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Large Corgi?

Like I said before, Foxy is a very big corgi. Like 35 to 37 pounds big. He's not fat, he's actually rather fit. He's healthy. I just think he's big. Just like how people are big, without being fat. Does anyone else have a big/large corgi? 

Added by Darcie Kinnison on March 1, 2012 at 9:41pm — 1 Comment

Foxy on Day 1.

Hey, I'm going to try and blog about my dog for 40 days in a row... I have trouble doing this kind of stuff, school work, and other things get in the way. But, I'm going to give it a shot.

     My corgi, Foxy (He's a boy.. I know, I know, Foxy for a boy dog isn't... isn't normal? But oh well.) Is a rather large corgi. He's 35 pounds, and sheds CONSTANTLY! He's really needy, you know, for attention. I'll be sitting on my couch... Spending some time with my cat, and here Foxy comes.…


Added by Darcie Kinnison on March 1, 2012 at 9:15pm — 1 Comment

A Tear or Two

My wife and I each have a handled basket. They are green to match the kitchen and sit on either end of the sideboard. They are catch-alls for mail, etc. etc.--basically to keep stuff from lying on the cabinets. Every once in a while we "clean them out" and make final decisions on what's inside. I decided to do that yesterday. I came across a piece of folded white paper with something inside. It was Stinky Wink's county tag. We had gotten his shots just a week before he got so ill, and I had…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on March 1, 2012 at 12:26pm — 4 Comments

Socializing Breakthrough!

I am SO happy to report that today, Ace and my husband went to the atelier of a photographer (Xavier) who works in the same building as us. Ace was on a very loose leash in the presence of Xav, and did not try to hide behind my husband's legs when first being introduced.

After 6 treats dispensed in the hand of Xavier, Ace allowed the latter to pet him on the top of his head! This is HUGE! I couldn't believe it when my husband told me just how zen Ace was with being touched,…


Added by Ludi on March 1, 2012 at 10:27am — 5 Comments

Advice needed

I could really use some advise for a problem that Lucy is having. We spent two and a half hours in the emergency vet clinic this morning because she was vomiting. Total, she vomited 18 times in an hour and a half. This isn't the first time we've been to the vet for this, but this is the worst it's been. We have been to the vet five times in the last month and a half for diarrhea and vomiting and everytime we go in she's happy and energetic so the vet says she's "healthy diarrhea and healthy…


Added by Bonni B on February 29, 2012 at 2:17pm — 17 Comments

On the Other Side of the Door

I am certain that things are better on this side of the door--the healing side. Will I always stay on this side? Probably not. But I know it's here and I know how to get here. I'm sure I'll make trips back and forth through the door--at least for quite a while. I still tear-up when I think about Stinky Wink and how awfully quiet this house is during the day. He was such a wonderful friend and companion. The statue for his grave came yesterday. I have seen him sit that way so many, many…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on February 29, 2012 at 11:17am — 7 Comments

Through the Door

I was out in the back yard yesterday afternoon, checking on the many flowers which have decided it is spring. I hope they don't get an unpleasant surprise. I also came across a couple of Stinky Wink's old toys. He had an odd habit. Very often--but not always--when I asked if he wanted to go outside, he would grab the closest toy he could find (or go hunting for one) and take it outside with us. Once outside, he would drop it in the grass. He never played with it, and I could never figure it…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on February 28, 2012 at 11:35am — 5 Comments

Found a dead dog in our yard today :(

The following is a bit gruesome, so if you are sensitive to loss right now, perhaps you might want to skip this post....

So, I had just called in sick from work this morning with a cold when my phone rang.  Seemed strange at 7:30 am and I thought it might be work calling back for some reason, but it was my neighbor calling to say his wife had seen a dead dog at the bottom of our hill on her way out this morning.   They had seen the dog loose yesterday, but then…


Added by Beth on February 27, 2012 at 7:38pm — 11 Comments

Rest in Peace Mom

On February 5th 2012 my mother & London's "grammy", Shirley Jean Kyler Siegfried passed away at the age of 65 at Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey PA after a lifetime of suffering rheumatoid arthritis and twelve years fighting a mRSA staph infection.  Three days prior, on February 3rd, my partner Tracy's mother Faith Wittig passed away in hospice care at the age of 68 in a nursing home in Lebanon PA after a life of mental illness.…


Added by Mark Allen on February 27, 2012 at 5:59pm — 11 Comments

Our First AKC Event!

This weekend, Baxter and I entered our first AKC Agility Trial. It was much larger than the UKC event we entered in November (our very first agility trial ever.) We entered Saturday and Sunday in Time to Beat (Sat only,) Jumpers with Weaves, and Standard.


