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Peaches is doing great, looks like she probably didn't eat a penny after all!

Peaches is doing great, looks like she probably didn't eat a penny after all!

I called the vet and he said to keep an eye out for the symptoms, but that usually it would just pass. Well I've been the worried parent and watching her every move for the past few days...and it seems like she is fine. Spunky as ever and eating tons of kibble at mealtimes.

Thank you to everyone who commented, it really made me feel like I'm not alone when things get scary. I really did appreciate the…


Added by Peaches and Pickles on November 19, 2010 at 2:35pm — 4 Comments

Post-Surgery, Day 1

Abb had her spay surgery yesterday, but you wouldn't know it. I'm having a hard time keeping her low-key, even with a sedative! The cone, i.e. lampshade, is a horrible thing. She doesn't have it on while we are up, she has left her incision site alone all day, I'm watching closely, She wasn't too happy wearing it to bed in her crate tho!

So, she is spayed, microchipped, tattooed, and the vet trimmed her nails and pulled the last few baby teeth - it was quite a day.

Added by Connie, Abby & PJ on November 19, 2010 at 2:10pm — 2 Comments

Doggie t-shirts

Can anyone help me with instructions on how to convert a people t-shirt into a doggie t-shirt. The owner of the day camp that Tasha goes to once or twice a week gave me one of their t-shirts when they gave Tasha her prize for winning their Halloween Costume Party.

I laundered it and it shrunk! I keep looking at it and thinking it would be cute on Tasha if I can figure out how to convert it somehow.....

Added by LouAnne Sassone & Tasha on November 18, 2010 at 8:04pm — 3 Comments

Curious case of the pukes

So Callie goes through phases where she will be perfectly fine, then she will throw up, then be fine again. How it usually goes is we get up, she runs around and begs for food, but doesn't eat the food just yet. Then she will play some more, pukes (twice), then goes off to eat her food. Then she carries through the day with no problems, only to repeat the thing the very next day. This will go on for a few days and then she will be fine for a week or so until it starts up again.

As… Continue

Added by Lusa on November 18, 2010 at 11:52am — 11 Comments

We passed Practical Obedience Class!

Sage did very well and the trainer actually said she did well! Sage

at 8 months old she still had puppy energy! We now can take her Canine Good Citizen test next May and at the same time she can test for therapy dog but that will be a different test! I never knew with these certificates(CGC) that we can get into areas that other dogs might not be allowed and with the therapy certificate we can even be on school grounds. She got to pick her new… Continue

Added by Jane Christensen on November 18, 2010 at 10:52am — 18 Comments

First Snow of the Season

We woke up to about 2 1/2" of snow this morning. The kids were so excited and went out to build a snowman before the bus came. The dogs are having mixed reactions lol. Molly and Taz are not so impressed with the cold wet stuff on the ground. KC was running around like a crazy dog this morning playing in it. And is now laying on the back of the couch staring out the big window at it. Hope everyone is staying safe as winter approaches.

Added by Laura Jones on November 18, 2010 at 10:23am — 4 Comments

Because...this Dog Nose

Dog Jokes...and never assume they aren't really laughing at us! Surely, the entertainment factor works both ways...especially with Corgis!

Added by Guinness & Rosie on November 17, 2010 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

Origins of the Corgi

The Corgi Legend

By Anne Biddlecombe

Would you know where corgis came from?

How they came to live with mortals?

On the…

Added by Paco Bird on November 16, 2010 at 11:00pm — 3 Comments

Peaches MIGHT have eaten a penny last night.

I am so worried! I know that the ones minted after 1987 have zinc in them and can kill a puppy if they aren't diagnosed. We found another penny sitting on the dog bed, and I don't know where it came from - were there more? I don't know.

I keep checking her gums and they are light pink, not white. No throwing up or lethargy. She's peeing and pooping okay. She is rambunctuous enough so I'm watching her closely. I do have to go to work, but I'll be home by 2:00. OH, this is awful! I…


Added by Peaches and Pickles on November 16, 2010 at 10:15am — 5 Comments

Les Schwab Tires Commercial - Corgi Sled Dogs

Added by Sam Tsang on November 16, 2010 at 12:00am — 9 Comments

Luna's Tummy Ache

Yesterday was a little difficult - it makes me very grateful as well that one of my best friends is a vet tech....

That being said - Luna LOVES to eat! I got her some NylaBone Healthy Edibles Lamb & Apple Flavor Chews for Puppies. They're supposed to be gentle for their digestive systems.... I guess not if they eat them in like 5 minutes, along with probably a great amount of air while she gobbled it down.

