whole thing though, was meeting random people. I swear, he just loves meeting anyone new and having them tell… Continue

Added by Kelly on October 9, 2008 at 12:18pm — 4 Comments

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