Time to Beat (T2B) (no video) was the first run. I was really excited about this because I don't care if we get a T2B title. It seems like not all events have this one, so I thought it was be a good first run to get all the…


Added by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on February 27, 2012 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Scars and Beyond

There is a rather long scar running down the center of my chest. It is a reminder of the heart surgery I had two years ago. Amazingly, I remember little of the surgery or the pain involved afterward, or during recovery. It's a reminder, but the negative aspects have faded. Instead, I remember that my life was saved; I remember the excellent care of doctors and nurses, the love of family and friends. I also have several small scars from gall bladder surgery last year. Though much less…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on February 27, 2012 at 12:26pm — 2 Comments


I don't understand why Pembrokes are ranked 27th most popular US breed and Cardigans 84th.   What's going on?  I think there should be a box to check on the tax returns, "Would you like a free Corgi as part of your tax refund?"  And Corgis got dissed pretty bad at Westminster.  What's up with that?

Added by GPN on February 27, 2012 at 12:03am — 1 Comment

Update (Eighteen Days Worth, so it's Pretty Long:P)

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've been able to sign onto MyCorgi, and it's been even longer since Ziggy has joined the family! I figured it was past due for an update! I wanted to do it more frequently, but things have been going a little crazy lately, and now is the time that I wound up having to be back here on MyCorgi:)

(Though I was on Facebook quite a lot--just that the hubsters wouldn't allow me on this particular site, because of some security stuff.. I was going nuts, I…


Added by Zigward & Kimberly on February 26, 2012 at 10:00pm — 6 Comments

French fry hangover...

So yesterday was my human daughter's birthday. She had a dog-loving friend spend the night,and the fur kis spent the whole evening participating in the party in her room. I don't know what all treat they got last night, but this morning/afternoon, they apparently reached their limit. I gave the human girls chicken and French fries for lunch. They ate in the den....accompanied by the corgi girls. Many bites must have been shared because not too much later the fur kids were losing ALL of the food… Continue

Added by Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna on February 26, 2012 at 6:38pm — 2 Comments

Can time just fast forward a little?

The more I am on this site the more i get excited about getting a Pembroke Welsh Corgi for myself! I have to wait until I graduate High School however and that is a whole 3 and 1/2 years away ): I'm glad I am looking into the breed now though so I am fully prepared for all their little quirks. Some people may think I am crazy for already planning 3 years ahead for what kind of dog I want but my dad said that I could get one when I graduate. This is even more exciting for me. I want to be a…


Added by Ciara & Macy on February 26, 2012 at 4:56pm — 2 Comments

Writing Heals

I decided that I would write an obituary for Stinky Wink, just as I would for any family member. It has been a great healing activity. I thought I would share it.

Morgan “Stinky Wink”

Hugh Owen Morgan of Cardiff, better known as Morgan “Stinky Wink” was born 27 May 2000 on a farm near Raymond, Illinois, to AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgi parents. In August 2000, he came to live with his human parents, Randy and Arlis DeJaynes of  Decatur, Illinois, brought there…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on February 26, 2012 at 11:04am — 4 Comments

Finally Microchipped

I have finally gotten the gang all microchipped!  I had written a few months ago that I didn't think I could afford it as I thought there was an annual fee attached to each chip and with three dogs, it was too much for me to pay.  Thanks everyone for setting me straight.  Another big thanks needs to go to a friend who gave me a heads up to a daily deal site that offered half price on microchipping through the local ASPCA.  I was able to get vouchers for all three dogs to get chips for…


Added by Cindi & Twinkie on February 25, 2012 at 6:19pm — 3 Comments

It's Been Two Months

   Well, it's been a little over two months since I got my first corgi, Avery. My intention was to find the perfect little companion, who would go with me wherever I went - especially to the barn.

   I'd have to say I ended up with everything I wanted, and then some! I'm finding it increasingly entertaining that, slowly but surely, I've noticed all of those…


Added by Emilie on February 25, 2012 at 10:45am — 9 Comments

Sunshine Helps

We have lots of sunshine this morning, and that helps in the grief management process. The past several days have been dark, which really tends to add to a gloomy attitude. I'm beginning to remember our routines together with happiness rather than loss. Usually I drive our "walk route" at least once a day because it's the only way out of our neighborhood. For a long time it bothered me because "walkies" was one of our favorite times together. But last night my wife and I decided to go to DQ…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on February 25, 2012 at 10:24am — 1 Comment

In Perspective

I think the ability to manage grief is very much connected to our ability to place situations in perspective. Last night I finally realized clearly that letting Stinky Wink go was not what was best for me, but for him. My reluctance to let him go was because I would be lonely. I would lose my best friend. I would hurt. But love can--and must--move beyond all those me-oriented feelings.When we can…


Added by Randy DeJaynes on February 24, 2012 at 12:28pm — 12 Comments

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