She got it - and the next thing I know there's a stub left, which… Continue

Added by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on November 15, 2010 at 6:00pm — 5 Comments

Week Two with Luna

I made Luna's available space in her crate a little smaller and set up an alarm for myself to go off at 12:00, 3:00, and 6:00 to take her out to prevent accidents in her crate. I chose an alarm sound that would prove, well, alarming enough to wake me from a deep sleep. I was a little worried how this would work, but knowing I am a light sleeper I wasn't too concerned with waking myself up - but rather with getting to Luna in time.

Luna did wonderfully though this whole week, we are at… Continue

Added by Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!) on November 15, 2010 at 5:25pm — 1 Comment

Corgi Faire in Dixon, CA yesterday

It looked to us like everyone and their Corgis had a great time yesterday. It was our first time and we must have had confused looks on our faces because everyone wanted to know if we were new corgi parents.The games were fun to watch.....Limbo (how low can your corgi go), bowling and Mummy which involved a whole roll of T.P. We entered the costume contest and Tasha won 4th place in the cutest catagory. She won a stuffed white llama and a rope like frisbee thing. She loves the llama and…


Added by LouAnne Sassone & Tasha on November 15, 2010 at 3:49pm — 2 Comments

Winter's Finally Arrived on the Prairies

Well, we held out as long as we could. Forecast for the upcoming week is snow and lows of -10 Celsius (that's about 14 Fahrenheit) with overnight lows of -20 (-4 Fahrenheit) with the wind chill. Winter’s a-coming.

My fall jackets got moved to the basement this weekend, and my snowpants came out of the closet.…


Added by Carla on November 14, 2010 at 11:48pm — 3 Comments

Ice Age & the corgi

Earlier tonight my husband dug out the dog treats to see if he could make friends with Molly. We only buy the Canine Carry Out brand because Her Royal Highness KC will only eat those kind. And I swear she knows the difference between those bags and any other bag of treats.
Anyhoo, KC of course knew that dad had treats and was going crazy and wouldn't let Molly get close enough to get a treat, not growling or being mean just was all over the place and Molly isn't as out going. So finally I…

Added by Laura Jones on November 14, 2010 at 11:09pm — 2 Comments

Sidney's FHO journey, 9 weeks after surgery

It's amazing to me the big changes in Sidney in the last couple of weeks. He's been able to walk a lot farther without stopping to rest and he's been just to happy! He has no problems now jumping up on the sofa or getting up on the bed with the help of a storage cube that gives him a step up.

He's been taking hydrotherapy for the past 6 weeks, and it has made his so strong...he's got such muscles. He used to hate the water, but now he takes to it willingly. He just had his final… Continue

Added by Geri & Sidney on November 14, 2010 at 9:30pm — 5 Comments

Pets, Bugs and Pest control

Well we had termites. I understand it common here but geesh. We called Truly Nolan to get rid of them. They say it is non-toxic to pets. We are lucky to have caught them early. We didn't have to have house tented so glad of that. Sadly we lost 50 books from our book collection. We have been collecting over 30 years and have over 2000 books. Yea thats a lot. Gwenie was cute she growled at the ruined books that had bugs in them. We hovered… Continue

Added by Kitty Kirwin on November 14, 2010 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Hell of a year

Good things that happened this year;

1. Gainful employment

2. Met fiance.

3. Many many trips all over the northwest and to Las Vegas.

4. Rejoined burlesque troupe.

5 Moved into proper house with a yard.

Bad things;

1. Car broken into and purse and laptop stolen.

2 Identity stolen.

3. Later, car itself stolen.

4. Friend passed from cancer.

5. Aunt's cancer is terminal.

6. House doesn't allow…


Added by Chae and Ponyo on November 14, 2010 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

My corgi doesn't look both ways....

How can I keep my corgi from running right into the street if he's ever loose? He escaped out the front door twice and ran right into the street and into the path of oncoming cars. I don't live on a busy street, but it only takes one car for an accident to happen. :( How can I get him to move out of the way of traffic?

Added by Mr. Bingley on November 14, 2010 at 1:06pm — 10 Comments

Molly's Life at Rose Cottage 11-13-2010

This morning we went out to find the yard was completely white and cold and something fluffy and sparkly was coming down from the sky. It crunched beneath my paws and when I lifted them, they were sparkly and kind of wet. Lily just walked in her usual way but I could see her paw prints behind her. She went out to her usual spot as if nothing was different. I tried to jump from paw print to paw print but her gait was longer and I ended up with a face…


Added by Molly & Linda on November 13, 2010 at 7:37pm — 3 Comments

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